Status: Working on the ending. Patience is key....

Put my Heart on Your Sleeve and Wear it All Over Town


"Oh my God."

I stood in front of the TV, facing all my friends, holding hands with John.


"I can't believe it."

"When did this happen?"

"How come we didn't know you guys were dating?"

We waited for everyone to finish flinging questions at us and answered whichever ones we could.

"It happened in June. We weren't dating at the time it happened."

"So, how far along are you?" Garrett asked.

"Three months since the thirteenth. So I guess I'm four months now."


"Did you two know about this?!" Pat asked Kennedy and Sydney.


"Well I'm allowed to know cause I'm her best girl friend. And Kenny knows cause he's the room mate so he has to be in the loop."

"Yeah, what she said." Kennedy agreed.

"What are you guys gonna do?"

"What do you think we'll do?"

"Uh, get married?"

"Ha, not quite. Maybe we should date first before we get married."

"Maybe you should get married before you have a baby." Garrett mumbled. I had to laugh at the look on his face.

"Okay, you got me there. Now, excuse me. I have to pee."

Everyone stayed over for pizza and a movie. It was fun to hang out with all my friends and having everything out in the open. I fell asleep sitting on the couch with John's arms wrapped around me.

When I woke up I was in my bed with my pajamas on. "What the?" I groaned as I sat up. Sydney looked over at me. She was reading a magazine in her bed. "He carried you in here. I objected to him changing you, but he made a good point when he reminded me that he'd already seen you, ya know, minus your clothes." She made her face into a grossed expression.

I laughed at her, "What was that face for?"

"I'm still trying to get used to the whole concept of you and him, and when I was setting it up it was different. Cause it was just the idea of you guys together, you weren't really together."

"Okay, okay." I laughed "I underst-" I paused. My stomach was churning.


I held up my hand telling her to hold on. I threw the blankets back and ran to the bathroom with my hand covering my mouth. I went right into the bathroom and straight to the toilet. I bent over and removed my hand.

"Ugh. Ew."

"Gaby? Are you okay?"

"Is someone making... fish?"

"I think Kennedy is making Tuna for lunch."

"Ugh." I clutched my stomach and sat up against the wall. "Please open the windows or turn on the fans. Something to get rid of the smell. Its making me sick."

"Okay. I'll be right back." She walked into the hallway. "Hey! Open the windows! You're food is making Gaby sick!"

"Gee, thanks."


"John is probably gonna over react. And-" Before I could finish he was behind Sydney in the hall.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I'm fine. It's just the smell, it's making me sick. But its passing don't worry." I went to get up and John was right there helping me up. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

"Are you hungry?"

"No, I'm fine. I'll just wait till -"

"If you're hungry you should rally eat something."

"Well I guess I'll just eat some cereal."

"Okay. I'll go get it for you."

"Uh, alright." He walked out of the bathroom and I looked at Sydney.

"What was that?" She asked, stunned.

"I think that was him helping. Oh, I have class, crap! I need to go get ready." I got ready and went to the kitchen. "Do we have any more Nutrigran bars?I forgot I had class and I have to go."

"You should eat real food."

"I'm okay, John. I have to go. Bye." I grabbed a breakfast bar and a water bottle, then went out the door.
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