Status: I dont know about this one.......I may need some feedback! HELP!

Daddy's angel

Daddy's Angel

Evangaline pov:

I woke up the next mourning to a bare chest in my face.

I smiled an looked up at Zacky’s face to see his hair that is now up to his chin in his face in all different directions snoring.

I giggled silently kissing from his chest to his neck, jaw line, then chin and finally his lips.

he kissed back which startled me. I pulled a way looking at his half open eyes an a lazily smile playing on his lips “well hello sunshine” I said putting my elbow on the pillow an resting my head in my hand smiling.

“good mourning beautiful” he sleepily answered back an looked down at my stomach rubbing it.

“good mourning daddy” I said in a little baby voice smirking.

he laughed an kissed my stomach looking up at me whispering “I cant wait to here that”

I smiled an kissed his forehead “you will very soon” I said an he grinned.

We laid there until we heard a knock on the bedroom door.

I looked at Zack confused to see him with the same expression on.

“WHOS THERE?” I called

“it’s me” it was my dad I was shocked.

“OK, WAIT IN THE LIVING ROOM!” I called as we got out of the covers quickly.

“ok” he responded an I heard his foot steps down the hall.

we went to the closet putting on cloths an I looked at Zack as he looked back at me.

“its going to be ok” he said I nodded an got out to the bathroom fixing my hair as Zack was putting on shoes.

“ready?” he asked I nodded an I was out the door with him behind me to see my dad an mom sitting down.

mom smiled at me as I sat down across from them I smiled back as dad cleared his throat.

“eve, I’m sorry for what I said last night, I shouldn’t have said that” he said I noticed as he was talking the blood shot eyes an deep purple rings under his eyes from the lack of sleep and crying.

“I forgive you” I said looking down at my hands an felt Zack’s hand taking mines.

I smiled at him an looked at dad again. Mom nudged him in the ribs an he yelped glaring at her as she smiled back at him innocently.

I chuckled “um, we are happy for you guys and will support you 100%” he said smiling at us. Meaning his words.

“thanks Matt” Zack said to him “Zack I swear to god if you hurt he-” he was interrupted with another hit in the ribs by mom an looked at her.

“what??!!??” he asked her she looked at him “be nice” she commanded

“alright I will damn, I’m just saying don’t hurt her an please take care of my baby an future grandkid” he said looking at him smiling. “I will Matt” Zack laughed smiling at me as I had a grin placed on my face.

“ok well, were going to go shopping to for baby cloths” he said standing up helping mom up she nodded in agreement wobbling.

“oh! Wait!, Eve honey I made appointment for a check up at 3:30 tomorrow” she said turning around to look at me.

I smiled “thank you so much” I said running to her and hugging her as she laughed “your welcome sweetie” she said wobbling to the elevator.

I smiled at dad “bye dad” I said waving he smiled an waved back as the doors closed.

I went to the living room an didn’t see Zacky in there “Zacky?” I called looking around.

“in the kitchen!” he called I walked in there to see him cooking something with his back towards me an kitchen towel over his shoulder.

“baby what are you doing?” I asked wrapping my arms around his waist an sticking my head under his arm since I cant reach over his shoulder.

“eggs and bacon” he said flipping the sizzling bacon.

“mmmm, it smells good” I said doing the coffee.

“what are we going to do today?” Zack asked leaning on the table.

I shrugged “what haven’t we done in a long time?” I asked him turning the coffee on an walking to him.

“oooo, how about we go to the movies” he said pulling my hips to him wrapping his arms around me.

“wow, wasn’t that our first date?” I giggled he nodded “yup, and I’m glad you said yes” he whispered kissing my lips.

“mmmhh, me too” I said against his lips staring at him.

we stayed like that when we heard ’crack!, crack!’ I turned my head to see the bacon ready.

“oh the bacon!” I said laughing at his face that’s still staring at me.

“wha?” he said an I pointed to the stove an he finally realized it.

“shit!” he got up pulling me to the side an saving the bacon while I laugh and served his coffee which I sadly cant drink because of me being pregnant. So far it sucks.

he finished making the eggs an serving them on plates giving me one an himself sitting down on the table.

I finished first as usual an I had the stomach sickness that I now know as mourning sickness.

I grabbed the table from me being dizzy an Zack looked up from his plate an at me.

“baby you ok?” he asked touching my arm.

I shooked my head an I felt today’s breakfast coming up my throat.

I covered my mouth an ran to the bathroom as fast as I can an almost didn’t make it to the toilet.

I threw up all the continents of my stomach an felt a hands holding up my hair and another one rubbing my back.

