Status: I dont know about this one.......I may need some feedback! HELP!

Daddy's angel

Daddy's angel

Zacky’s pov:

I watched her go around the corner until she was gone.

“SHIT!” I screamed to the dark starless sky with my eyes shut with one image of her in my head dropping to my knees to the street floor.

“Zacky?” I heard Gena say behind me. I turned around and glared at her with hell in my eyes.

“see what you did!? You fuck up everything that I ever loved and cared for!. And you over done it this time, so you know what? Leave me the fuck alone! I hope your happy you pathetic selfish bitch!!” I yelled into her face as the Niagara falls come down my face none stop.

She looked down an I rolled my eyes in disgusted walking back to the club to see if I could get a ride home or stay at one of the guys place.

I walked to the guys as they laughed and talked until they saw me.

“oh god…….Zacky? what happened?” Val asked coming towards me.

“um, can somebody take me home or I can stay the night at somebody’s?”

“you can stay with us” Matt said standing up.

I nodded “thanks” I whispered looking down as a loose stray of a tear came down my face.

We got into his car and droved silently “Zacky…………what did you do?” he asked turning to me.

“one word, Gena” I said looking down

He slammed his foot on the brakes so hard the car jerked forward in force.

“WHAT!? That bitch is back?” he yelled punching the horn, probably broke it since it had a deep dent in it now.

I nodded sniffing.

“she kissed me right when Eve was there”

“Zack I swe-”

“she kissed me Matt, you know I wouldn’t go back to Gena man” I interrupted him looking at him straight in the eye.

“I know, its just………I’m worried that you’ll start going back under Gena’s sneaky spell”

“I am most definitely will not, again” I said

“ok go-” his phone rang


”yes it is”


“ok thank you, we’ll be right there” he hung up.

“who was that? whoa!!” I asked grabbing the handle of the seat as the car turned around speeding down the street.

“that was the hospital” he breathed with tears forming in his eyes

My heart stopped for a second “Matt?…..”

He took a quick shaking glance at me for a second “Eve” he whispered.

It was three block to the hospital and we were at a red light.

“Matt, I’ll meetcha there” I said quickly taking off my seat belt and dogging out the door and already down the street in 2 minutes.

I ran faster with my legs pumping behind when I saw the emergency entrance.

I got in there out of breath causing a few people to stare but I ignored them once I found a nurse behind a desk.

“hello, my fiancé Evangaline Saunders just came in, I NEED THE ROOM!!” I yelled losing my patients and letting the fear come out of me.

“yes, she’s in room 210” the lady said not really caring and wasn’t bothered by my slight outburst.

“thank you!” I called over my shoulder running to the elevator pressing the 2nd floor button.

I got to the floor and ran up the numbers finally reaching the room.

‘take a deep breath Zacky’ I thought telling myself as I twisted the door knob.

I opened it to see a bed with a bruised up pale sad and broken angel hooked up to a bunch of machine’s.

“oh god” I breathed looking away covering my eye’s with my hand bursting into tears.

I stood there for a few minutes until I felt my phone rang.

“hello?” my voice was scratchy and shaky.

“ZACKY! were coming now!!” it was Michelle

“ok, bye” I hung up

I pulled myself from the spot getting a chair to sit on.

I stared at her face that had eyeliner, eye shadow and glitter all over her face.

“I’m so sorry baby” I sobbed putting my head on to her stomach shaking with my tears.

I calmed down after a few minutes that only random strays of tears coming down as I stared at her angelic peaceful face. She had a huge bruise on the whole side of her face, a cut up eyebrow and a swollen black eye.

“excuse me?” I heard behind me, I turned to see a doctor.

“hi, I’m her fiancé” I said wiping my face on my sweater standing up shaking his hand.

“hi, she has a small concussion and has lost a lot of blood which we need a donor, has a few bruises and cuts, but that should be fine and healed in no time. and……..your lucky the baby made it, the fetus took most of her blood” he said looking up at me as I had a confused expression on.

“baby?” I breathed staring at the wall over him.

“yes, 3 weeks pregnant”

“what blood type is she?”

“o negative”


“ok, ill get the nurse to come and take your blood”

“ok thank you doc” I said sitting down grabbing Eve’s small hand into mine.

Evangaline’s pov:

‘oww’ I feel pain, LOTS of pain.

‘what is this place?’ I walked through a dark hallway focusing my eyes on a colorful piece on the front of a door.

‘god I cant breath’ I gasped struggling for air to go into my lungs grabbing the wall railing for support for me to drag my body to that shining beauty.

I was three steps away from it, I focused my foggy eyes on it to see it was a blue tulip.

Alone on the floor in front of an open door, shaking a little through the stuffy, filthy foggy air.

I picked it up and saw a light shining to it, I looked to my right to see a whole new world.

It had millions of blue tulips floating in the air, a beautiful grayish blue sky with all its light shining down, clear clean air for me to breath. And then I saw something I thought was the most beautiful sight out of this place.

The sun and the moon together looking like they were ruling a kingdom of tulips, all royal and high, I want to show this Zacky……………Zacky…………oh god Zacky.

I felt a tear roll down my face when I remembered what he did to me, the tear pulled away from my face floating into the air and vanished before my eyes.

“hello Evangaline” a magical commanding gentle voice I heard behind me.

I turned to see a women behind me, she had on a silk red dress half off her shoulder with a Spartan look with it along with her hair. (think about the queen from the movie 300)

“um, hi” I had no Idea who this women was.

She smiled walking gracefully down the stairs she was on with her eyes down on the floor “you may not remember me but ……I’ve watched you since the day you were born.”

She came close to me, close enough so I can see what she looked like.

She had dark glowing skin, black long wavy hair floating behind her, same body type as mine and looked about three years younger from me.

She looked up to me, and from looking at her bright blue intense glowing eyes I knew who she was.

“Mom?…..” I breathed staring at a reflection of me.

She nodded touching my shoulder and pulling me into a hug.

“my god, my little shadow has grown so much…oh how I’ve missed you sweetheart”

“Mommy” I said in a small shocked voice an realizing that I was crying.

“oh honey, I’m so proud of you for being the strong brave women you’ve became to be” she said touching my face with her frail soft hand.

“come lets talk” she said taking my hand leading me up the stairs and two swings appeared.

She sat down letting her beautiful red dress come down in front of her, she patted the seat beside her motioning me to sit down.

I sat and touched the vines with flowers that’s wrapped around the ropes of the swings, moving myself back and forth a little bit.

“so, what’s knew? how’s your Dad?” she asked kindly smiling at me.

“um, Dad’s been great. he got married and I had a little baby brother not to long ago, he adopted my best friend when her father died and was going to the orphanage but dad would let that happen-” she laughed with a warm smile on her face.

“yup! sounds like your Dad, always thinking of what’s bests for other people before him self, he’s great man an I still love him with all my heart. so, how about you love?” she asked turning her swing around magically so she faced me.

“well, you have two grandchildren. Zachary and Rylan they are my life” I said smiling down. “I have a fiancé that I love so much but…………..he hurt me a lot”

“I saw darling, and let me tell you……he’s not lying when he said she kissed him” I looked up to her realizing what a stupid mistake I did by running away.

“oh god I’m such an idiot!! I knew he wouldn’t do that to me!!” I said standing up with my hands on my face.

“no your not, you didn’t know…..look let me show you” she stood bringing her hand to the air and started waving it side to side facing her palm to the sky erasing the gray revealing a picture, it looked like a movie that was playing.

I saw Zacky slammed the blonde women to the wall “listen to me and listen to me good, I will not let you control me any longer, I will not let you come back into my life just to fuck it all up, and don’t you fucking dare call my fiancé a slut because that’s sounds so fricken ironic coming from you, so leave me the hell alone and stay away from my family, friends and ME!!”

I kept on staring at the images but one caught me the most “please Eve open the window” it was from the car.

he had tears on his face with sad pleading face on, I never really got to see his face because I was ……….afraid, afraid of looking him and being stupid enough to go back to him and get hurt again.

I looked to the ground, I felt a finger on my chin making me look up and at my birth Mother.

“he really loves you, its not too late to go back” she said looking at me and pointing her finger back to the sky.

I looked up to see me, Zacky and the twins playing, but it changed to a black an white picture with something moving around it.

“what is that?” I whispered but then I realized what it was.

“yes, another child. inside you now” she said with a big bright smile on her face.

Zacky’s pov:

“ok, Mr. baker. that’s it” the nurse said getting the 7th blood tube out and into the bag.

“when are you going to do blood transfusion on her?” I asked focusing on going back from my dizziness while pressing the cloth to my arm.

“now actually, you could wait outside” she said setting everything up.

I nodded and walked outside, I saw everybody crying.

When I sat down they finally noticed me.

Nicole snatched her arms away from Johnny an walked to me, she slapped me on the face making it
sting like hell.

“this is all your fault! She wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for you being a asshole!!” she yelled in my face.

“I’m sorry” I quietly said looking down

‘god, I know that I haven’t spoken to you in a long time but, please help Eve come back to me, make her strong again, that’s all I ask of you’ I prayed with my eyes closed and a few strays of tears go down my cheeks.

The nurse was done an came out “you’re a perfect match, she should wake up in a week” she smiled sympathetically before walking away.

Everybody went to the room to see her leaving me alone.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked slowly to my side to see Johnny.

“I’m sorry about Nicole man. Eve is all Nicole has, but she will apologize. She’s just under a lot right now” he said before rubbing his face.

I nodded “I know, I don’t blame her” I said sitting back on the chair.

“Eve is going to make it, don’t worry”

“she’s pregnant”

“wow, again!?. Jesus Zacky. Give the girl a break, she hardly in her 20’s yet” he joked.

I laughed a little “yeah I know man but, I love her so much”

“I know. you both do, I could see it, wow I wonder how many vengeances are going to be running around in the future, and to think you guys aren’t even married yet”

“at this rate were going in, id say A LOT! but soon we are going to get married”

“hmm, I just realized something”

“what?” I asked looking at him folding my arms over my chest.

“who the hell is the god parents for the twins??”

I smiled “me and Eve were going to tell you guys in Christmas but, you and Nicole are god parents for Rylan, syn and Michelle are god parents for Zachary”

His eyes got so bright “really!?”

I nodded smiling “yeah, you guys were the first to find out about me an her and has supported us”

He smiled got big “thanks Zacky, this means a lot to us, I mean- me and her are trying to have one ourselves”

“that’s great man!!, when did you guys decide on this?”

“a week ago, but we just started so….yeah”

“don’t worry, you guys have plenty of time” I smiled patting his back.

“thanks” he smiled back

Everybody went home and I asked Matt for him to tell the record label to cancel the tour until further noticed.

I went back to the room and grabbed an extra blanket from the bottom of her bed.

I climbed into bed with her comfortably since her body was small to her bed.

I covered both of us an put my arm around her stomach pulling her a little close, I put my head on her little shoulder.

I pushed her hair out of her face an looked as her face glowed with the moon from the side window. Even though there were many cuts and bruises on her face, I still thought she was gorgeous.

I hummed a song for a little while which turned to me singing

“I miss you, miss you…..
Hello there the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never end
Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting every time
And as I stared I counted the webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
And hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
stop this pain tonight
Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head”

“good night angel, I love you” I whispered kissing her soft plump lips “so much”

Evangaline’s pov:

“oh god, I can hear him!!” I said with tears brimming my eyes an a smile on my face. I looked at my mother as she laughs.

“its official, you an him was suppose to be together” she said sitting back down as I spinned around with the blue tulips floating around me, with the words of the song.

I singed with him as he slowed down back into a hum, I fell to the ground laughing loudly with happy tears wishing to feel his touch an warmth.

“good night angel, I love you, so much” I heard him say.

I smiled looking up at the sky where the picture of Zacky holding my lifeless sleeping body to him.

“I love you too baby, don’t worry love………..I’m coming home soon”
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, this was a long chapter..........

COMMENT PLEASE!!!!! they mean the world letting me know how I'm doing from you lovely readers. and I am so happy about my story growing up to 9 STAR STORY!!!!!!! you guys are fucking awesome!!!! I love ya'll!!!!!
