Status: I dont know about this one.......I may need some feedback! HELP!

Daddy's angel

Daddy's angel

Evangaline pov:

“oh my god you’re a genius!, he didn’t even think to look in the bag!” I said as I entered her room finding her nowhere.

“Nic?” I heard a sniffle.

“I’m right here eve” she said I walked around the bed to see her holding a pillow with a tearstain face and phone pieces all over her floor that looked it was thrown to the wall.

“oh my god Nicky what happen sweetie?” I said putting my bags on the bed and kneeling on the floor putting my arms around her as she cried on my shoulder.

It took a few minutes for her to calm down “Nic tell me what happened?” I said getting worried of her silence.

she mumbled some words but I didn’t catch it “wha?, I cant hear you” I said looking down at her.

“MY DAD DIED!!” she yelled out yelling and started crying again and I stared in to place shocked until I snapped out of it.

“Nicole look at me how?, when?” I asked holding her face trying get her to calm down.

“in a car crash three hours ago, he was drunk driving again and crashed into another car” she said with stray tears coming down her face.

“Nic, ill be right back”

she nodded and I ran to the living room saying loudly over the noise “WHERES DAD?” and every body looked at me.

“Eve, why is your shirt all wet?” Syn asked

“just tell me where he is!!??!!” I said loudly getting pissed and frustrated. I bet I had the infamous Saunder‘s pissed off face on.

“he’s in the kitchen” Zacky said looking worried and surprised at my little burst out.

I nodded and ran to the kitchen to see my dad and Val holding each other.

“dad, Val I need to talk to you guys, follow me” I said and took both of there hands dragged them up the stairs.

We got to Nicole’s room to see her laying down on the floor on the same place holding the pillow.

“Nicole what happen honey?” Val gasped getting on the floor and holding her.

“my dad died in a car crash” she said ready to fall asleep.

“shit” my dad breathed sitting on the bed next to Val

“do you want to go back to new York Nic?” I said sitting on the floor next to her on the floor holding her hand.

“no I cant” she said with watery eyes.

“why?” I asked “I got nowhere else to go, and if I go back the adoptive agents are going to take me to a foster home” she hiccupped.

I saw my dad and Val exchange looks “girls we’ll be right back” Val said getting up and out the room with dad following her.

30 minute’s later they came back and Val kneeled in front of Nicole and me “Nicole honey, would you like us to adopt you?” she asked smiling sadly.

her face brightened with a huge smile breaking in her teary face “really?” she asked excitedly as I squealed and both Val and dad smiled nodding.

“oh my god thank you!!” she jumped on Val.

Val laughed “your welcome sweetie, let me go tell your future uncles” she smiled and got up.

’great I have a feeling for one of my uncles, I feel like such a prostitute’ I thought and I snapped out of it as I jumped on my dad “oh thank you dad so much” I said squeezing him in a hug.

“your welcome baby” he smiled and kissed my head.

I let go of him right on time as Nicole squealed “thank you so much!!” she said loudly with happy tears.

“your welcome, but I got to ask you something do you want your last name changed to Saunders?” he asked looking a little scared.

“YES!!, yes I would love to, thank you again” she smiled and turned to me and we both squealed happily and hugged together.

“welcome my sista” I laughed.

“thank you my sista, oh my god were going to be sisters!!!” she laughed loudly and we heard my dad chuckle “come down stairs” and we nodded.

We got to the living room and everybody smiled at me and Nicole.

jimmy ran up to her squealing like a little girl “yay!, I gotta another niece, I mean we got another niece” he hugged her and everybody else nodded.

“oh yeah were going to get the paint now guys come, and Nicole what color do you want your room to be?” dad said standing up with the guys.

“turquoise and gray” she said and he turned to me.

“ violet purple and neon green” I said and he nodded “ok, ill be right back, come on guys” and they were out.

“Val, were hungry can we have hamburgers please if there is any left?” I asked her as we entered the kitchen and saw her setting up the table.

“yeah there just about done, I’m just setting up the table for when the guys get back” she said looking up at us smiling.

we sat down and started eating with Val.

after we ate Val “girls, I need for you to keep a secret until I tell the others and your father”

we both looked up an she looked extremely nervous and we drowned her with questions like “what the matter?” or “is there something wrong?”

she nodded with hands up “there’s nothing wrong and lets just say were going to need a bigger house”
we looked at each other and I realized what she meant.

“were getting a dog?” Nicole asked blankly looking at Val.

We busted out laughing until at her stupidity.

Nicole looked confused “what!!???, tell me!!!” she stomped her foot with her arms crossed.

Val calmed down “”sweetie, I’m pregnant”

She shot right out of our seats and rushed to hug her shouting ’oh my god, oh my god’ so many times while Val laughed.

I soon joined in and Val pulled away just looking at us smiling and touched both our cheeks and we smiled back at her.

