Sequel: Light Years Away
Status: Active. Comment and Subscribe! I update FREQUENTLY

Emerald Eyes


You watched as your apartment began emptying with belongings that weren't your own. You watched as cardboard boxes were filled and carried out, empty ones were brought inside for the same process. You watched as the place you called home looked like it belonged to you, and only you.

You watched your life leave right out the door it once entered.

You walked into the bedroom. You stared at the black acoustic. It was the last thing to be brought out. It was the last thing left until there was only your belonging in this apartment. It was the last thing left until he was gone.

You heard someone clear their throat. You spun around and saw those emerald eyes. Those emerald eyes that melted your once before. Those emerald eyes that were once filled with passion, were now filled with sadness.

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Uh, that's the last of them once I get that out," he pointed to his guitar.

You slowly nodded and moved out of his way. He crept over to the bed where his guitar was propped against. You felt like everything was in slow motion as you watched him bend over and pick his instrument up. He turned around, guitar in hand, and looked straight into your eyes. For a split second, it felt like he transferred all of his emotions into you. You saw his sadness, anger, worry and regret.

You saw the sadness he held deep inside of him of him having to leave you. You saw his anger at you for turning him away, and making him fend for himself. You saw his worry of where was he to go. Would he go to Mike's? Tré's? Or even back to Adrienne? And the regret you saw was the mistakes he made, words he said wrong, actions he should have done differently that would have kept you around longer with him. You could see this was hurting you just as much as it was hurting him. You felt your stomach drop in guilt, but you knew this had to be done.

You followed him to the front door. He placed his free hand on the door knob, but stopped. He placed the guitar on the wall, holding it up. He turned around and looked at you. "I guess this is it."

You looked down at the floor, saying that you guess so.

He put his hands on your shoulders, "Roxana if you ever need me, for anything, please call me. I'm always going to be there for you, and our baby, no matter what. Just please promise me that you will never hesitate to give me a call."

You nod you head, promising that you will. Even though you were making him leave your home, he still cares about you. He's still willing to help you out in anyway he can. He had a heart of gold, but you knew that through that, you couldn't deal with the problems that would come ahead. Especially for your daughter.

You never wanted your daughter to be forced into the spotlight, just because her father was the front man of a well-known rock band. You didn't want her to be called a "love child" in his affair. You didn't want anyone knowing who her father was, for the sake of her little girl and his career.

If your daughter was to ever ask who her father was, you would tell her proudly how amazing her father is. You would tell her she got her beautiful green eyes from him, if she was to have them. You would tell her how musically talented he is, and how he may have passed his gene over to her. But you would never tell her who exactly he was. You would leave out the bit of information how he is a famous musician. You didn't want her to know, and possibly get mad at you for leaving the life of fame and luxuries. You knew it was helping her live a normal life if she wasn't to know, and that's all you were worried about at this point.

You knew if anyone was to find out, they would call you insane for leaving this extravagant life. They would call you dumb for even getting involved with a married man. They would call you a bitch for leaving this man with nothing to his name but his fame. But everyone's opinion didn't matter to you. You were doing the right thing, despite everyone else's opinion. You were helping everyone out in the long run, and you were never going to except a thank you from every. But you just hope that when that time comes, they will just realize that your actions were never malicious.

"Okay, well, I guess I'll see you around?" He asked, eyes glazed over with salty tears.

You felt your lip quiver, you knew you were about to cry. You told him you'll see him around. You couldn't keep a stare with him for more than five seconds without wanting to break down in tears. You never knew how emotional this would be.

He pulls you into a hug. You don't push away. You wrap your arms tightly around his narrow waist. You inhale his familiar scent of aftershave and cigarettes. You rub you cheek against his smooth, just shaved face. You let go of his embrace and put both of your hands on his cheeks. You stare into his eyes.

Those emerald eyes hold memories that you'll never forget. They hold your new life that you are so thankful you lived. They show you at your best times, and worst times, but they were all lived through these beautiful eyes. They show the sadness you have both gone through, both of you at the other's side. They show the life you have both lived to get to where you were at this exact second.

They show love and passion in them that you will never have for another man in you life.

You tell him you're going to miss his beautiful eyes.

He smiles weakly, "I'm going to miss yours as well, my love."

All you can do is smile. You feel a hot stream of water fall down your cheek. Your stomach is clenching and the tears continue to fall.

He kisses your cheek, right where your tear has fallen, "It's okay. Don't cry. I'll always be here for you, no matter what. I'm always going to be in your heart, and you're always going to be in mine. We're always going to be together, Roxana. Don't forget anything, because I never will."

You nod your head furiously, attempting to shake all your tears out. You tell him you're never going to forget him, not in a million years. You tell him you're sorry for doing this to him. He cuts you off.

"Shh, it's okay. I understand. I really do." He places a hand on your stomach, you watch a tear fall down his cheek, "She's going to be beautiful. Just like her mother."

You correct him by adding that she'll look like her father as well. He chuckles dryly, unable to truly laugh. You couldn't blame him.

He looks at you, "I'm really going to miss you."

You look to the floor, telling him you were going to miss him too, and that you were always going to have him in your thoughts.

"I will too." He looks at you for a moment, then breaks the stare, turning to his guitar. "I guess I'll be going."

You nod your head and walk close to him again. You were wishing he didn't have to leave, but you knew it was the right thing to do.

He kisses your cheek lightly. He whispers, "Goodbye, my love," you feel his hot breath bounce off your cheek and his mint breath fill your nose.

Before you had a chance to say goodbye, he was already out of the door. You look down, and see that his guitar is still here. The guitar he has played numerous songs for you every night. The guitar he played so you could here his new album, his new masterpiece. The guitar he used to play for your daughter every night.

You went to pick it up to run it out to him, but you saw a note weaved into the strings. You pulled the paper out, and saw your name written in his sloppy handwriting. You opened the note:

My dear Roxana, please keep this guitar. It has too many memories to not leave it with you. Give it to our daughter, I know she's going to have the musical gene in here just like her mom and dad. You don't have to say it was from me, you don't even have to tell her who I am. But please just give it to her when the time is right.

I love you, Billie Joe xo

You watch tears stain the paper. He always put you in front of him, no matter what. Even in the worst situations, he was still thinking about you. But you made the right decision.

Didn't you?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm writing one last chapter before the sequel begins. I tried to make this one long, to really capture the emotion in the separation between the two. I was listening to "Sweeter Light" by Aces Enders the whole this I wrote this. I hope you all liked it! Will you all be reading the sequel? And should I comment you all when it comes out? Please let me know because I'll be happy to!