I was finished an looked up at Zacky seeing him smiling an handing me tissue for my mouth.

I brushed my teeth, gargled Listerine, and washed my face to look up at the mirror.

Zacky was leaning on the door fame watching me “you ok?” he asked coming to me wrap his arms around my stomach with his head on my shoulder.

I nodded “I guess the baby didn’t like it once again” I sighed then giggled.

he smiled an rubbed his hand on my stomach whispering “hey kid, its your dad talking, please stop hurting mommy”

I laughed an he turned me around giving me a loving kiss.

I pulled away looking at him “it’s amazing, how you still kiss me even though you just saw me throw my guts up”

he smirked “I don’t care” he whispered against my lips kissing me again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck an my legs around his waist. he picked me up placing me on the sink.

I ran my hand under his shirt as he took off his shirt by breaking the kiss for a second. I took off my shirt and started kissing his neck an biting his soft spot.

“Eve” he gasped grabbing my thighs an carried me out the bathroom to our room on the bed without closing the door.

he was on top of me kissing my neck down to my chest ripping my bra in half from the middle.

he was playing with my breast while taking my shorts an panty’s off in less than a second.

I was pulling his hair an pushed him on his back breaking his mouth from my nipple.

he looked surprise by my strength “whoa, never seen you this turned on” he breathed I was busy kissing his chest an unzipping his pants.

I looked up at him with my sexy smirk “shut up, its my hormones. Being pregnant give‘s you powers and strength” I said going back to what I was doing.

I got his pants off an straddled him, I didn’t what was with me but I decided to play with him a little.

I looked at him smiling seductively “what?” he asked with confusion.

I bended down an got close to his face “how much do you want me?” I whispered breathing over his face as I felt him shiver.

“so much” he whispered I sat up grabbing the head board of the bed.

“I said how much do you want me” I said a little louder.

“SO MUCH!!!, IT FUCKING HURTS!” he screamed out as I popped up an dropped so hard he screamed again grabbing my waist an digging his nails into me ripping the skin.

I kept going slowly up an dropping hard with me grabbing the head board for my dear life.

he turned me to my back an looked at me smirking exactly how I was not to long ago.

“how much do you want me?” he whispered terrorizing me.

“shut up an fuck me” I whispered getting restless and annoyed.

he got into place between my legs “I said how much you want me?” he said looking at me with hungry and lust growing in his eyes.

“I SAID FUCK ME!!” I screamed as he slammed into me causing me to gasp my eye’s got wide an mouth hanging open digging my nails on his back.

He hissed from it and he went into such speed it was hard not to scream.

we were almost at our peaks an the speed was going faster.

“shit Eve baby, I’m almost there” he grunted holding on to the bed edges either side of me as I was digging harder on his waist with my nails.

“me too!” I breathed heavily against his neck arching my back against his stomach.

we got there with Zack screaming out “EVE!” an me biting on to his neck making him scream even louder an I got my mouth off screaming as well.

we both dropped to the bed breathing hard as my stomach was in intoxicating fire.

“I love you” he whispered a few minutes later wrapping his arms around my sweaty body against his.

“I love you too” I whispered back tiredly as I dozed off to sleep.

I woke up to movement of the bed an turned around to Zacky getting up an I smiled “hey” I yawned stretching my arms looking at the clock to see it was 7:00.

“hey, ow!” he hissed holding his sides while getting up.

I stood up taking the bed sheets wrapped around me walking to him.

“what’s wrong?” I asked worried.

he shooked his head looking at me painfully “its nothing, wait let me go to the bathroom” he said walking to the bathroom still naked might I add.

I followed since he left the door open an was two steps in to the bathroom until I heard “oh my fucking god Eve, you left wounds from your nails!” he called I stepped in to see him looking at his sides on his waist in the full length mirror with little red bleeding wounds on his sides.

I gasp “I am so sorry!” I walked to the cabinet getting peroxide an bandage wrap.

he laughed “it’s ok, I get to show it to the guys except your dad to let them see that you’re a sweet heart on the outside but a fucking animal in the inside” he said looking down at me grinning.

I rolled my eyes putting the peroxide on a cotton “gee, thanks” I said putting it on an startling him.

“OUCH!, SHIT” he yelled out I smiled wrapping the bandage around his stomach an waist an kissed it.

“there, all better?” I asked standing up. He nodded “yeah ill be fine, but please next time give me a warning” he laughed kissing my cheek going out the bathroom.

“I’ll try!” I called taking the sheet off around me an looking at the damage on my body’

“not bad, better than last time” I whispered admiring the bruises an aches in different places especially my inside legs an thighs.

