Status: I dont know about this one.......I may need some feedback! HELP!

Daddy's angel

Daddy's angel

Evangaline’s POV:

I woke up to a pair of strong tattooed arms wrapped around me.

I froze but my memory came slowly floating back and I relax again with a smile on my face. I turned around to see Zacky snoring, I smiled bigger while playing with his hair and staring at his face.

’wow, he’s all mine’ I thought as I felt his arms tighten around me. I look up to see his eyes fluttering open an yawning “good mourning sleeping beauty” I whispered and kiss his nose.

he smiles “good mourning beautiful” he said kissing me on the lips.

“we have to get up” I said putting his hair out of his face.

he groaned an whined “no!, I don’t want to go!” hiding his face on the crook of my neck.

I giggled as he started kissing an biting my neck making me flinch. he started rubbing my sides “no!, we have to get up so don’t start with this Zack!” I laughed as he groaned “fine but you owe me!” and laid down on his back rubbing his face.

I nodded “I promise, tonight” I said kissing him on the lips taking my corset and skirt off knowing Zacky’s watching.

I went to my closet putting on black shorts and a red t-shirt going back to my room seeing Zack going to the door with a confused expression “the house is empty” he said getting his pants on.

“really?” I asked brushing my hair and putting it in a ponytail in the bathroom.

“yeah I checked all the rooms and down stairs is empty” he said coming in the bathroom wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder kissing my neck.

“what is it with you and my neck” I said laying my head back on his shoulder.

“you taste good baby” he said licking my neck.

“ewww!” I laughed turning around with a smile and pecking his lips.

“I’m hungry” he said picking me up and sitting me down on the sink counter kissing me.

“well, I’m not food” I giggled pulling away.

“then lets go out and get breakfast”

I nodded getting off and running back to the closet pulling on skinny jeans with a studded belt and long chains, a purple tank top and converse.

I got in to the bathroom to put on my black du rag on and letting my hair fall on my shoulder sticking my green bangs sticking out on my face.

I went to my room seeing Zack with a muscle misfit shirt that’s cut off the sleeves, jeans with a lot of studded belts, a tucker hat and aviators.

“ready?” he asked I nodded an he took my hand dragging me downstairs.

’wow, he was right it is emptied, I wonder where they went?’ I thought as we went to the garage.

I sat down in the car as Zack started the engine, I put the radio on to the master of puppets by metallica.

Zack smiled at me taking my hand and I in returned the smile.

“where’s the nearest diner?” I asked as we drove down the street of the house.

“there’s one around the corner here but…..”he said I felt him staring at me.

“but what?” I said looking out the street then back at him.

“nothing” he chuckled an started to drive again.

I looked at him weirdly “ooookkkaaaayyy” I said laughing.

“hey how about there, it does not look that bad” I said pointing to one an looked back at him.

he nodded “yeah, okay” he shrugged and parked the car.

“seats for two” I said to the hostess she nodded grabbing two menus before leading us to a booth in the back.

“thank you” I said sitting down she ignored me an left.

“rude much?” I muttered an Zack laughed.

“hi, can I take your order” a male waiter asked us but kept looking at me, Zack cleared his throat.

“um, I would like bacon and eggs with a coffee please” he said getting mad.

I could tell by his fist curling up making his knuckles white.

“um, I’ll have Belgium waffles” I said quickly so Zack didn’t have the chance blow the guys face off.

The waiter nodded and left.

I grabbed his white as a ghost fist in my hands while he was glaring daggers at the guys back.

“baby, calm down” I said struggling to open his fist.

a few minutes later he calmed down and opened his fist putting both of my small hands inside it.

“I’m sorry” he whispered looking at me.

“its ok” I whispered kissing the top of his hand putting it on my cheek smiling.

he smiled a little in return “orders ready” I heard the waiter say and I let go of his hand waiting for my plate to be in front of me ignoring the guys stare.

I put syrup on my waffles and looked at Zack seeing him glaring at the guy once again.

He caught my look and stopped right away starting eating his food.

when I was done I felt my phone vibrate and picked it up reading a text from dad “hey where are you guys?”

I texted back “at a diner, there was no food or coffee in the house”

he texted back “hurry up, your birthday presents here”

I smiled excitedly before texting quickly “ok, we’ll be there” I closed my phone.

I looked up at Zack seeing him finished drinking his coffee “who was that?” he asked.

“my dad he said that my birthday present was here?” I said looking confused but happy if that was possible.

“do you know what it is?” I asked he shook his head.

“nope” he smirked looking down.

“your lying” I smiled

“no I’m not” he said getting up paying and taking my hand.

we got to the car and right when he closed his door I straddled him by the waist taking him off guard.

“what do I have to do to make you tell me?” I whispering seductively in his ear.

he shivered “I-I-I d-don’t know, what do you have in mind?” he whispered back.

I looked at him an smirked as I kiss his lips then his jaw line to his neck finding his soft spot.

I got it and kissed it and then put my whole mouth on it biting down it so hard I drew a bit of blood.

he gasped and grabbed my waist so tight I thought he was about to rip my skin with his rough bare hands.

I started sucking on it an started grinding my hips hard, he grabbed my ass squeezing it and I grinded faster as I suck on his spot still.

