Status: Working on the ending. Patience is key....

Put my Heart on Your Sleeve and Wear it All Over Town


"Hello sweetheart! How are you?"

"Uh, good Mom. What's up? Is everything okay? Why are calling?"

"Everything's fine! What, do I need a reason to call my eldest child?"

"No. It's just that we haven't talked in a long time. Like since right after you guys moved..."

"I know and I apologize for that, but I'm gonna get right to the point, we need a favor sweetie."

Great, I thought. " What's up Mama?"

"Can Zoe come stay with you? We're going on vacation next week and-"

I cut her off, " No Mom, that just won't work."

"And why not?"

"Well 1 I have room mates, they have to say that its okay. Its their house too. 2 I'm going out of town half that week."

"Well I'm sorry honey but you're going to have to cancel."

"Can't she stay with a friend?"

"No, I wouldn't put her off on someone like that."

"Wha-? Mom, that's what you're doing to me!"

"Gabrielle I'm sorry that you have to cancel you plans but you're her sister, don't you want to see her?, and you're the closest family member so get your place cleaned because we'll be there soon. Sunday to be exact. Besides, we already told Zoe that she's staying with you..."


"I'm sorry honey but that's final. Goodbye darling. See you Sunday."

"Bye." I grumbled into the phone.

"What was that all about?"

"I'll tell you all about it., I'm gonna die." I walked over and laid down on the couch, then covered my face with a pillow. Sydney came back holding Johnathan.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, I'm just going to die. No big deal." She turned to Kennedy and repeated the question again for his benefit.

"Apparently someone is coming to stay here and now she's freakin' out."

"Whose coming?"

"Zoe. My parents are dropping her off here..."



"So, what's the big deal?" Kenny asked from the kitchen, he picked up my place making pancakes. Then John walked in.

"The 'big deal' is that Gaby never said anything to her parents or Zoe. So now they're gonna find out."

"What's going on?" John asked from the mouth of the hall.

"I'm gonna die so you have to find a new girlfriend to mother your kids."

"What are you talking about?"

"I never told my parents or sister about Lily and Johnathan."


"Yeah, and now Zoe is coming over, via my parents, to stay over for a week. She's getting dropped off on Sunday. What am I supposed to do?" I let my head fall back on th couch.

"Just tell em."

" 'Just them em' ?! Did you 'just tell' your parents? Mine are gonna flip! Especially since I had at least nine months to tell them. My mom is gonna slaughter me."

"No she won't. No I have not told them yet, either. What if I get my parents and we tell them at the same time?"

I processed that for a second. "That might work."


"What do you guys think?"

"I think you should've used protection." Kennedy said as Sydney nodded in agreement.

"And I think you're both being ass holes. Now, seriously."I added, my voice razorblades.

"Go for it." Kenny said.

"It's worth a try." Sydney added.

"Okay." I got up and walked over to John. "If we die, I just wanted to let you know that I love you. And you're the most amazing kisser." I added with a laugh.

"I love you too." He pulled me into a hug. "And you're not so bad yourself." I looked up and kissed his cheek then his lips.

"Okay. Now I need to finish making breakfast."
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Almost done...