Status: I dont know about this one.......I may need some feedback! HELP!

Daddy's angel

Daddy's angel

Zacky’s pov:

Today’s the day……….shit.

I snuggled into the pillow burring half of my head into it as I felt something snuggle into me. I smiled thinking it’s Eve trying to get warm but I felt a big blotch of something wet hit my bare chest.

I opened my eye’s and looked down to see only big black curly hair on me.

“Eve?” I whispered. It looked up and Rylan’s face was in tears.

“please don’t go Dwaddy” she said crying harder pounding her head on my stomach making me ‘offf’.

I sighed sitting up bring my daughter onto my lap wiping her small face with my hand and bring her hair up and out of her face making her look at me.

“Darling, I will come back I promise. I just have to work” I said as little understanding for her as possible.

She hiccupped “but, can we go with you?”

I laughed “oh my doll face, I wish I can bring you. your brother and Mommy with me but I cant. Your mommy is having your future brother or sister, and it’s going to be dangerous honey. I can’t risk that” I explained kissing her head.

She nodded but was still sad, I decided to sing the song she loved

“She's got eyes of the bluest skies
And if they thought of rain” she smiled looking at me with watery eyes. I put her on my lap.

“I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain”

I combed her soft curls with my fingers “Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place Where as a child I'd hide And pray for the thunder,
And the rain To quietly pass me by”

(Woah oh oh oh) Sweet child o' mine
(Woah oh oh oh) Sweet love of mine” she smiled humming along and I looked at the beautiful blue eye’s that her Mother gave her. She kissed my cheek and snuggled into my chest.

I smiled when her stomach growled “come on, lets get some grub and bother Mommy and your brother” I said putting her over my shoulder.

She laughed loudly “Daddy! You silly!”

I laughed “why thank you my little beauty”

I walked to the living room and dropped Rylan on purpose on the couch next to her brother making her glare at me and hit me HARD I might add on the stomach. That should be handy for when she grows up. Hopefully to chase away her loser boyfriends. God help me.

I noticed Eve wasn’t there so went to the kitchen to see her at the stove as always where she is these days, humming to HIM. I sneaked up to her then when I was literally three inches toward capturing her waist “Zacky don’t you dare”

I dropped my hands and pouted but smiled when she turned around
“hello baby” she smiled kissing my lips and wrapped her around me. I can say I truly love this goddess.

“my love where have you been all my life!!” I said dramatically as I pulled away from her addictive lips, she giggled slightly but did the dramatic hand movements as she talks “well darling! I’ve been feeding your children plus your unborn one and is grieving over you leaving for three weeks!”

I sighed as she looked at me sadly as she had tears in her eyes, it breaks my heart to see her cry “damn hormones”

I chuckled at her cuteness but put a serious caring face “I know and I promise that I’m going to be back before you know it” I said smiling reassuringly.

She look at me for a good 5 minutes until she smiled and kissed my lips “I hope so”

We ate breakfast together and was blasting Pantera out loud on the stereo, I was enjoying the company of the kids and Eve. Before we know it I’m outside holding on to the twins each on one of my arm’s as Eve is crying in front of us.

“damn, I promised myself to not cry” I laughed at her muttering at herself.

“come here little ones and give me a kiss and a hug to your grand Daddy and great Uncle‘s” Matt said taking the twins out of my arm‘s. I knew he wanted me and Eve to have sometime alone.

I picked Eve against me by her hips and kissed her, the kiss was intense with so much love, care, and sweet as she slowly wrapped her arms around me. I had to make it good because I’m not getting another one for the next three weeks.

I pulled away for some air and smiled at her bright pink smile “your lucky you’re a good kisser” she said amused.

I chuckled closing my eyes and resting my forehead against hers making our nose’s touch, we relaxed with smiles on our faces and I was enjoying smelling her, I know this sounds creepy but it’s the sweetest smell on earth in my opinion. She ALWAYS smelled like strawberries and brown spices. Delicious and exotic. I love it.

“Zacky we need to hit the road” jimmy interrupted us making me sigh and put her down. I didn’t notice how tired my arms gotten.

“I love you Evangeline Saunders” I whispered against her lips giving them one last kiss. I knew we sounded corny but its right thing to do in this moment.

“I love you too, take my heart where ever you go” she said bringing my hand to her soft plump lips.

“forever and always” I walked backwards to the van where its going to lead us to our tour bus staring at my beautiful goddess. She smiled but I forgot something.

I ran back to her real fast as she gave me a confused stare, I bent down and kissed my forming kid “take care of Mommy for me” I said to the noticeable small bump.

“Zacky! Lets go!”

“go baby!“ Eve laughed as I jumped up and grabbed my bag that I almost left, I flashed her one quick smile before I ran to the van.

Christmas tour here we come…………oh joy……..

Syn’s pov:

I busted into the van and sat at the back seat pissed off as hell.

‘Michelle changed’ I thought staring out into the window at nothing unparticular thinking about the argument we had before I shook my head and put the ear buds in my ears and turning my ipod to jimmy hendrix. It always relaxes me.

“Bri? you ok man?” I looked up at Matt to see him looking at me concern.

I nodded my head but I knew he didn’t believe me. The seat next to me was filled in and the doors were closed “what’s up dude?”

