Status: Working on the ending. Patience is key....

Put my Heart on Your Sleeve and Wear it All Over Town

They'll Never Wash the Sand From My Feet

"Come on. We're gonna be late." Sydney called from the front door. It was our last day of summer and everything was going to be perfect. We were all going to the beach. Kinda like we were going out with a bang.

I looked in the tall mirror again. My swim suit was fitting weird, it was tight on the bottoms but not the top. "Whatever." I said to myself as I pulled on my denim shorts and tank top. "Coming!" And I was at the door in seconds.


"Yeah yeah yeah. Let's just go."

We drove over to Garrett's to meet with everyone and separate into the cars, then leave from there.

"Hey Gaby, hey Sydney." Pat said running up to us.

"Hi Pat." I smiled at him. He was always so happy, it was infectious.

"Who are you guys riding with?"

"Well Gabrielle is riding with John. I'm gonna ride with Kenny."

"Okay." He looked at me as to say 'What's up with her?'. So I shrugged.

"Let's go Gaby. Don't want to lose your spot with John." I grimaced. She had been doing things like this all Summer. Trying to push us together. It just wasn't working, it wasn't like that for us. It never would be...

I walked over with Sydney,well dragged is more like it, to John's truck.

"Are you guys riding with me?"

"Nope. Just Gabrielle."

"Okay. You ready to go?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure."

Max rode with us so I had to sit in between them, being skinnier than Max. I sat staring out the window. I only answered the occasional questions or added a comment when I thought was necessary.

"Why are you so quiet Gaby? You're usually talking all the time." Max commented.

I shrugged, "Don't know. I guess I'm saving all my energy for the beach." I laughed.

"They laughed. "Okay sure."

We got there a little after everyone else, mostly because of John's ancient truck, but as soon as we got there I ran to my friends. I put my stuff down. "What are you waiting for? Why aren't you in the water?"

"We were waiting for you." Sydney answered from her towel.

"Okay, well here I am. Let's go." I leaned over and pulled her up.

"Wait, wait. Don't you want to tan a little while?"

"No. Now can we go please? We can tan at home, but we can't swim in the ocean there."

She heaved a sigh. "Okay okay. Come on, you're coming with us Rachael." She leaned over and pulled her up off her towel.


"You're coming too!"

We were first down to the water and all the guys followed after us. We probably stayed in the water for an hour. I stifled a yawn.

"What was that?" Garrett asked, since he was sitting next to me.

"What do you think? I'm tired. I'm gonna go in for a little bit."

Sydney and Rachael followed behind me. Rachael is Garrett's girlfriend. She is awesome and was one of my good friends, one of my only girl friends. We got back to our towels and decided to lay out. I ended up falling asleep for half an hour and had a weird dream. Well it was more of a flashback, like reliving the night at Eric's that I spent with John. Then I woke up because some one was dripping cold, salty ocean water on my stomach. "Hey! Take your dripping self somewhere else."

Everyone laughed at me so I turned over onto my stomach and closed my eyes again.

"Come on Gaby, we're going to go for a walk."

"That's great, but I'm sleeping. Leave me alone."

"I'm not going either." Rachael told them.

"Me either."

"Aw, you guys suck. Just come with us."

"You'll be alright. Just go for your romantic walk on the beach." Sydney told no one in particular.

"No. Leave us alone to tan."

"Fine. We'll see you later." The walked away and I looked up to see which direction they were walking.

"You guys want to go down to the water?"

"Naw, I'm good."

"Me too."

I sighed, "Okay." I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filling in the spaces.
I'm almost done with the WHOLE story!!
Comments please?