Status: Working on the ending. Patience is key....

Put my Heart on Your Sleeve and Wear it All Over Town

John's Point of View

I woke up and stretched, keeping my eyes closed. I was about to fall back asleep when someone rolled over on me.

"Gah! Oh my God! You scared, me!" I heard a voice say. I immediately knew it was Gabrielle.

"Sorry. Wait, what the hell?!" I jumped out of the bed and pulled a blanket with me so I would be covered. She sat up, still in the bed, with the covers over her.

"What's going on?" She looked as freaked out as I felt.

"I have no ide- well I do have an idea. I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around it."

"Yeah, me too. Can you, uh, can you hand me my clothes? Please?" She blushed with embarrassment.

"Yeah. Sure sure." I bent over and picked up her jeans and neon green tee shirt and tossed them on the bed.

"Thanks." She slipped on her clothes and got out of the bed. Then she ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm gonna go... downstairs." And hurried out of the room. I heaved a sigh and pulled on my clothes.

I sat back down on the bed to make the room stop spinning. Between the hangover and the wake up call I couldn't think straight. My phone rang from my jeans. I took it out to read the text. It was from Eric- Dude, where are you? Have you seen Gaby? It was from a little after midnight. I thought back to that frame of time and realized I was a little... busy then.

I shook my head trying to clear it. How did we get here? Where did we start any of what happened between Gaby and me? I searched my head trying to remember the previous night's agenda. There was drinking games, talking, truth or dare- bingo. That's what happened. But it was just a kiss. A really really good kiss. Gaby must have been hammered to have done that. She also was one that grabbed my hand and lead me up here. What the hell was she thinking? I have to talk to her about this. Maybe nothing happened. No, something happened. I could tell.

What were we going to do? Would this make stuff weird between us? Probably, I thought, answering my own question. Damn. I needed to talk to someone. Not Garrett, not Pat, definitely not Peter. Kennedy? Yeah. He'd probably be the most mature about it.

I decided to go find him. I walked down the stairs toward the kitchen and heard Gabrielle and Sydney talking. I stopped to listen.

"Come on you little hooch." Sydney said.

"I'll tell you later. If I remember what happened. It's kinda blurry right now."

"Okay. But I'm gonna bug you until I know what happened."

"I'll count on it. Is there any food in this house?"

"Left over pizza."

"Ugh. I'm just going to clean up the mess."

"Why? You don't have to clean up after the pigs."

I came down the rest of the stairs then.

"Er. I'm, uh, gonna go outside. I need some fresh air. My head is kinda dizzy." Gaby said, I think she meant it towards Sydney. Yep I thought things will definitely be weird between us.

Sydney looked at her, then at me, and back at Gaby. "I'll go with you."

"Okay." And they were gone.

"What was that about?" Kennedy asked me.

"Uh. I need to talk to you. But in confidence, you can't tell anyone.

"Okay shoot."

"I slept with Gabrielle."

"What?! How'd that happen?"

"I'm not exactly sure what started it."

"Whew. Uh. I don't know what to say."

"Me neither. I'm afraid this'll ruin our friendship."

"Friendship? Dude, once you see a friend, whose a girl, with no clothes I think you'll never be friends again." He had a point. I couldn't get her out of my head. It was maddening.

"What can I do?"

"I guess just try and pretend it never happened."

I nodded, but I knew I couldn't forget. The night I'd spent with my best, girl friend in my arms was forever branded into my head. And I didn't want it to leave.
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Changing it up a bit :)