Sequel: Light Years Away
Status: Active. Comment and Subscribe! I update FREQUENTLY

Emerald Eyes


He sweet talks your heart, and it melted. He invited himself over, and you gladly accept. He knocked on the door, and you could felt your heart skip a beat.

Your knees went weak as you walked towards the door. Your heart was racing, you could hear your heart beats loudly. You feet glided to the door. You felt like you were on Cloud Nine. You lightly clutched the doorknob and twisted it to open it.

There he was. You jump into his arms, and wrap your legs around his narrow waist. You passionately kiss him, and he kisses back. You feel him smile against your lips, making you smile as well. You unwrap yourself and place your feet on the ground.

"I've missed you so much, Roxy," he whispers into your ear. You feel him touch your earlobe, feeling the earring in your ear. They were the earrings he had gotten you for your birthday back in December. They were the most beautiful diamonds you had ever seen. You cried when he gave them to you. He worried he upset you, but you explained they were tears of joy. No one had ever given you a kinder gift to this day.

He cups your thin face into his hands. You missed his calloused hands. You missed the way he smelled of slight cigarettes, but mainly of his after shave. You tell him how much you've missed him too. He smiles and kisses you on your forehead.

You go to the kitchen to prepare dinner for you two. You know how much he loves vegetarian lasagna, and you made it your mission to perfect it when you first met him. Sure enough, it's the best thing you can make, and he loves it. As you're cooking, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist. He spins you around and you see those green eyes, those emerald pools.

"My favorite?" he raises one eyebrow. Then he kisses you again, "You always know how to make me happy, Roxy."

You smile at him, then continue to tend to your meal. He offers to help, but you decline the offer, he's your guest. He chuckles and walks to your television. You were watching 28 Days Later earlier today and never turned the DVD off. Instead of turning it off, he decides to continue where the movie was at.

"I swear this movie never gets old," he chuckled to himself.

As you're chopping the carrots for the meal, you ask him where his wife is. Without hesitating, or breaking his glare from the movie, he replies.

"I don't know. And I don't care."

You ask what he means. He turns to look at you. "Adrienne isn't the same person she once was. She is always accusing me of shit and asks a thousand questions when I leave the house. She doubts our relationship, and I can't handle it anymore."

You stop cutting.

This is your fault. You're tearing apart a beautiful relationship. You're ruining a family. You're breaking a woman's heart who's suppose to be your friend. If he can be this way about his own wife, who says he wouldn't do the same when your relationship goes sour?

"Roxy, are you okay? You're crying, what's wrong? Did you cut yourself while chopping? Let me see your hand."

You break the daze you were in and see him staring at you. He has love in his eyes, he has care in them. You can't bring yourself to talk. If you open your mouth, you'll begin to cry uncontrollably.

"Roxy? Babe, what's wrong?"

You can't help it, you fall to the floor and break down. All this time of hiding your feelings has torn you apart. He falls with you to your side and envelopes you into his arms. He rocks you gently, trying to calm you down.

You tell him, in between your sobs, you can't do this anymore. You tell him it's eating you inside with the guilt.

"What are you talking about, Roxy?"

The pasta is burning and you don't care. You tell him what they have isn't special, it's wrong. He's a married man and he's betraying his wife, his other half. She's suppose to be the one he dedicates himself to do forever, the one he dies with. He should love her unconditionally, and not go behind her back.

His eyes are brimmed with tears, "Roxy, please don't say this. I love you. You're nothing like any woman I've ever met. Adrienne doesn't compare to you in the least bit."

You tell him to stop. You tell him you can't keep doing this. He can't tell two women he loves them, and only mean one of them. He has a family to tend to, to provide for. He has a wife that loves him completely and wants to be with him forever. You do as well, but what you two share isn't the same as him and Adrienne.

"But, Roxana, I can make it work. Me and Adrienne could get a divorce, then we could be together. We could get married, move to a new house, and have a family together."

You tell him no, you can't. It isn't that easy. Adrienne is your friend, and it would kill her to know her best friend, and her own husband have betrayed her.

"But Rox-"

You stop him before he pleas with you. You tell him this can't continue. You tell him he needs to leave. He needs to work things out with his wife. He can't divorce her, it would kill his kids like it would for any child with divorced parents.

You tell him he needs to forget you ever existed. As much as it hurt to say, you knew it had to be done. You were nothing but a mistress, anyway.

He sits there, stunned. He is in shock and has no words to say. He turns to you, a tear silently runs down his cheek.

"You were nowhere near a mistress, Roxana. You are the love of my life. I can't forget you. You might tell me I need to, but I won't. I can't, you mean too much to me."

He stands up. He walks over to the oven and turns it off. He comes back to you and kisses you on the lips.

"I love you, Roxana."

You tell him you love him too. He walks to the door, and puts his shoes on. He opens the door and turns to you. He smiles, you smile back.

And he's gone.

You walk to the oven an open it. The lasagna is burnt and your heart is broken.
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I got bored so I added another. Comment and subscribe!