I shrugged getting frustrated “Michelle………she’s changed an this has been going on for like months an I don’t know what to do anymore….”

I looked to see Matt looking forward with his infamous thinking face on.

Finally he snapped out of it and looked back at me with the same expression “I noticed that too, she’s getting kind of clingy and………bitchy, sorry”

My eyebrows furrowed shaking my head no “no don’t be, it’s the truth. Lets see what the other’s think I should do…..but me and Michelle are falling apart and we fight constantly until there’s no reason of why were screaming at each other…..I’m tired of wearing the happy mask”

Matt nodded understandingly “I understand” see? “but don’t worry, things would probably get better”

I nodded ’I hope so………’ I thought staring out the window with my ipod still on full blast until we got to our tour bus.

We packed up and stocked up the bus an hit off to a venue in LA where we were going to hit the tour off with a band that the label assigned us on.

“where’s my phone!? Oh I got it, never mind” Jimmy said after his burst out and was texting to lacey probably. I bet they were having cyber sex, I wouldn’t be surprise with those two.

I rolled my eyes laughing at his stupidity while walking to the bunks and claiming the one on the top. Wow lucky me.

I laid there wanting sleep to come over me so I could see this mysterious girl that keeps on popping in my dreams. But of course my phone rings the ring tone I put of Michelle for when she calls. Crazy bitch by buckcherry. I know I’m bad.

I put it to silent not really wanting to hear her shrilling voice right now and was happy of the good enough silence and peace I have with the guys playing a game and gambling on the kitchen wall table in the background.

I walked through the crowded hallway that had music blaring through the master stereo.

I got through to the bar and ordered a shot of jack Daniels. Yup is this my relaxing paradise.

I turned my stool to the dancing crowd while drinking my Guinness I just ordered until I saw…….her.

She was glowing under the lights while she floated gracefully through the crowd with ease and capturing every mans attention as she passed.

Her black hair with purple highlights was on her back framing her and hiding her perfect face. She came towards the bar and I got a good look at what she was wearing, skinny black jeans with combat boots and a green corset on. Along with a Perfect body.

‘here’s my chance, hopefully she won’t disappear and I wake up disappointed’ I thought while taking my drink and filling into the empty stool next to her.

“hi, I’m Brian” I smile at the side of her head trying to get her attention. She turns her head lifts her eyelids to my face revealing the most beautiful whiskey eyes I KNOW I will ever see in my life. I was lost in a trance but broke it once she smiled “I’m Katie” she said in a thick British accent that’s to die for.

“BRIAN!!!” I looked around and away from the still smiling Katie and everything became a blur. No!!

“Brian you Dyke! Get up! We have to go do a concert in an hour!” my eye’s snap open to see Johnny on me and screaming in my ear.

“alright I’m up!” I yelled pushing him “you fucking short shit! You didn’t have fucking to scream in my ear!!”

“sorry but hurry up!!” I got changed into my usual stage cloths and spiked up my hair.

“ok I’m ready!!” I said coming to the front room to find no body there “so much for waiting for me guys”

I walked out the bus to see Zacky waiting there on the phone with a happy smile on his face. I’m so happy for him, he finally found love after what happened with Gena. Plus Evangeline is perfect for him. Even with the huge age difference but you know, age is just a number.

He looked at me and grabbed my arm towards the venue and to the back stage door still talking on the phone.

I took my backstage pass out and flashed it to the security but something was vibrating on my ass. My phone. Damn.

I took it out to see a bunch of text messages from Michelle while I was walking to the dressing room for warm up.

But me being dumb had to opening a text from her, I bumped into someone.

“oh bloody Jesus!! I’m SO sorry I was not looking!!!” I looked up to see a small girl with black hair and highlights running past me.

‘I know I heard that voice before’ I thought while looking at the back of her that has a microphone hanging from her belt hoop. It looked sexy on her.

“its ok” I said walking to the dressing room to see the guys running around, warming up and Jimmy trying to do kung fu on one of the busy techie‘s. As usual.

“hey you want to see the knew band that’s coming on tour with us? There actually playing now” Matt said looking up from the list of song we were going to do tonight.

I nodded and so did the guys. We got to the side stage just in time to see the band playing but with no singer. What the hell?

“shit here’s my part!!!” I heard behind me and saw the same girl that I bumped into earlier running to the front of the stage flipping the microphone that was still connected to her skinny jean belt hoop and lets out the most amazing scream I have ever heard beside M. shadows do in my entire life. It sent chills down my spine. And it felt good.

They did one amazing song, and I was VERY impressed. I can tell the guys do too because they were silent and was listening an watching them play. the crowd was going WILD.

The band members came in to the side stage one by one and the guys started talking to them and complementing them, then finally the lead singer came out.

“you guys are bad ass” I said making her look up at me. I think her neck cracked because since she so short she had to struggle to even look at me. Her eye’s slowly opened to me and I swear my breath was caught and my eye’s were probably wide.

‘it’s her………’ I thought as she smiled and wiped a large amount of sweat off her forehead “hi I’m Katie” she said in the same British accent in my dream.

‘holy fuck……….she’s actually real’
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hey guys, sorry its been such a long time but writers block is a bitch these days....sorry again!

COMMENT= lots of love!!!

<3 Ellie

P.S: like the new layout???