Status: Working on the ending. Patience is key....

Put my Heart on Your Sleeve and Wear it All Over Town


I was dreaming about John. It was about two weeks ago, a few days before he left. We were sitting on the bed with the twins.

I'm gonna miss you so much.

I'm going to miss you too. I hope they don't get too big while I'm gone.

They probably will.

I know, and I'm sorry I'll miss it. You'll just have to send me pictures often.

Yeah, I guess. What about school? Are you just dropping out now?

I have to. I can't be gone for two months and be able to
not fail a class.

So, yes. Everyone else? They're dropping out too?

Mmhm. That's what they've chose.

How am I supposed to do this alone? Do you have any idea what I'l be going through?

No. And again, I'm sorry. But I'm gonna hurry back to you. And Lily and Johnathan. On a side note, we finished our home demo, with the new songs on it. We made some specially for you girls. You should listen to it, but not until after I leave. Promise me?

Okay, I promise. I'm excited to hear it now.

I think its pretty good. I wrote most of the lyrics.

I figured you would. You were always writing in that notebook since you found out you guys were going on tour.

Ha ha, yeah. I have, haven't I?


I awoke at the sound of someone knocking while opening my door. "Come on lazy. Get up."

"No, leave me alone to rot."

"Come on mama, you got kids to tend to. They need their you since their daddy is on leave."

"Syd, leave me alone. Close the door on your way out."

"Okay, you know what? Rae?! Come in here, bring in the reinforcements."

Rachael, Lauren, and Tessa came into the room. "We're taking you out into the sun." Rachael said as Lauren walked over to the windows and opened the blinds.

"Nooooo!" I groaned as I pulled the blankets over my head.


"Why are you doing this to me?!"

"Because you need to get some fresh air."

"Well what about Lily and Johnathan? Are we supposed to take them with us? OR leave them home alone?"

"How about a babysitter?"

"No! Uh-uh. No way am I leaving them with some random stranger."

"Are you done talking?"

"I think so."

"Alright, good. Well how about its not some random stranger. Tim and Ashley said they'd help us by babysitting the twins. They're out there in thr front room with em now. So get up and get dressed."

"Guys. I can't. I just... I just want to stay here and mope. So please? Let me wallow in self pity."

"Nope. You're a mom, you're supposed to be selfless not selfish."


"Plus you still have to listen to your CD The Maine made you." She pulled out a jewel case with a picture on the front. The design was the frame of a face with long blond hair, and full pink lips. With pink, blue and yellow swirls framing the outside of the case. The lips have a conversation bubble that said 'The Way We Talk'.

"Wow, they put a lot of work into this didn't they?"

"Yeah, they did."

"Why don't we leave you to get ready and you can listen to your CD." Lauren tacked on to what Rachael said.

"Alright thanks."
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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. My heart just hasn't been in it... But I'm all better now (: