Status: I dont know about this one.......I may need some feedback! HELP!

Daddy's angel

Daddy's angel

The next Mourning I heard crying from the baby monitor.

I groaned opening my eyes to see Zacky stir in his sleep. I get up still in my tank top and boy shorts walking out the door to the hallway.

I walked into there room and started taking the strap of my tank top off, I looked at Rylan to see her still asleep and guessed that Zachary was the crying one.

“ok, ok, Mommy’s here” I said whispering as I picked him up an started breast feeding him.

I was still half asleep so I sat in my rocking chair an hummed him a song that dad used sing to me when I have bad dreams or get scared.

I was almost falling back to sleep when I felt something hit my boob, I looked down to see him hitting me to let me know that he’s done.

“you’re a smart kid you know that right?” I asked him laughing slightly while I stood putting him back in his crib an putting my strap back on my shoulder smiling down at his sleepy face.

I continued to hum until he drops dead asleep. I heard a whimper an then crying, I sighed dragging my feet to Rylan’s crib.

“ok, come on love” I said picking her up an again undoing my strap, I did the same thing to Zachary.

I put her back inside her crib and walked out of the room, I got to my room and climbed back into bed snuggling back into Zacky’s chest.

’ugh, I cant go back to sleep’ I thought I groaned silently. I hate it when that happens, I looked up at Zack’s faced an smile.

I looked at his chest to see the ring I gave him when he went on tour 9 months ago on a chain around his neck.

’wow, nine months’ I thought unbelievingly, the ring had a small black rose on it with a silver gold banner. that ring held the love I have for him.

I stared up at him an broke my gaze to the green tattooed death bat on his chest an started tracing the right wing, I was doing that until I saw a hand grab mine and I looked up to a sleepily smiling Zacky.

“that tickles!!” he whine’s pushing his head further inside the pillow.

“aww, I’m sorry” I giggled putting small butterfly kisses on his chest.

“its ok” he said kissing my head as I picked it up an kissed his lips.

“I just noticed that your hair is longer” I said admiring the black straighten hair all over the place.

he sighed an touched his hair “yeah, I probably should get a hair cut” he said looking down at me.

I silently sang “happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear zaaaaccccckkkkkyyyyyy. happy birthday to you” I sang as a smile was on his face.

“wow, I forgot it was my birthday today” he chuckled.

I laughed “thanks baby” he whispered kissing me.

I kissed back asking for an entrance but he wouldn’t let me in.

“your not being fair” I said pulling away for just a second.

he laughed inside the kiss “pay backs a bitch” he said pulling back an kissing me again finally letting me in.

I explored every inch of his mouth and soon we were in a battle for dominance, I sat up and got on him as his hands were up my shirt rubbing my sides softly without breaking the kiss.

It started getting heated up and I started grinding my hips to him making him groan as I pull one of his snakebites with my teeth.

I start going faster an he grabbed my hips hard “Eve, god” he moaned whispering as he arched his back.

I was heavily breathing hard keeping up the speed until we heard crying.

I fell forward as were breathed hard together.

he chuckled “I guess its my turn then”

I nodded “please” I pouted falling laying on the side but giggled at his boxers “I see you got excited”

He looked down and blushed a dark shade of red an got out of bed pulling a pair of pajama pants on then walking out the door yelling “I’m coming babies!! daddy will save you!!!”

I giggled getting up dragging my aching legs to the bathroom to take a shower, I washed my hair and body then got dress in denim skinny jeans, a black halter top and converse.

I left my hair damp and walk to the kitchen to see Zacky still with no shirt on feeding the twins in there high chairs with Smashing pumpkins blasting on the stereo.

he was talking to them as they started up at him like he was crazy.

“you guys are the cutest rockers kids I’ve ever fucking se- oh look there’s Mommy looking hot and sexy as ever” Zacky said feeding them baby food.

“thanks babe” I smiled pecking him on the lips.
He looked at Rylan as she was smashing her food on her face “Ry, you better not have your Mom‘s ass or you will never date until your 40“

I gasped hitting him on the shoulder “Zacky! Don‘t say that! Sweetie don‘t listen to your Dad“

He laughed “don‘t listen to this diluted women!!!”

I rolled my eyes looking for something to eat.

“come on, you want me to sing again for you to eat?, hmm?” Zacky said to them with a spoon full of banana baby food in hand.

They giggled “ok fine. time, is never time at all You can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth” Zacky sang to them as there mouths opened up giggling and clapping there little hands.

I realized he was singing ‘Tonight, Tonight’ by Smashing pumpkins that was playing now.

I watched as he sang to them in order for them to open there mouths and laughed when they were being stubborn just like him while drinking my coffee that I haven’t drink in months.

He cleaned there mouths with there bibs and turned to look at me.

“what?” he asked smiling.

I shook my head putting my cup on the counter walking over to him.

“nothing, its just its hilarious how they get stubborn just like you and you whine like YOU’RE the kid” I said going behind him giggling a little as he moved to the side wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me around him and on his lap.

He smiled kissing my lips an I kissed back until I heard a loud ‘plop!‘ and I felt something on my face…..

I opened my eyes that were closed to see Zacky covered in banana baby food.

I laughed and heard the twins laughing an turned to see them giggling and clapping but noticed the guilty one was Zachary that has banana all over his hands.

“all you had to do was ask” Zacky muttered wiping the food off the side of his face with a towel.

I giggled getting off of his lap “you should go shower” I told him as I wiped Zachary’s hands off.

He nodded “I will” and he went to the room.

I picked both of them up and walked through there room to there bathroom.

“I think its time for a bath” I said laying them in there bath tubs.

I took off there clothes and diapers while putting the warm water on.

I put on the bathroom Elmo water proof radio that’s hanging on the tile shower wall. It turned to Red hot chili peppers.

I smiled singing along to the song while putting soap on both of there hair until I heard another voice singing with me and the twins giggled.

I laughed when Zacky came to us with a toothbrush in his mouth and tooth paste spewing out of his mouth and only in his boxer’s dancing around the bathroom.

“ ’give it away, give it away, give it away, NOW!!’” we both sanged as I rinsed the soap out of there hair and then cleaning there bodies.

“hm, that was fun” Zacky said coming over to me kissing my temple getting toothpaste on the side of it.

“Ewww!! go spit then kiss me” I said wiping it off as he laughed.

After cleaning them I picked up Rylan first right on time for Zacky to come and pick up Zachary.

“get him” I said walking out of the way to there room.

I dried her up and put her in a black shirt with a pink skull on it and denim baby skinny jeans along with baby sized graffiti converse. She was just so cute.

I was putting a little pink head band with a bow on it on her head when I heard “oh yeah, you’re my son” I turned to see Zacky putting gel on Zachary’s head making a small Mohawk as he has his hand in his mouth.

“oh god, are you serious” I said putting Rylan on my shoulder walking to them.

“what? it looks so cool” he said spiking it up.

“ok, just not to much gel. um, where are we going today to celebrate your B-day?” I laughed when Zachary was looking at Zacky like he was crazy once again as I was walking to the closet getting sweaters for the twins.

“oh! I heard there’s a festival in the park” he said excitedly grabbing a dressed Zachary hurrying out the room.

“WAIT!! BABE YOUR NOT DRESSED!!” I yelled laughing remembering that he’s only in his boxers.

“oh right” he muttered blushing walking to me handing me Zachary.

“Daddy’s crazy right?” I cooed to both of them as I laid on the couch with them on top of me.

20 minutes later we were out the door on our way to the park.

“Oh my god!! Cotton candy!!” I yelled running to the stand giving the guy 3 dollars.

“your such a kid” Zacky laughed pushing the carriage over to me as I was handed a huge one.

“I know I am” I said taking a piece out of it putting it in his mouth.

“hmm, I haven’t had cotton candy in a while” he said opening his arm pulling me in front of him while he was still pushing the carriage and putting his head on my shoulder.

“hm, think they would like the carousel?” Zacky asked looking at the ride with all the kids playing with the horses with the blinking bright colored lights shining from it.

