Status: Working on the ending. Patience is key....

Put my Heart on Your Sleeve and Wear it All Over Town

Downtown Apartment

"Okay, I think that's everything." I put the last box into my new, used truck.

"Love ya Gab. Take care of yourself kid."

"Bye, love you too Dad. Goodbye Momma Dukes. I love you."

"Bye Gabrielle. Please take good care of yourself." It was ironic. The year I leave for college my parents decide to move to California. So in some ways I was more lucky then I bargained for. I thought my parents would always be coming over, hanging out at my apartment downtown. My apartment I was sharing with Sydney, Kennedy, and, of course, John. This was going to be- interesting to say the least.

"Bye Zoe. Love you." I was going to miss my sister. She was my only other real girl friend.

"Bye Gabriel." I teared up a little at my nickname from her.

"You'll have to come visit when everythings settled."

"Sounds fun, can't wait."

"Okay. I'm gonna go. Bye everyone. Love you." I waved out the window once I was in my truck and had it started.

It took exactly 23 minutes to get to my new house. And with Kenny's and Sydney's help it took 20 minutes to get all my stuff upstairs.

"How long do you think it'll take to unpack?"

"Not too long. It's just your clothes." Sydney reassured me. I was not looking forward to unpacking.

"True. Thanks. First things first- a toast. To new adventures." I held up my Coke Zero to hit Kenny's Coke and Sydney's Cherry Coke Zero. The door opened and John walked in.

"Hey guys. What up?"

"Nothing. Just welcoming Gaby into the house. A small house warming party." Kennedy grinned.

"How come I wasn't invited?" John asked with false offense.

"Sorry. John will you help us welcome Gabrielle to the apartment?"

"Sure. I don't have anything better to do." He said laughing.

"Ha ha. you're so funny. I'm so happy that I'm so important to you." I said flatly.

"You are important to me Gaby." He said so sincerely I forgot what I was thinking.

"I'm gonna go unpack. I feel very welcomed, thanks."

"I'll help you." Sydney called after me.

"That was-" Kennedy started.

"I know. What was I thinking saying that? She doesn't think of me that way."

"Duh. Just let it go dude. Let it go..."

"You're right."

"Oh my God." Sydney said as she as she walked into our room.


"You are so stupid."

"What? How?" This caught me off guard.

"I was just listening to Kenny and John talking and John said, and I quote, 'She doesn't think of me that way.' Can you believe?"

"Believe what?"

"Damn you're oblivious. He likes you. A lot."

"No, he doesn't."

"How do you know this?" She asked as she folded her arms across her chest .

"Because we dated for awhile and he broke up with me!" I screamed in frustration.

"What? When did this happen? And how come I didn't know about it?"

I shrugged, trying not to make a big deal about it. Even though it was too late. "We dated in summer of sophomore year. It was for, like, 3 weeks. And we didn't tell anyone because unless we were sure we would continue dating we didn't want anyone to know."

"Wow. I don't know what to say."

"I'm sorry. I really did want to tell you but he made a good point."

"What was?"

"We didn't want everyone to feel awkward if it didn't work out. So we kept it to our selves and left it up to just us."

"That's lame."

"What is?"

"The whole situation. It's so... epic."


"You guys are meant to be together, fer sure."

"Ha. I don't think so."

"Well I know so. And I'll make it happen. Watch me." She grinned and walked out of the room before I could stop her. I didn't like where this was going.
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