Sequel: Light Years Away
Status: Active. Comment and Subscribe! I update FREQUENTLY

Emerald Eyes


"She's all alone again, wiping the tears from her eyes. Some days he feels like dying; she gets so sick of crying..."

You felt the vibrations from Mike's bass coarse through your veins into your heart. You watched as Tré made faces at you as he pounded on his drums. You listened to his soothing voice, making you feel calm while he poured his soul into he microphone.

"She sees the mirror of herself, an image she wants to sell, to anyone willing to buy..."

You stomach felt as though it was doing back flips. This song had emotions in it that made you think of your own self. It felt like he was singing this song to you and it was meant only for your ears.

You trail your hands down to your growing child inside of you. You lightly massage your stomach. You think in your head "That's your daddy singing", hoping this little being can hear you and be as proud as you are.

"He steals the image in her kiss, from her heart's apocalypse. From the one called Whatsername.."

You heart was beating faster and faster. If you were told five years ago you would be in a studio with a legendary band, carrying the lead singer's child in your stomach, you would laugh. You would have ever in a million years seen yourself in this position. You would have never thought you were going to become a mistress.

You thought you would have gone to art school. You wanted to be a fashion journalist, or a buyer. You wanted to work side by side with the top celebrities. You wanted people to know who you were by your style. You wanted to be a successful woman with a whole life ahead of her.

But now, here you are. You only have a high school degree. You never even applied to any colleges, and you're afraid now that they won't accept you. You can't be bothered as much with your wardrobe anymore. Because you have a child on the way, and that is your one and only concern.

Despite this, you're so thankful you have those emerald eyes to look into. He promised he would be there for you every step of the way. He promised that he would support you and your child for the rest of both lives. He promised he would always stay a part of this little one's life, and he or she would never go without a father. He promised he would never leave you and would be here one hundred percent.

"She's all alone again, wiping the tears from her eyes. Some days he feels like dying. She gets so sick of crying.."

And you believe every word of it.

His eyes are trustworthy. He cares about this baby just as much as you do. He cares about both yours and this child's future as much as you do. He cares about this baby having a normal life, away from tabloids discovering he is the child of a rock star, just as much as you do. He cares about you just as much, maybe even more, than you care about him.

"She's an extraordinary girl, an extraordinary girl, an extraordinary girl, an extraordinary girl."

The last chord rang throughout the studio. You heart steadied into a normal beat. You looked to all three member, who still looking heavily into their music. Then, those green pools looked to you, smiling.

"So, what do you think?"

You grinned and ran over to him. You enveloped him into a hug and kissed his cheek, telling him it was amazing.

He chuckled with a large smile and kissed your forehead. Both of you aren't afraid anymore to display their feelings in front of Tré or Mike. They knew. And, though they may not fully agree with what is going on, they don't say a word and are supportive of you and your child no matter what.

"I love you, Roxana," he whispered into your left ear.

You smirked and whispered you know into his. He playfully acted hurt and as though he was crying. You giggled and told him you loved him too and he wrapped you into another hug.

"Well," Tré interrupted, "I don't know about you three, but I'm as hungry as a pregnant woman! Can we go eat?"

We all laughed and agreed we were all hungry. Mike went and got a take out menu to a local pizza shop. A large pizza with extra cheese was ordered, as well as a calzone for yourself and cheese fries for Tré.

It was the ending to a perfect night.
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commmmmment! thank you to all that have!<3