“yeah, they should” I nodded shrugging I looked at them as Rylan was hitting Zachary on his head when he was staring at the lights on the ride, he turned to her with a ’wtf?’ look that looks exactly like Zacky’s face which made me laugh.

“what?” Zacky chuckled as I was having a laughing fit and couldn’t breath.

’dame cotton candy, making me have a sugar rush now’ I thought calming down.

“nothing” I said pushing the carriage to the ticket stand.

“ok, its official, my fiancé is crazy” I heard him mutter than chuckle.

I turned to glare at him and turned back around “2 tickets please” I asked (children’s ride free) the lady nodded handing me them as I handed her a twenty.

“ok, who’s going first?” I asked looking at him as we waited in line.

He looked at them “I’ll take Rylan first” he said picking her up as she giggled clapping her hands.

“hey doll face” he cooed at her smiling.

After me and Zacky got off the carousel we walked around the festival enjoying the music, people in costumes, the food and taking pictures of things with the twins.

‘good thing I had my camera’ I thought smiling as I put it back in my jean pocket.

“hey! look!” Zacky said touching my arm as he pointed to a stand that was getting customers for them to take professional pictures.

“hey, can I have a card?” Zack asked the lady who was giving them out.

“sure, here” she gave him one as I had a confused face.

“maybe we should take pictures with them, for memories” he said shrugging putting the card in his back pocket.

I nodded in agreement “yeah maybe we should start a photo album” I said zippering the twins sweaters up.

“exac-oh shit” he was interrupted by his phone ring tone ’walk’ by pantera.

“hello?” he answered but pulled the phone away from his ear from the weird noise on the other line with a hurt face rubbing his ear.

I laughed “is that everybody?”

he nodded and put the phone on speaker.

“where are you guys!!”

“yeah!! We couldn’t find you!!” it was jimmy and Nicole.

“were celebrating his birthday in a festival at the park” I answered giggling at a startled Rylan and amused Zachary.

“LUCKY! oh Zacky man. your Mom called and she wants you, Eve and the kids at there house” Dad said.

Zacky nodded “ok, thanks”

“guys hurry back so we can have cake!!” Nicole called.

“yeah I didn’t spend the whole mourning making that cake for nothing!!” Mom called.

I laughed “ok Mom”

“thanks Val!!” Zacky called laughing as well.

we walked back to the car with his arm around me as I pushed the carriage.

“Noo! My sexiness is going away” Zacky whined closing his phone and turning the car on.

“no it’s not” I said finally buckling Zachary in with much difficulty then got in to the passenger seat kissing his lips.

“cause your still sexy to me” I said whispering seductively.

he smirked “aww, thanks babe” he whispered kissing my lips back deepening the kiss with his hand on my neck.

I pulled away “I want cake” I said pouting.

he chuckled “I guess I’m not sweet enough to satisfy your sweet tooth” I shook my head “nope!, not even close”.

We got to the house being surprised when we saw Zacky’s family along with everybody else.

“SURPRISE!!!, oh shit were late” Nicole said laughing walking in to the room with Johnny right behind her holding her waist with one hand and holding her hand with the other one.

“Hey everybody” Zacky greeted them with hugs and kisses and me doing the same.

“hey Had” I smiled hugging him.

“hey baby girl” he kissed my forehead.

“how’s my grand kids? god I’m already a grandpa an I’m only 30” he chuckled to himself picking both of them up lay them on his huge arms. I was afraid he was going to squash them.

“egh, its ok to be young” I shrugged walking to Nicole.

“hey Sis” I greeted hugging her and Johnny.

“hey chica, so what’s new?” she asked leaning on Johnny with her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her.

“nothing really, but what’s up really with you guys? your keeping something from all of us but you know you can trust me” I said folding my arms over my chest. What? I can be nosey sometime’s.

“well………” she said pulling something out of her pocket then putting it on her finger.

I gasped loudly.

“what?” I turned around to see Zacky with a confused expression as I was grabbed away from him with my mouth covered but got his wrist pulling him with me.

