More Than You Know

Chapter 10

The next day I woke up on the couch with Michael in my arms sleeping peacefully. Deciding that I ultimately didn’t want to disturb him, I stayed for a while, gently stroking his hair back from his face and hoping that the sleeping angel in my arms would allow me to call him my boyfriend. Unfortunately, my reveries were interrupted by a rather obnoxious knock on the door.

I slowly eased Michael out of my arms and walked slowly over to the door. Who ever has the balls to pound on my door at eight o clock in the morning can wait. When I finally made it, I looked through the peephole to spy a very unpleasant looking blond girl midway through the process of chewing a wad of gum very similar to the way a cow chews its cud.

“Can I help you?” I asked opening the door slowly.

The girls overly made up eyes scanned up and down my body before resting on my obviously messy hair. Whatever, she’s probably trying to figure out how she can get her hair to look like this. Let me tell you, it would be an upgrade for her.

“You’re William Beckett right?”

Oh lord, her voice is just as bad as her appearance. How unfortunate.

“Yes, that would be me; could you do me a favor and keep your voice down? My roommate is sleeping.”

Just then, I felt Michael snake his hands around my waste and kiss me on the cheek. “Hey baby.” He muttered resting his head on my shoulder.

“Michael?!” The girl shrieked as if she actually knew him.

Michael abruptly withdrew his hands from around my waist and stood up straight.


They stood there staring apprehensively at each other over my shoulder.

“Who is she and how do you know her?” I asked, feeling incredibly out of the loop.

“She’s my-”

“I’m his girlfriend.” She interrupted folding her arms across her chest.

Well if that wasn’t a slap in the face.

“Wait a minute, you’re his girlfriend? Nice to meet you Brenda, I’m his boyfriend, wont you come in?”

I said stepping aside determined to figure out why the hell this chick came all the way from Australia to try and take back something she lost in the first place. Not forgetting to note the look of terror on Michael’s face.

“So, what can I do for you since you flew all the way over here from Australia, I would hate to send you home empty handed.” I asked politely.

Brenda and Michael sat on the couch and I purposely leaned against the wall in the entry way.

“Simple, I want my boyfriend to come home.”

I laughed loudly much to Michael’s surprise and Brenda shot me a look that could have sobered anyone up. So, to be polite, I sobered up and took on a serious attitude once again.

“I think it’s up to Michael though I don’t think I would let him go even if he wanted to.”

“Why not?” She asked scooting closer to him.

“Because he’s my boyfriend and I love him.” I stated as I sat on the other side of him and gripped his hand tightly.

“I’m not going Brenda. I belong here with Michael. I think you need to go back to Australia. We broke up a long time ago and I live here with William now.”

The look on Brenda’s face made her appear like she just got smacked in the face. Wait a minute, I meant sucker punched.

“I'm not leaving this soon. I think I'm going to hang around and do the touristy thing for a bit. Only because I know you’re going to change your mind. And when you do, I’m going to be the better person and take you back. Because I love you.” She said storming out leaving both of our heads spinning.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wanted to apologize for everything.
I needed a break and I took it, and Its safe to say I'm back.
For those of you who stuck with me, I owe you some pretty epic chapters, let's hope I can do it.