Invisible Hearts

Unusual Feeling

Lunch. As I put my stuff back in my locker, Zack asked me something. "Hey, I'm kinda new here and I don't have any friends here but you. Do you mind if I eat lunch with you?" he said. Wow. I didn't expect him to be like that but it's better than him being a snobbish guy. "Sure. Why not?" I replied.
"Oh, do you mind if Chris will come with us?"
"Um, sure."
I went to Chris and told him that Zack wants to eat lunch with us. "Oh so you call him by his name now? Andrea, give me a break." he said.
"Aw, come on Chris. He's a good guy, seriously. He was just in a bad mood a while ago."
"No, Andrea. I don't want him to be with us. I don't trust him."
"Chris, I pity him. He's alone." I said, trying to convince him
"Fine. If you want to eat lunch with him, go ahead but I'm not going with you." he said, walking away.
"Chris!" I called as I was trying to talk to him again but he didn't respond and just disappeared from my sight. I went back to Zack and told him what happened. "I'm so sorry, Andrea. This is all my fault. if I wasn't in a bad mood a while ago, Chris won't get mad at you. I'm so sorry." Zack pleaded. "It's okay. It's just gonna be for a while. Come, let's go to the cafeteria." I said and we headed to the cafeteria.

"Oh no! The line's very long." I exclaimed. "You think we could go back to the classroom on time if we line-up?" he asked. "Nope. But we can still eat lunch and go back to the classroom on time."
"Come." I said as I pulled him. Good thing one of the waitresses and I are friends so I asked her if I can order our lunch and she said yes. Thank God. While eating, we were talking to each other. I thought it might be a good chance to ask him why he was in a bad mood so I did. "Sorry, Andrea but I can't tell. I don't want other people knowing my problems. I'm just a very big burden to them." he replied. "Well.. For me.. You aren't.." I don't know why I said that but that what I really felt. Even though that was the first time I talked to him like a friend, I feel so good. I seriously don't know why. This was the very first time I felt it. "You think I'm not a burden to you?" he said, like he can't believe it. "Yeah. Why not?" I asked.
"Nothing. You're the first person who told me that. And it felt good." he smiled. Honestly, I like his smile. It was so angelic. It's like the Zack we were trying to be friends with a while ago is a very different Zack I'm talking to right now. Like he has been reincarnated or something like that. "Wait. You mean your parents never told you that?"
"They died in a car accident when I was 2 years old and I was left with my aunt."
"Oh my.. I'm so sorry, Zack." I seriously felt sad for hime when he told me that.
"It's okay. Andrea, do you seriously think I'm not a burden to you?"
"Yeah. Of course."
"Then you wouldn't mind if I tell you my problems?"
"Sure. Why not?"
"Thank you very much! You're the very first person I can trust."
"Yeah. Thank you very much."
"No prob. Anyway, since you can tell me now your problems, I think I can know why you were in a bad mood a while ago."
"Well.. My aunt and I had a big fight again. But it was worse a while ago. It's like she wants to abandon me. I don't know why she hates me very much."
"Oh really? The nerve of her."
"Well.. I don't have any other choice. She's the only relative I know."
"That's sad."
"Yeah." he paused for a while. "Oh shoot."
"It's almost time for our next subject!"
"Are you serious?! Then let's go!" and we ran to our classroom. And that was a total moment-killer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Longest chapter I've ever made, so far. :P
Thanks for reading again!
And still, I would be happy to read your comments and suggestions. Thanks!
