Sequel: Gone


The Beginning

I wondered, "Why me?", as I perched on the giant rock that was looming over the large cliff.

Why did I have to be the different one. Not that different was always bad. In my case it was. Being a human being with inhumane powers was not exactly the kind of different I was hoping for.

My body and soul were transformed in when I found out that I had almost every power in the book. I was too powerful.

You hear of the stories about superheroes like Spiderman or Superman. To me, I'd rather have their powers than my own. One would be just fine. Even two would be alright with me. But, almost every power imaginable makes you pretty dangerous.

The change started when I was shot in the chest during a robbery. I was getting my bills paid at the local bank and that's when three men in ski masks came in holding guns and bags. They shoved past me and told me to get down on the ground. I refused. And, I was shot.

I was almost certain that I was dead for more than three minutes. The men had hauled me out of the bank, with their money, and dumped me on the side of the road. I was dead when they did this. They wanted to hide the evidence.

When I woke up, I was covered in blood. But, there was no wound. No bullet hole. No scratches from being thrown from the automobile. I found the bullet on the ground next to me. That's how I found out it was all real. Not a dream. I had died and my body healed itself.

I have seen people in movies and television who could regenerate. On one of my favorite shows HEROES, there was a girl around my age named Claire. We had a lot in common. We were both in the same age zone. I was older. She was 16 or 17 and I was 23. But, we could both heal.

The uncommon things about us was that she was an actress making money and I was a freak of nature not knowing what to do.

I had encountered several other incidents which made me find more powers. As I found more, I became more frightened of myself. When, I finally came to realize that I had all of the powers I was supposed to have, I began to avoid people. Not, doing anything with the human beings that used to be just like me. But, those days were over.

If I got too close to any human, I would go ravenous. You could say I was a vampire. Although I really didn't know what I was. I didn't know what to do.

I have been living in a house far away from humanity. Hidden in the woods surrounded by animals I could hunt and not have anyone find out.

Occasionally, if I felt strong enough, I would go into the city and pay bills or visit my friends. My friends didn't ask anymore than am I busy during the weekend. My answer was always, "Yes. I have to write a paper that is going to be long." or "Yes. I am making a new science project."

They never argued because they knew that my work was important. My work was normally creating new devices for my self so I could contain my powers or I would simply research my abilities.

It happened to be that I didn't actually have every power. I couldn't fly, which satisfied me. I also wasn't entirely dangerous. Some stories say people explode or have lightening or fire or sometimes ice coming out of their hand. I didn't have that.

Some powers I did have were speed, strength, sight, super hearing, vertical ascension, smell, inhumane reflexes, and I could move things with my mind. I did have more but, I controlled them enough to not even realize they were there.

Now, I could control myself. I could go around people and not attack them. It made me use a lot of energy but, it was worth it. I reminded myself so much of the Cullen's. It was weird.

It would seem either cool or completely freaky to people so, I never told anyone. I always wondered if I was the only one. I wanted to be with someone who would understand. Someone who knew what I was feeling. My challenge was to look for that someone. So, I could feel a little more normal.