Status: Working on the ending. Patience is key....

Put my Heart on Your Sleeve and Wear it All Over Town


Ow. Ow ow ow ow ow. I wouldn't scream cause that would only hurt him. I let out a deep breath.

"Very good Gabrielle. That was a short one. I'll be back for the next one." The nurse said, obviously referring to the contractions.

"Sure sure. Can I get some ice or a wet cloth or something?"

"I'll get it." John said.

"No no! Stay with me?"

"Okay, I'll stay."

I was in pain, a lot of pain, and I didn't want to be alone. "Is Sydney here yet?"

"No, her and Kennedy are on their way. It's cool, don't worry." I nodded.The nurse came back with a cup of ice and a damp cloth. Then left.

After about a half hour Kenny and Sydney were there. "Damn, you look like shit." Syd commented.

"Ha, thanks. I feel like shit. Mental note-no more kids. Two, at one time none the less, is enough. For now at least."

"Okay. I'll remind you the next time I see you sneaking off with one of your friends when you're drunk and probably don't have protection." We kept up small talk for another thirty to forty five minutes. Here comes another one. I took a deep breath and held it for ten seconds.

The nurse came in when she heard the machine's beeping increased. "Good job. Again, I'll be right outside."

It continued like this for what felt likeforeverhours. Though in reality it was probably only like two hours. The nurse moved me into a room with tacky flowered wallpaper. Then, after another thirty minutes of excruciating pain I finally heard the doctor say, "Congratulations it's a boy. Now for Baby B." Another ten minutes of pain the doctor said, "Congratulations it's a baby girl." I sighed in relief and let my head hit the pillow. I looked at John, who was standing next to me, and he was smiling a new smile I had never seen before. He was grinning from ear to ear, and all I could do was mimic him.

"Would you like to hold you babies?"

"Yes, of course."

They handed me the little girl, who was swaddled in a soft, dusty pink blanket with a matching beanie, and John was handed the little boy, who was swaddled in a light, pale blue blanket with a matching beanie. "Wow. They're so little."

"Yeah." Was all I could manage to say. I felt like if I said anything else it would ruin the feeling of this moment, this was the beginning of something completely new and unknown, and I was taking it with my best guy friend.

Sydney and Kennedy came into the room after a few minutes. "Oh, Gaby. They're adorable! Yet, again, you look like shit." She added laughing.

"Hey, it's not my fault. You've been here most of the time. You know how long I was went through this whole thing."

"I know. I was just joking."

"What are you guys gonna name 'em?" Kennedy interjected.

"Uh, well I have a name for the boy in mind." I looked at John.

He laughed.


"I have a name in mind for the girl. SO you go first."

"I was thinking John Cornelius O'Callaghan the sixth. Can't let a good name die. What do you guys think?" He grinned at my suggestion, obviously agreeing.

"Aw, are you sure you don't want to name him Kennedy?" Kenny asked from across the room.

"We're sure."

"Okay, so John what were you thinking for the girl?"

"I was thinking- Lily Gabrielle."

I looked at Sydney, who was as stunned as I was, and then I looked at John. "Wow. That's really pretty! How did you come up with that?"

"Well I already knew that I wanted to have your name as either a first or middle name if we had a little girl. So I called Zoe and asked her what kind of names you liked when you were little. I told her I was thinking of getting you a puppy or something. She bought it. And, so, the outcome was that- Lily Gabrielle."

"I love it. I love them both."

"I still think you should name him Kennedy."

"And her Sydney."

"We'll save those for our next set of twins."

"Okay, deal."

"Is anyone else coming today?"

"Uh, no. We told them to come tomorrow so you could get some rest. Speaking of which, let's put them to sleep and you also."

"Damn looks who's parental side is already coming out." Sydney commented.

"Hey! No knocking on my baby daddy." I added laughing.

They joined in. "Maybe you should get some sleep Gaby. I mean you like had two babies today. That's more than what some people have in a lifetime. That definitely deserves a nap."

"Thanks." I handed Lily to Sydney to put into the crib. "I'm gonna take you guys up on your offer. I'm really tired. I'll talk to y'all later."


"Bye Gabrielle. See ya later. Bye little babies who should have been named Kennedy-"

"And Sydney."

"Get out of my room." I threw a pillow at the door Sydney and Kenny were walking out of.

"Later!" I closed my eyes and almost immediately fell asleep.
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