Status: Working on the ending. Patience is key....

Put my Heart on Your Sleeve and Wear it All Over Town

You're Getting Huge

"Damn Gaby, you're getting huge!" Garrett commented. I blushed and tried to shrink into the couch. Rachael, who was sitting next to him, smacked his arm with the back of her hand. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Don't say that. She has no control over what's happening."

"Thank you." I said, smiling greatfully at her and straightening up a little bit.

"You're very welcome."

"Who's hungry? Other than Gabrielle?" Kennedy asked while walking towards the kitchen.

I stuck my tongue out at him. Like Rachael said, I couldn't help it. I was eating for three!, and that's a lot. The kids ate like their dad, bottomless pits when it came to food. "Can someone help me up? I got to pee so bad."

Sydney laughed at me. "I'll help." she walked over and pulled me up from the couch, laughing the entire time.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny. I can't wait to see you pregnant, and I'll be skinny again. Then I'll be the one pulling your fat ass up off the couch."

"Okay, can't wait. You sure you're gonna be able to pull me up?"

"Yes. I will. And then you'll be the miserable one who is fat and can't see your feet."

She laughed harder and everyone else joined. "It's not funny." I mumbled under my breath.

"Oh come on Gaby. Spare us the mood swings. You're fine."

"Gee you're nice. And I can't help the whole mood swings thing."

"It's called tough love. You'll be fine."

"Sure sure." When I was done I went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hungry again?" John asked from behind me.

"Yes, I am. And it's your fault."

"Whaaat? How does that work?"

"Uh, you did this," I said wrapping my hands around my belly, "to me. Meaning you contributed to my major appetite increase."

"Sorry. Couldn't help myself." He joked as heattempted to wrapped his arms around my big waist.

"Very funny. Why does everyone like to make fun of the pregnant girl?"

"It's not intentional, love. You're just an easy target." He kissed my forehead. "You'll be okay. Just, what?, one more month?"

"Yeah, then instead of being huge there'll be two crying, screaming, pooping babies. That'll require a lot of attention."

"Okay, but you won't be huge, which I don't think you are to begin with."

"Hah. Nice save. Still, I don't know if I'm ready yet. For the babies or any of it. I mean I want them to come, don't get me wrong, I really do. I'm just... scared, shit less."

"Hm, me too, since we're being brutally honest. Did I tell you my,well, our good news?"

"Uh, I'm gonna say no."

"We got booked."

"Really? That's awesome! Where is it at? When is it?"

"Well, it's in three months, and it's more than just one gig."

"Okay. How many?"

"We're opening for Justin's band, Brighten, and it's a... tour."

I pulled out of his hug to look at his face. "Tour? So, what? I'm supposed to raise the twins on my own? I can't do that. And, and I can't have Sydney take it on as her responsibility and-" I started hyperventilating.

"Gaby, Gaby. Breathe. You're not going to raise them on your own. It's only a ten show tour on the east coast, nothing big. We'll be gone a month, two tops. And you're right. It's, not Sydney's responsibility, but you know she'll help you and so will Rachael. I'll be back as soon as I can. Besides, I'm not leaving for another three months."

He hugged me again. I started to silently sob, tears staining his shirt. Damn hormones, I thought for the millionth time since I found out I was pregnant.

"I know, I know. I'm just worried. I'm sorry. I can't believe I'm coming apart like this."

"It'll be alright. You'll see." He told me.

All I could do was nod my head. If I was scared before I was terrified now. His career was taking off at the worst time possible. He would be gone touring, and I'd be here at home with his kids. For some reason I felt like I was getting the short end of the stick.
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