More Than You Know


The days continued to pass peacefully in my relationship with Michael as I slowly began to realize that maybe being in a relationship isn't something bad after all; it's good. I know this for sure that at least with Michael i feel happy all the time. When I'm with him, my worries are few and far between and the only thing i find myself focused on is making him happy, which isn't a difficult task by any definition.

"Will, can i ask you something?" Michael asked one day when we were just sitting at the park enjoying the spring sun accompanied by the occasional cool breeze.

"Of course, what's up?"

"Do you wanna go back to Australia with me and meet my friends back there?"

He put his laptop down as he asked this and turned onto his back,propping himself up on his elbows.

I looked over at him and saw the breeze move his dirty blond hair ever so slightly over his eyes, something i wish i could have gotten a picture of.

"Of course I will, when do you want to go?"

He shrugged and reached into the bag we had brought, producing a juice pouch. Without responding, he took a sip and set it gingerly on the grass next to his leg, making sure that it wasn't going to be knocked over by some invisible force.

"I don't know, we can leave next week, that way you have time to warn your clients and stuff, I'm ready to leave when you are,"

"You miss it there don't you?"

"I guess so,, I mean there are definitely things there that i don't miss, like my ex, but i do miss the few people that actually were true friends, even though there were only like one or two, and they are girls,"

"Your best friends are girls? No wonder you;re gay," I laughed, causing him to feign a hurt look and stick his tongue out at me.

"Anyways," He continued as I pasted a serious look on my face, "I have been telling them all about you via email and have sent them quite a few pictures of us so they are dying to meet you,"

"Alright, sure lets go, I'll call the three clients i have and we can leave Friday. We'll spend tomorrow cleaning up the apartment and leave the day after okay? How long were you planning on staying?"

"I don't know, until we get tired of them, like two weeks or so?"

We packed up our mostly uneaten food and walked the short distance back to my apartment to shower and order tickets and things to be ready for our upcoming trip.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so let's face it. This is another filler chapter.
Dont worry guys, there will be some events coming up that will redeem me, this is just setting this story up for the climax (mind out of the gutter wifey :D)
If you guys would give me more than like, two comments i might be motivated to update again tonight.