Christmas Wishes

Chapter TWO.

Danni tried to get up, but she couldn’t. She looked at her leg and noticed there was a
Puddle of blood beside her leg.
Nobody, not even a single teacher or pupil, saw her lying on the floor crying.

“Help….” Danni sobbed as she tried to move. Then everything went black…
A group of boys who wasn’t far away from Danni
turned to look and all ran over, two of which called a teacher for help.

“Are you okay?” one of the boys asked, as his friend and himself lifted
Danni off the floor and moved her onto the bench.
There was no reply from Danni. Not even a single breath was heard.
The two boys who called for a teacher came running back, one took out
Their mobile phone and dialled 999 and asked for ambulance,
Giving them details.

“Is she okay, Tom?” one of the boys from the group asked their friend, Tom.

“I don’t think so…I cant see any movement or hear anything from her” Tom checked Danni’s pulse.
No pulse… Was she dead already?
“There’s no pulse!” Tom yelled. More pupils gathered around in a circle
to see what was going on. Some thought there was a fight and somebody had
got seriously injured, others thought somebody had collapsed.

More and more people gathered around, until the paramedics arrived and took Danni into the back of the ambulance.
Most of Danni’s friends started to freak out as they didn’t know what happened.

“Anybody wanting to come with her?” One of the paramedics asked.
Tom bravely put his hand up and hopped into the back of the ambulance as they drove off to the hospital.

“Eurrgghh, where am I?” Danni’s eyes slowly opened as she mumbled words. She turned her head and noticed Tom was sat next to her… “Tom….is that you..?”