Status: Working on the ending. Patience is key....

Put my Heart on Your Sleeve and Wear it All Over Town

Good Morning

The light flooded the room through the blinds so when I opened my eyes it added to the pounding headache from the hang over. This was the second day in a row that I woke up in Eric's house, this time: his bedroom.

I rolled over, completely disoriented. I hit someone and screamed, "Oh my God! You scared me!" John had woken up next to me.

"Sorry." He groans. "Wait, what the hell?!" He jumped out of the bed, holding the blanket around him.

Oh my damn. He gets hotter and hotter every time I see him.

I pulled the blankets up so they would cover me. "What's going on?" I think I have a good idea but I was in shock and couldn't get my mind to function.

"I have no ide- well I do have an idea I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around it."

"Yeah. Me too. Can you, uh, can you hand me my clothes? Please?"

"Yeah, sure, sure. Here ya go." He said as he tossed my clothes onto the bed.

"Thanks." I slipped on my jeans and shirt then got out of the bed. I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm gonna go... downstairs."

I practically ran downstairs to the kitchen. Most of the party was still here, asleep and sprawled out on the floor and furniture.

"Where were you?" Sydney asked from her spot at the island.

"Who? Me? I was, um, nowhere. I'll tell you later. Like when we get back to our houses."

"Oh my God! Who did you sleep with?!"

"What?! No one."

"come on you little hooch." She teased.

"I'll tell you later. If I remember what happened, it's kinda blurry right now."

"Okay. But I'm gonna bug you until I know what happened."

"I'll count on it. Is there any food in this house?"

"Leftover pizza."

"Ugh. I'm just going to clean up the mess."

"Why? You don't have to clean up after the pigs."

Just as Sydney finished her sentence John stumbled into the room.

"Er. Um, I'm gonna go outside. I need some fresh air. My head is kinda dizzy."

Sydney glance from me to John, then back to me. "Ill go with you."

"Okay." I tried everything not to run out of the room.

"You did not sleep with John!" She exclaimed as soon as we were safe outside. "I didn't see that one coming."

"Shush! Someone might hear you!" I swallowed convulsively.

"Oh my Gaskarth! I can't believe you, ya know, with John. Didn't you use to have a crush on him? I bet its more than a crush now."

I nodded and then grinned sheepishly. "you know me too well." I still didn't make eye contact.


"What am I supposed to do? We've been friends for such a long time. This is kinda, sorta, going to complicate things."

"Naw you think? Maybe if you forget it happened or don't mention it nothing will be weird."

"That's a lot easier said than done."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because once you see John the way I did it's kinda hard to forget."

"Oh. So you'd rather dwell on what he looks like naked instead of being friends."

"Let me... reword this. Last night was- unforgettable."

"Really? He doesn't look like he'd-" I cut her off.

"Well he is, was, is. Uh. All I know is the image and every single bit of last night is etched into my mind. But I'm worried because even though I had some drinks last night I was aware the whole time."

"This is going to be complicated."

"You're tellin' me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Bow-Chica-Wow-Wow ;)