
Bet You Can't

“What do you think?” She asked as the edge of the magazine page tickled her fingers.

She looked on, “Matsumoto Jun; Happily Ever After”. It was printed in block letters on the cover page of the latest issue. Matsumoto Jun, or Matsujun as she would’ve preferred to call him, was posing for the works, his arms encircled around his new wife’s waist and his chin resting on her shoulder, his features looking much more than content. His smile made her smile. She was envious. Not envious of his bride, but envious of how blissfully happy they seem. She longed for that.

“About what?”


He sighed, not again. She knew his answer to this. They’ve gone through this before, more than once, much to his displeasure. She had always wanted to know what he thought about marriage. He thought little of it, really. He didn’t think that it was a necessity. Food, water and sex were necessities. Marriage was and option.“It’s… not really my forte.” He replied casually.

She narrowed her eyes at him, “You mean you never plan on settling down?”

He shrugged, “Well, I do. Just not any time soon. Or ever.”

Honestly speaking, he was scared. He had dealt with all that pain and agony after his divorce, he didn’t want those feelings to come back. As they say, once bitten, twice shy.

She threw her eyes heavenwards, he was impossible.

“I bet you can’t.”

He narrowed his eyes at her, “What?”

“I bet you can never settle down. You’re just too egoistical, proud and self conscious. You’ll worry that one day, your wife’s gonna say that you have a fat ass. You can’t deal with that. You just can’t.” She teased, a mischievous gleam twinkling in her eye.

He looked at her, shocked. Was she trying to say that he was incompetent? Was she implying that he was that shallow to have a reason as she’s given? Was she challenging him?

“I can.” He stated his stand, “Just watch.”

He, Camui Gackt, will prove Kazama Reagan wrong. He will get himself into a secured relationship. He will feel obliged to marry that person. He will make babies with his wife to be. Good looking children at that.

And sometimes, Camui Gackt felt as if he was too smart that he was stupid. Why did he accept the challenge? He had nothing.

“You did what?” Leigh asked as a soft chuckle escaped her lips. “You know he’ll go to great lengths to prove you wrong, you’re aware of that, right?”

She laughed, “It’s not as if I asked him to jump of the Grand Canyon or anything. This challenge is way too tough for him to win. He has been winning for too long. He’ll lose out this time, trust me.”

Reagan was confident. She found no way of which Gackt could win in this. If he won, he would have to get married first, or at least (seem) to be in a stable relationship. That’ll take him more than ages, not because the ladies don’t like him, just because he thinks that the ladies are not good enough for him.

“You’re evil.” Leigh said, shaking her head at her best friend, “But that’s the reason why we’re friends in the first place.”

As the two broke out in laughter, a tune caught Reagan’s ear. She excused herself and stood up as her doorbell rang continuously. She was getting annoyed.

“What the hell?” She asked, as she opened her front door. Gackt Camui stood in front of her, a smirk on his face as his sharp contact-coloured eyes stared at her.

“What’re you doing here?” Reagan asked, confused, though getting along with the drift as she stared at his smirking face.

“I’m here to prove you wrong.” He simply stated. Gackt then dropped on one knee, his grey eyes so pale etching at her, not leaving her eyes for a minute. He then proceeded to fish out what seemed to be a black velvet box out of his back pocket.

“Marry me.”

Reagan’s eyes widened, “You- Say.. -What?!” Deep down inside, she knew this was just him pulling her leg. He loved winning and if this was the only means he’d win, then he’d do it.

“If you’re doing this to win then fine, you win.” She reasoned, “Just don’t surprise me like that ever again.” Reagan began to laugh and opened the door a little wider to welcome Gackt into her home.

His gaze that was kept on her the entire time then fell. He was still on one knee, his fingers still latched on the velvet box.

“I did this not because I wanted to win.” He admitted, “I did this because I wanted to marry you.”

“Get up, Camui.” She ordered, “This isn’t funny anymore.”

Gackt looked up at her once again, this time his eyes seemed as cold as ice, “It’s not a joke. You either accept my proposal or slam the door in my face.”

Reagan was caught off guard. She didn’t expect such a small discussion, or what seemed a middle-sized challenge, turning out into such a significant proposition.

“I know it’s sudden. But only through this did I realise that you were the only one who could make me go to such great lengths to do something. You were the only one whom I’d accept a challenge to even when I know that it’s impossible for me to win it, though I do win most of it,” His egoism got to her and she chuckled, “But I guess only through that did I realise that most of my feelings I put was towards you.”

He bowed his head, “It’s almost embarrassing. I’ve fallen for you.”

“Why?” She asked.

He was caught off guard by this question, but he knew why; “Because you’re the only one that gives me a challenge worth doing. You’re the one who gives in even though you’re right. You’re the only one who knows how to deal with my egoistical, fat ass.”


She fell onto her knees in front of him and slowly snaked her arms around his neck, “It’s almost embarrassing,” She let out a little laugh into his shoulder, “I think I’m expecting more from you.”

“Kimi wa boku no banin da.” He said. He lifted her chin upwards, his lips then meeting hers. Finding solace, she’s the one.

Leigh watched on as the two continued to make out in front of their widely opened front door. Idiots. She flipped her phone open and tickled her key pad;

To: Aoi.

You’re a genius. Who knew an open article on Jun could lead to a proposal from Gackt? This is why I married you. :D

- Leigh
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Not my best. My dad was distracting me.
*Kimi wa boku no banin da; You are my keeper. It's on Vanilla.