Status: The story is as good-to-go as Bastien is ninja. And that's pretty epic.

Mr Assassin

Chapter 2

As I hurriedly lowered the plane, I felt something arise in me that is completely unnatural and highly frowned upon in the Assassin community; fear.
Fear for my life, for my plane and for the legacy I would leave behind.
Would I be revered as a hero? Or would my colleagues see me as an idiot for taking on an abnormally dangerous task? Would they applaud my efforts? Or would they tuck the memory of me in a drawer somewhere, because I didn't die a warrior's death - I just got swallowed by a fiery tornado of chaos?
Due to my panicky reflexes, the landing was rather shaky. I kinda crashed.
"Shit," I hissed.
The shaking about would not help me with my bomb problem. I wrenched off my seat belt and started to jab repeatedly at the 'open-doors' button. I was met with a well-welcomed hiss as every last door on the plane slid open. With a running leap, I flew through an open door, tuck-and-rolled, and started to run. To run as fast as my jelly-like limbs would take me. But apparently, it wasn't fast enough.
I screamed in agony as the red-hot flames crawled up my legs, licked at my fingers and playfully nipped at my torso. T'was my instinctive reaction to fall to the ground and to start rolling around like a maniac, in a desperate attempt to silence the roaring flames that threatened to end my existence. The pain increased, as I felt myself slipping away. My vision grew blurry, my head felt heavy, and my back was getting rather numb. The only thing that indicated I was still alive was the searing pain in my legs.

Soon, I couldn't even feel that.


I regained consciousness to see nothing but white.
Ahh, I thought, I'm finally dead. I'm finally free from all the pain and torment of existence. Now if only I can get back to sleep...
Reflecting, I realised that death wasn't so bad. It was like living - minus the violence and negativity. It was just...isolation.
I sighed with delight. No more assassinations - no more tracking bastards across the globe. I was free!
"Bastien!" I heard a voice call. It must be the demon who ferries the lost souls into the underworld.
"Bastien! Are you with us buddy?!"
Then why does this demon sound suspiciously like Agent Mather?
"Is that you Agent Mather?" I croaked half-heartedly.
"Yeah, it is, kiddo."
"Are you dead too?" I asked, thoroughly puzzled.
"Nah, I'm not dead - and neither are you, for that matter,"
"Aw fuck it," I cursed, "Hand me that knife, will ya?"
"Since when did you become suicidal, Agent Ivanov?"
My head jerked up to see my boss - known only as 'Boss', standing in a doorway that I din't know was there.
"Boss! What are you doing here? What am I doing here? Where is here, exactly?"
Boss chuckled.
"You were always full of questions, Agent Ivanov. You are in Headquarter's infirmary. You suffered some third-degree burns, fractured ribs, a broken arm and your retinas were revealed to have suffered some permanent damage - partnering with the fact that your ear-drums were severely buggered-up from the intensely high-volume blast. You're lucky you even survived!"
"Indeed," I muttered forlornly.
"A truly lucky boy, God must've sent you a Guardian Angel" Boss mused.
"Totally," I muttered disdainfully. I was not a particularly religious person, and I always found it ironic that the head of an Assassination company was also a dedicated parishioner and brother of a priest.
"We better let you get some rest," Boss moved for the door, hinting for Agent Mather to follow.
"Wait!" I cried, "When do I get outta here?! You know I can't stand not doing anything!"
"Don't worry Bastien. You'll get out in a couple of weeks." Agent Mather informed me.
I sighed.
"Fine. But save me some good assignments." I eyed my C.A warily. He was always giving the better assignments to other people, because he was worried for my 'safety'. I mean, I'm an Assassin for Christ's sake!
Agent Mather surveyed me nervously.
"Uh...Bastien..yeah...about that. You see...uh. Boss needs to tell you about that, actually."
"Ah, yes. Thank you for reminding me." Boss glared daggers at him. "You see, Agent Ivanov, the injuries you received were extensive, and you have been damaged indefinitely.

It all started to sink in.

"As a result you are no longer required as a field agent of the Company. An office job, perhaps?"

Wait...did I day that out loud?

Copyright Lewis 2009 - 2010
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Sorry for not updating in ages... I was updating other stories studying *cough cough*.
For those who don't know, C.A means Commanding Agent. I derived it from the term C.O - meaning Commanding Officer (a military term).

Did ya miss our lil Assassin?
Go Bastien! Kick some ass!