“wow, last week I had no kids and now I have 2 beautiful daughters and a beautiful child in me, I called the foster home and there mailing the adopted papers so your going to be part of the family very soon, Nicole Saunders”

Nicole smiled “I like the sound of that” and we laughed with me and Nicole smiling bigger with happy tears.

“you are the first mom we will ever know” Nicole said and me nodding in agreement and Val started crying an laughing while hugging both of us a few minutes.

“oh god, a girl moment” we heard behind us and we see dad in the doorway in the door way smiling.

“why are you girls crying? Did you see another romance movie again?, wait is there something wrong?” he asked as he was getting worried by the second Val shook her head.

“did you guys get the paint?” she asked he nodded “there in there rooms”

“alright can you get the guys in the here for dinner and I want to tell you all news” she said getting up he nodded and left.

All the guys and girls were in there and sitting when Val standing up “guys, I need to tell you something” she said loudly and everybody looked at her.

she put on a nervous face looking at me and Nicole and we both nodded smiling at her as she took a deep breath “guys were going to need a bigger house” and the guys exchanged confused looks but the girls got it and jumped out of there seats racing over to Val hugging her and repeating ’oh my god, oh my god’ until the guys got restless “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT!!!???!!!” Syn finally yelled out and Michelle looked at him stupidly.

“Brian, I’m going to be an aunt, idiot” she hit him on the back of the head.

“oh“ he smiled goofily.

Dad came to Val and hugged her with his hand on her stomach as she smiled.

“so this is the reason for the crying you and the girls did?” she nodded and laughed.

I was happily smiling at everyone when I landed on zack’y across the table as he was talking to jimmy laughing and then he turned his head and caught my look before we knew it we were back in our staring contest again we always get.

my stomach went into twists and knots as I broke my gaze.

my dad said “Eve, looks like your going to have 2 new sibling” he said laughing and I smiled and felt zacky’s eyes still on me.

When everybody finished Val started cleaning up but I stopped her.

“no, you cooked let me clean up so you go relax with dad” I said leading her out the kitchen.

“I’ll help her so don’t worry” Zacky said putting the dishes in piles and I smiled at him.

“but I’m pregnant!!! Not crippled!!” I gave her the look that my dad give’s her. she just smiled and left “ok, thanks sweetie”

I turned around and saw him at the sink putting the dishes in.

“so I guess I’m washing and your drying?” I said going in front of the sink.

he turned around and nodded smiling “yup”

I started on the first dish and handed it to him and started on the second plate “since when did you help clean the dishes?” I asked handing him the second plate.

“since you stopped Val” he smirked an I laughed “ok very funny” and went back to silence.

It wasn’t a awkward silence it was actually a nice silence, after half an hour we were done.

“well thank you Mr. vengeance, you were a great help” I smiled leaning against the sink.

“well your welcome Miss shadows, you were a big help too” he smiled back standing in front of me.

We again stared at each other ‘Jesus, will this stupid staring thing ever end?’ I thought.

“move!, the guys just kicked us lady’s out to watch the stupid game and now were missing our show!” Val said as she pushed Zacky in front of me so close our body’s were almost touching and I felt his heat on my body.

I looked up an our faces were inches away from each other an my breath became chokes that I had to look away to the side.

a few seconds later he whispered ‘goodnight’ an left to go upstairs.

“goodnight” I whispered finally finding my breath an voice again to no one in the kitchen and becoming alone.

Zacky’s pov:

‘holy shit, holy shit that was so f-ing close!, I was two seconds into going into kissing her until she turned away, I probably scared her, wow I’m such an idiot’ I thought as I walked to my room.

I took my shirt off and sat on the bed putting on my stereo to sweet o’ child of mine by guns-n-roses.

I see Syn walk by ‘I really need to talk to someone’ I thought.

“SYN!!” I yelled “WHAT?” he yelled from down the hall.

“COME HERE!” I yelled back, I heard his foot steps and he appeared at the door.

“I need to talk to someone” I said looking at him in the eye telling him I’m completely serious.

he nodded and closed the door an sat at my computer desk chair.

“I have a problem”


“I really like this girl but she’s 9 years younger than me, what do I do? I’m afraid she doesn’t like me an will reject me, dude I’m so lost at not knowing what to do I mean I never felt like this for any girl since Gena, and Syn you know me man I hook up with them and leave but I want to take this girl slow an not to rush things. WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I DO BRIAN!!??!!” I yelled at the last part.

Syn eye‘s gotten wide “wow, you never talk or need help on girls, you’re the Romeo of out all the guys. so this girl probably hard to get and different, but is this the reason you been acting weirdly lately?”

I nodded with my face in my hands “dude, you got to tell her how you feel”

I shook my head “no I cant!”
he sighed “well then show her how you feel”

I was confused “and how the hell am I going to do that?”

he looked at me and put his hand on my shoulder “here’s what your going to do….”
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I don't know about this chapter, but tell me what you guys think though. I'm curious.....

COMMENTS= fast update's <3