Status: Major construction. Hiatus.

Inconsistent Paper Stars

Pwesent Time!

Brian’s eyes slowly opened to natural light, brighter than normal because it was reflected off the snow outside. He found himself snuggled--very warmly, he would add--next to his mother, under a few thick comforters. He sighed as he found himself happy and carefree, just like any five year old should be. His father was gone forever, if what his mommy said was true. He didn’t have to stay out of his father’s sight, he didn’t have to stay quiet while he heard his mommy’s screams down the hallway (though he worried about her when he saw bits of blood on their sheets when he went to see if she was still alive after he had left), and he didn’t have to sit still while Mommy put makeup on the bruises on his face in the morning. Things were going great in the Haner household right now, better than Brian could ever remember. His mother had gotten a friend (he had never seen her happier), and he had the bestest friend in the whole entire world. Brian sighed happily again and started to drift back to sleep when he remembered how he had gotten to his mother’s room in the first place. It was Christmas morning. He was shocked that Zacky hadn’t woken him up.

As if on cue, Zacky tiptoed into the room. He saw Brian awake and giggled. “Hey, Bwian, you’re awake, good. Wake up your mommy really nicely, then get your butt out here. Santa left us lotsa stuff!!!” Zacky’s grin and happiness was contagious, and Brian felt himself smiling, too.

He turned around in his mom’s arms and gently shook her. “Mommy, it’s Cwistmas mowning, and Zacky says Santa Cwas came last night and bwought us a lotsa stuff.”

Jan smiled as she slowly opened her eyes. “Oh, Brian, just give me one more minute to wake up.” She rubbed her eyes and stretched. “You’re very nice to be woke up to, honey.” She smiled at her son, and felt her heart lift when he smiled back. He was a huge part of her world, and she loved him dearly, something she was often reminded of when she saw him.

“Okay, Mommy, Zacky told me to get out into the front room and see what Santa bwought us. I’m so excited!!!” Brian jumped out of the bed and ran off after his best friend. Jan sighed happily. She was so glad Brian had found such an encouraging and carefree friend. Zacky was exactly the kind of influence Brian needed, seeing as he had had only negative up until this point in life. The poor kid needed some hope.

Maria peeked into Jan’s room. “Are you ready? I managed to convince Zacky to hold off waking you up until it was daylight, otherwise you would have been up at five twenty-two exactly, and not a second later.” Maria laughed. Jan was glad she had found a friend in Maria, as well. Brian wasn’t the only one who had been gloomy for the past five years.

“Oh, wow, five twenty-two? That’s awfully early for a five year old. Doesn’t he want to sleep?”

“Zacky’s sure that he never sleeps, just thinks so deeply he can’t remember anything that happens during the night,” Maria laughed again. Maria’s laugh was as contagious as Zacky’s energy, and Jan gave a giggle, too. “Come on, we’ve got quite a pile of gifts to open up.”

“We?” Jan was surprised to hear herself included. The only Christmas presents she had gotten over the past six or seven years were cards from various people. Something that’s rather nice, but can get very tiring after a while.

“Duh, silly, you’ve got things with your name on it, as well! It’s not like I’d not get you something. That would be stupid!!” Maria grinned at her friend. “Come on! It’s not like they’re going to bite!” She gently pulled Jan’s arm and led her to the front room, where both boys had their stockings in their laps, waiting for their mothers to get in there.

“Can we open dem now?” Zacky looked up expectedly at Maria, and gave a happy yelp as she nodded. “Dat means yes! Come on, Bwian, what did we get from Santa?” A delighted giggle came from the hyper boy as he dumped the contents of the over-sized sock on the ground and looked at the various candies that had been shoved in there. Bags ofJolly Ranchers, Twix, Starburst, Thin Mints, and--of course--Skittles had all been crammed as tightly as possible to fit as much in there as “Santa” could. Brian smiled as he did copied Zacky, with the same results.

Present-opening went on as it did in family households across the United States, with various “OH YES DANK YOU SOOO MUCH!”s and “DIS IS SOOOO COOL!”s and other happy five-year-old exclamations as the boys tore into their gifts, and “Oh, why thank you!”s and “This is so gorgeous”s came from the mothers. After all was said and done, Maria had gotten a pair of bright pink glittery circle earrings with a necklace and bracelets to match, a new purse, and handmade cards, which she proclaimed would be hung on her wall. Jan had also gotten jewelry, only instead of bright pink glittery plastic, she got gold and silver, to which she complained the family had spent far too much on her. She also got a book called “How to Keep You Ex-Husband Away Forever”, and handmade cards. Zacky and Brian had both gotten acoustic guitars (Zacky’s green and Brian’s purple, of course), tuners, and a pack of 20 picks, where Zacky promptly pulled one out and lost it five minutes later. Maria sighed. She was sure she was going to find them all over her house, but it would be worth it if Zacky learned to play an instrument.

All in all, the little family (that had been proclaimed the “Baner family” by the two boys) had a great Christmas, setting the scene for many to follow.
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BAH. I love this cute and fluffy stuff, but I want to fast forward to where they're teenagers already. But then I'd miss out on a buncha stuff, and that'd shorten the story by a HECKOFALOT and I don't wanna do that to you guys.

Anywayz, love to the following-

CwazzleBear-Yes, you did tell me. I laughed when I looked at your signature XD And thank you, I'm much better now =) And thank you for recruiting your friend!!! =D
xXdeath-plagueXx-Ahhhhh yes, the infamous fort-making....XD Aww, it's not that great.......and I don't know HOW I make them so cute, it's not really me at all......
Call Me Moonlight-I'm really glad you like this story =)
klever.kat.-ahahaha, if you were anything like these guys, you've got to be a pretty kick-ass person =)
Converse All Stars.-Thank you for all the messages, they make me smile =) And I'm really glad you like this story =D
bloodravyn-awwww thank you billions. What's you icon of? I watch it for a long time, and I can never make out what it says at the end....