“ahh! when!?” I finally said right when the hand was uncovered from my mouth and we four was in the kitchen.

Nicole blushed “yesterday”

I was jumping up and down in excitement “I'm so happy for you guys!!!” I squealed hugging them both as they laughed.

“IM SO LOST! WHAT IS GOING ON!?” Zacky yelled I turned around rolling my eyes.

“its so obvious, there getting married” I said shaking his shoulders. his eyes got wide.

“holy shit, Johnny you finally got the balls to do it man?” Zacy to him as he nodded and Nicole was confused smiling.

“how long you’ve planned this?” she asked looking at him laughing.

“we both bought the rings together in England” Zacky said wrapping his arms around me smiling.

“ENGLAND!?” Me and Nicole asked yelling with wide eyes.

They nodded.

“you mean to tell me that our rings is from England, THE FUCKING ENGLAND!?” I said still with wide eyes.

He laughed “yeah”

I looked down at the huge crystal diamond that has small diamonds around it on the shiny silver gold band.

“Uhhhhh, I think we need Mommy here! Or Daddy! Somebody! Help me!” my Dad yelled followed by crying. He sounded like he was getting attack.

Me an Zacky laughed as we walked to the living room to see Dad trying to calm them down.

“aww, come here” I cooed picking up Zachary onto my shoulder as Zacky took Rylan.

We ate dinner at the table then everybody went to the living room leaving the girls to clean up.

We cleaned up and I looked at Mom “mom, what kind of cake did you made?” I asked curiously.

She laughed “I didn’t make one. I bought one actually at Baskin & Robbins. you know I cant bake for shit” she laughed as she put the plates in the sink.

I laughed “oh wow”

I heard little foot steps coming in to the room “Hi Evwie!” I turned to meet a Mohawk shaved Aaron.

“Oh shit!, you too!?” I yelled feeling his head remembering what Zacky did to Zachary this mourning.

“yeah, him and your Dad” Mom said.

I turned to her “Dad got it too!?” she nodded
“yeah, wait who were you talking about?” she asked confused.

“Zacky put Zachary’s hair in a Mohawk this Mourning, did you see him?” I asked kissing Aarons face as he scrunched up his nose just like Me and Dad. “Eww”

I laughed “no I didn’t see anybody, I was in this kitchen all day” Mom said going back to cleaning.

I nodded “looks just like Dad. that reminds me I got to go see what my Dad looks like” I said going back in to the living room.

I looked at dad “you shaved it back to a Mohawk?” I asked casually.

He nodded “I guess you saw Aaron?” he asked laughing.

I nodded “yeah, why didn’t I notice it before?” I asked sitting next to him as he put his arm around my shoulders.

“cause you cant see anything above my stomach because your that short” he laughed at my glare.

“I’m five foot one. But true, true” I muttered I was looking at Zacky when the lights turned off and everything got dark.

“Oh god!. we are going to die, were going to die!!!” I heard jimmy yell as everybody laughed.

“shut up, your scaring the kids” I heard leana whisper to him.

“Mommy” I heard Aaron said with fear in his voice.

“its ok I’m here baby” Mom said comforting him.

“OW!!” jimmy once again yelled.

“what?” Dad asked

“some body hit me and they got nails!!” jimmy said

“no body hit you, girls did you hit him?” Dad asked

“Nope!” Mom, leana, Michelle, Nicole and me said all together.

“your going crazy jimmy” Syn laughed.

“I am not!!” jimmy whined

“maybe it was your conscience” Michelle said

“no it was not! it was real! I got a damn mark to prove it!!” jimmy said

“guys maybe there’s a ghost in the house” Zacky said.

“ok! ok! Guys that’s enough with messing with jimmy’s mind today!. jimmy babe I hit you” leana laughed

“aww, leana your no fun” Syn said in a child’s voice

“yeah, I know” she said

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!” I heard mom and Michelle chorused stepping into the room with a cake that had like a billion candles light up on it.

I smiled and went over to sit next to Zacky. he smiled putting an arm around my waist and his hand on my thigh rubbing it with a thumb.