I took a shower an got dressed in a pair of black skinnys, the Beatles t-shirt, an my converse. I was doing my hair when all of sudden arms wrapped around me.

I jumped as Zack was giggling silently “relax its me babe” he whispered with damp hair an was dressed.

I hit him on the chest turning around “are we still on with the movies?” I asked hopefully.

he nodded “yeah” he said taking my hand an leading me out the elevator to the back door to the garage.

“my baby!” I yelled running to his black mustang I love so much.

“hey I bought it so its my baby” he laughed as I glared “oooh, how about you be the daddy an I be the mommy” I said looking at him.

he looked at me “ok but we already have a baby come, we don’t need another…..yet” he smirked backing out of the garage out on to the streets.

I nodded rolling my eye’s as I blasted the radio to nirvana an smiled singing along to ’smells like teen spirit’.

I suddenly got a craving for popcorn and Swedish fish, we got there an I looked at the playing now list.

“um, lets see Friday the 13th ” I said looking at him.

he smiled an nodded “yes, I was hoping you would pick that” he said getting the tickets an me running to the snack counter.

“popcorn, M&Ms, Swedish fish, and a large Pepsi” I ordered putting two twenty’s on the counter.

“here you go, enjoy your movie” the lady behind the counter said smiling handing me the stuff.

I looked to see Zack coming over with the tickets in his hand ’help me!’ I mouthed to him handing him the popcorn and soda.

“thank you” I said in relief as he laughed we walked to the theater handing the guy the tickets.

“enjoy your movie” he smiled at us I nodded grabbing Zack’s hand to go running to the front seats.

I sat down an snatched the Swedish fish an popcorn from him. He stared at me as I ripped the bag open putting a couple of them in my mouth with a hand full of popcorn in my mouth an it was the most grossest, best, delicious food I have ever tasted!

I felt someone looking at me an turned my head from the previews on the screen to see Zack smirking “what?” I asked once the food was swallowed.

“you got cravings already?” he asked I blushed “holy cunt!, I haven’t seen you blush in a long time!, I missed it” he said to me.

“shut up, and blame your child for being weird!” I whined an stuffed another hand full of popcorn an Swedish in my mouth.

he laughed an put his arm on my shoulders an the movie began.

We were walking out of the theater two hours later arguing over the movie “that ending was awesome!, end of discussion!” I said getting in the passenger seat of the car.

I looked over at him getting in pouting “fine be like that” he murmured starting the car an out of the parking lot we were in.

“eve” I heard him whisper a few minutes later.

I looked over an saw him looking nervous “yes?” I asked he sighed

“baby I’m going on tour tomorrow night” he said sadly

I looked at him in shock for a moment “what?, what about the doctors appointment?” I asked hoping he would come with me.

he nodded right away “yeah I talked to your dad an asked him if we could go later instead of 2:00 so I could go with you an spend some more time with you” he said smiling.

I hugged him “thank you!, I don’t want to go alone I love you” I said with tears in my eyes.

’damn hormones’ I thought wiping them away.

“god I love you too” he said back kissing me.

“wow, were already home!!??!!” I said in surprise now realizing were in the garage. What? I get slow sometime‘s.

“yeah” he laughed at me getting out. I Glared at him walking to the door an seeing my dad trying to build the crib an mom laughing at him.

“hey, what’s so funny?” I asked interested in the situation.

“hey!, oh! your dad just kept falling over the wood an fell to the floor cursing out the crib an then remembering he doesn’t read German” mom laughed I looked at dad to see him with a red angry face laying on his back screwing a nail into a wood.

“why were you reading German?” I asked confused of his action.

he shrugged “I don’t know!, I think I actually under stood those directions for a second” he said an I heard a crack an the whole thing fell apart.

everybody started laughing hysterically “Zacky babe, go help him” I said finally calming down.

he nodded still laughing walking to my dad pulling him up as dad was cursing under his breath.

“god I’m going to bed” mom said as she hit dad in the shoulder, he looked at her with a board in his hand as he took her hand.

“zacky we could do it tomorrow, I’m exhausted too” dad said taking mom to there room.

Zacky nodded taking my hand an dragging me to the elevator.

“night!” I yelled as the doors closed.

We go to the room an I just took my pants, shoes, an shirt off.

“I’m too lazy to put pj’s on” mumbled falling on to the pillow covering myself up. I felt the bed move an arms wrapped around me.

“yeah me too, goodnight, I love you” he whispered snuggling in my neck.

“night love you too” I whispered back the last thing I heard was “goodnight kid” an felt rubbing on my stomach as a smile was on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha. I kind of liking this one. but it was still ok.

