Status: Major construction. Hiatus.

Inconsistent Paper Stars

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning. The one and only thing that can get a kindergartener up before seven o’clock (besides chocolate chip pancakes, or homemade waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Or ice cream for breakfast. But that hasn’t happened to either boy yet). Zacky stared at the clock, waiting for it to flick from 5:21 to 5:22, the time his mother said she could be woken. Zacky was unbelievably excited, and Brian, sleepily sitting next to him, wasn’t quite as enthusiastic yet. “Zackyyyyyyy. Why do we have to get up so earwy? We’we up befow da sun’s up!” He glanced disdainfully out the window at the softly falling snow that looked green in the light from the clock.

“Becawseeeee, it’s Cwistmas mowning! Dat means we get pwesents as soon as our mommies get up. And I’m waking mine up when she said I could…which is…” Zacky looked at the clock. “Wight now! Come on, Bwian, let’s wake ‘em up!” Laughing, Zacky raced into his mother’s room. “Mommy, Mommy! The clock has a five, a two, and a two, in dat order, and you said I could wake you up when dey did dat! It’s Cwistmas! It’s time to open pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesents! I even gotted you someting dis year. And I know Bwian’s mommy did, twooo. Wanna know how I know? ‘Cause Bwian told me. Bwian got you someting, too. And we have to give dem dey’re pwesents, two!!! Come on, Mommy, wake up, wake up, wake up!!!!” Zacky jumped up and down to emphasize his last six words.

“Alright, alright, Zacky, I’m awake. Go sit out in the front room for ten minutes while I wake up. When the clock says five, three, three, in that order, and I’m still not out, come and get me, okay?” Mrs. Baker’s voice was muffled slightly because of the blankets, and she sounded very tired.

“Noo, Mommy, you’re not getting out of it dis year. You awlllllways do dat to me, and it’s usually light outside by da time you wake up! Come on, Mommy! Pweeeeeeease? Don’t you wanna see your pwesents?” Zacky’s voice held awe when he said “pwesents”, so very happy to be able to get new things. Just like any five year old.

“Oh, alright, Zacky….did Brian go to wake up poor Ms. Haner? I hope not….the poor woman, we’ve probably wore her out so much!” Maria slowly got out of bed, and went to her vanity to brush out her hair. “Alright, Zacky, you’ve gotten me up. Now, please, go make sure Ms. Haner is doing alright. I’ll be out as soon as I get rid of all these tangles…” Maria fussed over her hair while Zacky went to go find Brian.

He went into the room next door to find both Haners asleep in the bed, the mom with her arm around her son. Zacky giggled. He and his mother had worn both of them out.

He tiptoed out of the room to his mom’s room. “Mommy, dey’re asleep. Maybe we should wait until dey wake up. I could let you sleep dis one, I guess…” Zacky was pretty tired himself, but he wasn’t going to let his mother know that.

She did know that, of course, but she played along with Zacky. “Alright, then. Would you mind keeping me warm at this hour, Zacky? Just let me hug you until I fall asleep?” Maria got back into her bed, and opened her arms, which Zacky promptly fell into.

“Okay, Mommy. I’ll twy not to wake you up when I leave.” Zacky snuggled into his mother and the covers, as Maria settled down and felt her eyelids droop. But before she fell asleep, she noticed Zacky’s breath evening out, and felt him completely relax. She smiled. Her boy needed his sleep, though he claimed he didn’t. Always-hyper Zacky…he was going to run poor Brian ragged. She’d have to make sure they both got some sleep at night…and with that final thought, Maria drifted off into happy unconsciousness, dreaming of her dead husband, wishing he was still here.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, it's pretty freakin short. I'm really sorry, you guys. Honestly, I am. I just feel so sick now.....*blehck* Headaches and throataches and I can't hardly talk....XP

BUTANYWAYZ, I have TONZ of Skittles, because one of my stories (called Secrets and Lies, if you like Rydons, go read it) has just reached TEN FRANKIE-FUCKIN stars!!!! =) I'd party, but OUCHOMBHEADACHE.

Ah well. Lots of love to the following-

klever.kat-I'm really glad you like the story =)
Call Me Moonlight-Have I ever told you I love your screen name? It's awesome =)
CwazzleBear-ahaha, it's alright, your MSN message made me laugh. I'm really glad you like this story so much =D
bloodravyn-I'm really, really sorry you had such a bad night at work.....*hug*

And, of course, lots of love to my readers and subscribers. You guys own.

I love you,

(oh, btw........if any of you guys know any good Kaulitzcest(Tom/Bill Kaulitz slash)stories, could you tell me? I'm addicted to them, I'm not sure why....I love you all immensely, whether you give me links or not =) )