We sang the song while me and Zacky looked at each other and I was singing badly laughing as he just smiled.

The song ended an he was still looking at me.

“uh, babe candles” I giggled at his face.

“oh!” he said closing his eyes for a second as everybody chuckled.

he blew the candles and right away kissed me hard on the lips, I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing back.

I took one arm off his neck but wrapped my other completely around pushing my self closer to him. he wrapped both of his arms around my small waist rubbing my sides up and down.

I felt the plate of the cake and took the side of it off smashing it on the side of his face.

Everybody busted out laughing at his stunned face at first but it turned to sly smirk.

“oh no you didn’t” he said attempting to say in a ghetto voice but failing miserably.

“oh yes I did” I laughed snapping my fingers for affect.

Before I new it we were in a cake fight.

I was smashing all the cake from his hair to his face and up his nose, he put a large piece on my hair rubbing it in to it and on to my face.

We laughed dropping on to the couch wrapped in each others arms laughing at everybody else getting covered.

I looked at Zacky’s covered face and giggled.

“what?” he asked laughing.

“nothing” I shooked my head and got a lick on the side of my face.

“hey!!!” I yelling laughing.

“what? you taste sweeter than usual baby” he said licking his lips.

I smiled then licked his cheek but he moved his head to his mouth.

he opened his mouth taking my tongue in his mouth kissing my lips and his hand on the back of my head deepening it.

I bite at his snake bites a little an explored his mouth.

I pulled away “smooth, real smooth” I whispered commenting at his trick he pulled.

“thank you, thank you very much” he smiled doing the Elvis Presley voice.

I giggled but stopped when I heard crying.

We both looked over to see jimmy cradling them both “I don’t know how they got in my arms but don’t kill me please” he said looking at us like a deer caught in headlights.

I laughed “there probably hungry and sleepy” I said getting them both.

“yeah, lets go home” Zacky said getting up to get the carriage and heading to the elevator.

“THANKS EVERYBODY!” he yelled as the doors closed enough to hear the laughter an the ‘your welcomes’

“I see Me and Mommy were the only one’s that got caked” Zacky said looking at the clean kids sleeping in there carriage.

“yup, you know what that means right?” I asked with my seductive smile on my face.

“uh oh, I know that smile. kiddies I think mommy’s horny” he whispered to them as I laughed blushing.

We put the twins to bed after feeding them and took off our clothes climbing into the shower together.

“hmm, wash my back” I said handing him the towel cloth with vanilla soap on it.

“so demanding” he chuckled kissing my neck moving the towel on my back smoothly.

“you know you like it” I whispered He turned me around and kissed me hard on the lips that sent tingling sensations done my spine.

I wrapped me arms around his neck as he grabbed a hold of my thighs putting them around his waist.

He moved his lips down my neck getting goose bumps from the cold metal of his snake bites. he prepared him self between my legs and stared up at me.

He plunged into me making it hurt a little and I gasped pulling his hair.

He stared at me smirking as he was keeping up with the speed and I was moaning and groaning uncontrollably.

it was almost at my peak and I could tell Zacky was also because his face changed and his grip on my hips got MUCH tighter then before.

I called out loudly “Zacky I’m almost there!!”

his speed got faster if possible “I know baby. me to-o” he grunted stuttering a little whispering all at once.

We got to our peaks and slammed on to the wall breathing hard.

“best sex we’ve ever had” I whispered letting the warm water go onto my body.

“I agree” he said playing with my hair.

We got out of the shower and put on our pajamas.

I climbed into bed in my tank top and boy shorts.

Zacky had pajama pants with no shirt on pulling me close to his chest.

“goodnight love” I yawned burying my head in his chest.

He silently smiling down at me.

“your so cute, goodnight beautiful” he whispered kissing my forehead.

three seconds later I was knocked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
hello lovely's :)

please COMMENT!!!! it make's me feel good. and tell me what I am doing please!!!
this chapter is dedicated to Mutantxxspawn and seizetheday6661!!!! you guys ROCK!!


<3 Ellie