Status: Working on the ending. Patience is key....

Put my Heart on Your Sleeve and Wear it All Over Town

Last Day of High School

The next day at school I avoided everyone of my guy friends. I didn't want to know if they were aware of what happened between John and me. I was at my locker when someone came up to me. Of course it was John. Here goes nothing.

"What do you want John?" I asked flatly.

"Can we,uh, talk?"

"Nows not really the time." I looked around." Or the place."

"Please Gaby? Just hear me out. I'm sorry. I really am."

"I'm not."


"We really didn't have any control over what was happening, we were drunk remember? Let's just forget it and move on."

"Uh. Okay. Good idea."

"I'm gonna be late. Bye John."

"Bye." I walked away leaving him baffled.


"Hey Sydney." She looked like she had a secret. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Look, Kenny and I were talking and apparently he knows."

"He knows?!" I was caught off guard.

"Yeah. John talked to him about it."

"What did they say?"

"John told him that- well you know, obviously. And Kenny told John just to pretend it never happened. So you could try to still be friends. But I don't understand. I mean you like him. Why don't you two date cause apparently he likes you."

"I already talked to John. I told him forget about it and move on."

"What?! Why?"

"Because he's just my friend and I've accepted that. We'll never be more than that. So let's let bygones be bygones."

"1. Bygones- what the hell is that? 2. You're missing out."

"No, I'm not. Look I need help with getting ready to move. Can you come over and help?"

"Yeah. I guess I can do that."


Class took forever, mostly because today was our last day of school. I should be so excited. Never again would I have to come to this school and see these teachers. So you can understand how ready I was for the day to be over. Somewhere between the tardy bell ringing, starting class, and my teacher's lame speech/ lecture about responsibilities and adulthood I passed out.

"Gaby! Gaby!" Sydney was whispering and shaking my. "Wake up, please? So we can get out of here as soon as the bell rings."

"No, leave me alone." I groaned.

"Wake up you retard. You can sleep when you're old or dead."

"Sure, sure." I closed my eyes again trying to go back to sleep.

"Come on, mon ami. Wake up."

"Okay, I'm up, I'm up."

"Thank you. Now can I get the details I never got about what happened Saturday."

"Uh, well what do you want to know?"

"Everything- well almost everything."

"The whole truth or dare thing set it off. I was going to do anything big but then when he held my face as he kissed me I knew it was over. I got the game started again so I could slip away. I took his hand, lead him upstairs and the rest is history."

"Wow. That's all?"


"You totally knew what you were doing!"

"I took advantage of the situation." I grinned. "I honestly didn't know it would go so far."

"Uh huh. Sure you didn't."

"I didn't!"


"YES! Let's go!"

"You don't have to tell me twice." We ran out of the classroom so fast that we left a trail of papers behind us.
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I'm almost done writing the whole story-I'm excited with how it's going to end :)