“shit, Eve” he moaned putting his head back and arching his back giving me full excess to his neck.

he snaked his hand up my shirt grabbing my right breast turning me on a little.

“stop before I have an orgasm on my pants” he said breathing hard.

I looked at his face and kissed his lips with me also breathing hard “are you going to tell me what it is now?” I asked swallowing air.

he shooked his head “no” he said laughing.

I groaned and sitting back dramatically at my seat looking at my window.

“but guess what?” he said I looked back at him “my turn is tonight” he smirked starting the car.

I nodded “sneak to my room when I say goodnight to everybody ok?” I said looking at him he nodded.

We got to the house to see everybody sitting in the living room “finally you’re here!!!” my dad yelled and started to go out side with everybody following.

“nice hickey Zack” Nicole said smirking at me walking out the door past him.

his eyes got wide looking at me I whispered “she knows, don’t worry she’s not going to say anything” and walked out the door with him following me.

I got out side my dad yelling “WAIT!, VAL COVER HER EYES!” and my eyes were covered.

“ok?” I muttered what is it with these people in covering my eye‘s?

“ok, open!” he said a couple of minutes later.

I opened it and saw a dark blood red mustang at the driveway.

“dad” I screamed I looked at him pissed.

The smile disappeared once he saw my face.

“dad we had a deal” I yelled he shooked his head.

“can’t you just except it” he smiled innocently.

I glared at him “so, I worked for all that money for nothing!!!??!!” I yelled standing in front of him.

“no, that moneys going to your college fund with the rest” he said looking scared.

I nodded “ok, that’s more like it” I said then jumped into his arms and kissed his cheek.

“thanks daddy” I whispered he laughed “your welcome baby” I got off and my dad grabbed Nicole and looked at us.

“you two are going to get your permits together since nicks birthday is next week, so you can drive it to school” he said looking at both of us.

we both groaned “do we have to go to school” Nicole groaned he nodded “come on guy‘s it‘s your last year as senior‘s”

“ugh, its going to be like freshman year allover again” I said looking down as Nicole nodded in agreement “and what’s worst is were going to be the new bees!, and most likely the misfits again” she said.

he looked at us and hugged us with his huge arms crushing us into his stone chest.

“you guys are not going to be misfits, besides you girls are to pretty to be misfits” he smiled at us.

we chuckled “you going to make a lot of friends don’t worry, now Val babe I’m starving” he said looking at her while she was munching on crackers at the front door.

she nodded and went inside before winking at us. We got inside and watched movies while waiting for the food since we missed lunch.

“DINNERS READY!!!!!!” we heard mom yelled and everybody got up at once and made a heard to the kitchen table.

I saw huge bowls of pasta, salad and breadsticks on the table set up already.

I sat down at my usual seat and looked to my left to see Nicole stuffing her face an then to my right to see Zack and I smile at him.

he smiles in return and takes my hand under the table. We had an interesting dinner time with jimmy trying to put the pasta up his nose and it gets stuck with him yelling out “THE FUCKERS STUCK!!” like four times until leana goes to him and takes it out herself and all of us laughing our asses off, it was hilarious.

“I think I’m going to hit the sack, night” I said kissing everyone’s cheek and went up stairs to my room.

I took off my cloths then hopped into the shower, after 30 minutes I went back to my room putting on my oversized slipknot shirt that goes up to my knees and boy shorts under with my damp hair in a messy bun.

I climbed into bed just in time to see Zack sneaking through the door and closing it silently then locking it.

he turned to look at me and smiled “god I could kiss you now” he said taking off his shirt and pants then jumping on my bed and kissing me long passionately sweet. I kissed back just the same.

I pull away and look at him an realize he’s between my legs with my shirt all the way up, he had his hand caressing my thigh.

“aww, you owe me!!!, and its my turn remember?” he whined pouting.

I rolled my eyes but smiled as I leaned down kissing his lips “turn off the lights” I whispered on his lips.

he shot right up running to the light switch “oooooo,kinky” he said coming back to bed and I laughed.

he got under the sheets at the end of my bed tickling me on my legs for a little while then started kissing my ankles to my knees then my thighs going under my shirt and I got nervous when he reach to my you know what.

“would you go far with me?” he asked from under the sheets sticking his head out. I didn’t know what to think.

“u-um, can we just take it slow?” I whispered looking at him nervously.

he looked at me and his eyes got wide “aw, shit you aren’t ready are you?, baby I am so sorry!, I didn’t mean to ask that but, I love you, god I’m such an idiot!. Why did I ask that!” he said sitting up getting pissed off at himself.

I shot my head right to him ’did he really say what I think he said?’ I thought as he was still rambling on and on.

“wait, wait what did you say before?” I said looking at him. He stopped and looked at me confusing “god I’m such an idiot?” he said.

I sat with my legs Indie style I shook my head “no, before that” I said looking at him closely.

he looked in my eyes really meaning the words that were coming out of his mouth “I love you” he whispered.

’I was right’ I thought when I smiled hugely and jumped on him making him laugh as I kissed him hard and with so much love and passion.

I pulled away to see him smiling with his eyes close “is that your way of telling me you love me too?”

I giggled and nodded “yes!, I love you too” he smiled and leaned in to kiss me.
♠ ♠ ♠
tell me how it went! I want to know what you fellow reader's think.
hehe. COMMENTS= fast update's
