

7 January 2003,Tuesday

It was long a day, today. I’m exhausted.
Me and Shujiko skipped a couple of lessons. We helped Arina out of school, she looked like she was near death. Okay, I was exaggerating- but she still was in pain though. We only returned to class when the cab we called for her finally arrived. Oh how I wished that’d last longer. I’m sick and tired of lectures. D:

Tanaka Koki. He spoke to me today.
We conversed like we’ve known each other for years. It was only a five minute talk though. Still, it did shed a little light on the real him. Or what I know is the real him.
Maybe there’s a good side to Tanaka after all. …?

10 January 2003, Friday

Oh, TGIF!. Class was short and sweet, nothing that lasted more than an hour(thank god). Gah, I’m tired. I should do more things, socially and academically. Let us begin intensive self-reconstruction, shall we?

I feel like there’s an empty void that needs to be filled.

16 January 2003, Thursday

He came up to me again, today. Tanaka. We conversed much longer than our previous meeting. When he first talked to me, I didn’t expect there would be a second time. He was Tanaka Koki after all. He wasn’t the kind of person I hung out with, wasn’t the kind of person I talked to. Call my standards high, I don’t care. But our cliques just don’t match. So when he came up to me once again today, I was surprised. Because in both our minds, my kind of people hated his kind, and his kind hated us. But when he talked to me…

Somehow that void seemed to be filled.

20 January 2003, Monday

I tried catching his eye. I tried smiling at him. Both of those failed. I don’t think he’s avoiding me, I just think that it’ll ruin his rep if he goes around saying ‘hello’ to every wallflower in front of him instead of flirting with them.
Hell, it’ll ruin my rep. ..but why am I so concerned?

31 January 2003, Friday

It’s my birthday. Am I supposed to sing myself a song?

After last week, I didn’t even bother to look at him. I kept telling myself; If he wanted to talk to me, he’ll come.

And he did. I don’t know how and why he did it, but he did. He slipped me a note during lunch, it told me to wait for him under the bridge near our school after class. I was hesitant at first. Hell, as said, he wasn’t the kind of person I’d trust so easily. But I showed. And (surprisingly)he was there. He held out a cupcake, a purple one, with a single candle. He asked me to blow it and make a wish. I did. And we spent the rest of the evening there. What I’d always wished for;


5 February 2003, Wednesday

I love my friends. I just hate them as people.
Because they could be the most insensitive people on the face of the Earth. We’re not superior, we just like to look down on others when we’re the people who’re supposed to be looked down on.

The only person I could truly be myself with; Tanaka Koki.

“What’s up with you?” He asked, tilting his head a little to the side.

Once again, they sat across from each other, their legs crossed; under the bridge near their school. They’ve been meeting each other, secretly, for the last five months. Always under that bridge. Sneaking away from friends or acquaintances just to fulfil the planned date. It wasn’t as if they were a couple, it was date of friendship. The only time where the both of them could be themselves.

“Why did you start talking to me?” Ran questioned, pointing a look at Tanaka.

He shrugged, exhaling the smoke from his lungs, “I don’t even remember what I talked to you about. How do you expect me to ask myself why?”

“That’s a shit answer.” She spat.

“I’m a shit person.”

Ran shook her head, she couldn’t believe how lightly Tanaka took everything. He seemed as if the world meant nothing, his life meant nothing. Deep down inside, she was envious. She couldn’t be like him, free like the wind.

“Why’re you still hanging out with those brats you call friends?” He asked, inhaling the remains of his third cigarette.

She sneered at him, “You’re one to talk. I’ll hang out with whoever the fuck I want. It’s none of your concern.”

Tanaka smirked, “Oh, if your friends heard the curses that flow out of your lips like water from a river, they’d murder you.”

“And I’ll murder you if you ever spill any of our meetings to anyone.”

Koki rolled his eyes, “I’d murder myself if I ever spilled anything to anyone. You’re not that much of a superior woman that everyone needs to know who you hang out with.

“Go to hell, Tanaka.”

Tanaka jumped on his knees and crawled forward, nearing his face till it was inches apart from Ran. He spoke; “Make me.”

She stuttered, even though she had spent a lot of time with Tanaka, she hadn’t been caught in such a suggestive position. “Tanaka, get off.” She muttered sternly, pushing his shoulders up.

Once again, he quipped; “Make me.”

He pushed his lips towards hers, gaining entry almost immediately to her opened mouth. Lacing his tongue with hers, she heard her give out a small moan. He loved it.

Tanaka Koki couldn’t help himself anymore. He waited five months. Five months to have her. At first he wanted her as a friend, because in all honesty, she was the only one whom he could call his sole saviour. The only one that took him out of the dark world he lived in. She was his only escape.

With time, he felt love. He felt loved and in return, loved her. It would’ve only took at most a week for him to get a normal girl into bed, but she deemed different. She was conservative yet she was able to bad-mouth. A lot. And he loved that. He loved how she acted towards her friends, so tacky and girly, whereas towards him, she was strong and dominant.

He wanted to dominate this time round.

Stradling his waist, she deepened the passionate kiss, fulfilling her lust. She wanted him there and then; “Fuck me.”

She was no different from him; Kazama Ran was just an average girl. Of course she reigned more superior, her grades, her scores, her level. But she didn’t want all that. She didn’t need it. What she needed was someone to listen, someone who wasn’t fake and acted all high and mighty when they aren’t. Of course she acted that way, it was only a façade she deceived the people she called friends with. They thought they knew her. How far they are from the truth.

The only friend that eventually fulfilled all her wishes was someone she didn’t expect. Because the first time Tanaka Koki talked to her, she thought that he was just there to have a quick fuck.

Koki groaned; pleasure and bliss overcoming him. Intoxicated.

Because once they were one, they realised that the both of them were more similar then they had expected. They realised that their need for each other had been there long before they met. They realised that they were the only people who satisfied the other.

“Scream my name.”

11 January 2009, Saturday

A day to shed light on who we really are.

Five months to glory.

Seven years to get her to marry me.

I, Tanaka Koki, solemnly swear, in sickness and in health, to care, love and cherish Kazama Ran, till death do us part.

Because after all this time, she’s still my escape.
♠ ♠ ♠
eh. a first.
comments; feedback?