
We'll Make History

We’ll Make History

A studio session, a photoshoot and a flight across the atlantic. Reagan’s life could not have been much more busier. She sat on the coach, the one that would take her home, thinking of basically anything and everything.

At the age of twenty eight, she had established herself as one of the more successful bass players in the industry, her band; Dying Breed- achieving platinums and golds around reknowned regions. Reagan was more than satisfied with her job, especially having to travel with her best friends and persuing music professionally.

She had a loving and doting husband. Matsumoto Jun was an artiste too; a procalimed actor, singer and presenter, he wasn’t ever short of a job. Being in the same industry as Reagan was, he understood the schedules and what-not coming in between. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

They met through a friend; Sarah Leigh, lead guitarist of Dying Breed. She dragged Reagan on a double date with Taguchi Junnosuke, Matsumoto’s kouhai. At first the pair couldn’t get along, one was stubborn and the other a sadist, but they did eventually counter their differences and realised that opposites do in fact attract.

She dragged her luggage up to the front door, her keys jingled as she twisted the knob. She took in the scent of her house, nothing was better than home. Throwing the rest of her stuff on the couch, she made her way up the stairs.

Exhausted. She’d been feeling that way for the past month. Reagan dragged the bedroom door open, light creeping onto the sides of the room. Smiling, she took in her husband’s peaceful features as he slept. It had been two days since she last saw him, even though they did phone each other, the empty void in her heart would not be filled unless she saw him. Because he was her air, he was the feet that she stood up on when her wings were broken, he was the love of her life.

Looking at her side of the bed, Reagan frowned, her entryway had been blocked by the luggage bag and her set of pillows. Matsumoto Jun still was still at peace, sleeping like it was nobody’s business, while his wife huffed.

She hoped in heaven that she would not wake him up as she crawled over him. She was in a straddled position when she felt her waist being pulled down. Without warning, she found herself under him in a split second.

“Okaeri.” He smiled, his hot breath on her neck. She answered with a moan escaping her lips as he started on the hollow of her neck, making his way up to her pursed lips. He bit the her lower lip, successfully gaining entry to her tongue. He was intoxicated.

They parted and with a smirk on his face, he said; “Let’s make history.”

“Wait!” She halted, digging her chin inward and pushing him up using her barely-there strength.

He looked at her, slightly confused and a bit dazed, “What’s the matter?” He asked frantically, his eyes searching hers for answers.

She paused for a minute before continuing, “I think we made history the last time we made history.

Matsumoto Jun sat up, looking at his wife bewildered. Reagan stood on her elbows, facing him, “Say something.” She muttered- or ordered, unsure.

“We made history?”

She nodded.

A small smile began to creep at the side of his lips, “We made history.

Once again, with a smiling face this time, she nodded.

He bent down and engulfed her in a hug. Sure he was intoxicated before, but now he was ecstatic. Only now will all those years on Mago Mago Arashi become useful. Matsumoto Jun; thirty years of age, a successful career, a beautiful wife and a new addition to the family; their child. He was a Dad now.

I made history!” He cried, throwing his fist into the air, only realising that his wife was glaring at him a few seconds after.

We made history,” She corrected, “Without me, history won’t even be born. And if you repeat that phrase one more time, you won’t be making anymore history with me ever again.”

She gave her an as-if look, only of which he had a glare as an answer. He rolled his eyes but could care less. Dipping his head down again, he claimed her lips. With a smirk, he said; “We’ll make history. Two of them.
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and we all know what happens after that. :D