Our Lives

The Intruder Pt 1

Scene 1 – The Arrival
The Golvin’s House, mid evening

Tatiana Viadasova stood screaming at the top of her lungs. She was pointing at an unseen figure behind the door. She herself is barely visible between a half open door and it’s frame.

TV – “Don’t you dare call me your daughter, that would wrongly imply that you’re my father. Fathers stick around Guy. They don’t run back to their wives and never see you again. No I won’t calm down. I don’t owe you anything. As far as I care the entire neighbourhood could hear me. Then they would know what a lying cheating scum bag you really are! You walked out on us and left us with nothing!”

The camera angle moves to the other side of the room, so that the other person is
visible. Furthermore, two figures can be seen by the audience, stood behind the half
open door.

GG – “Calm yourself down for Christ sakes, before - ”

TV – “They hear me? Like I give a damn about your precious little princesses! They are the reason that I never had a father and that we had to scrape by every month. Like hell I’ll shut up about it! You chose them over us! It’s your fault my mum is dead! I wish it was you instead of her!”

The two figures behind the door push it open, making themselves known. Kathryn is
twenty-six and the dominant older sister, while Cati is seventeen, a real daddy’s girl
and shier than her sister but with a hidden inner strength.

CG – “Daddy, what’s going on?”

GG – “Girls, I didn’t expect you to be ho - ”

They hear the front door open. The shot moves to a happy,
middle age women carrying shopping bags.

EG – “I’m home! Guy? Kathryn? Cati? Look what I’ve got for dessert!”

PAUSE. The shot returns to the kitchen.

KG – “In the kitchen mom.”

EG – “I was starting to get worried - ”

As she enters the kitchen her eyes instantly fix on the newcomer, who she recognises immediately. The shopping falls from her hands, contents spills all over the floor. The audience hear glass smashing but she is oblivious to it. Emma Golvin stands transfixed.

GG – “Emma! Are you all right?”

He rushes over to her, pulling her into his arms and away from the shards of glass, which litter the floor. Her body moves robotically, she never takes her eyes off the intruder.

Guy Golvin speaks in a kind but surprised and defensive tone.

GG – “What are you all doing back so early. I thought you
were working late in the office and you and Cati
told me only this morning that you planned on going
to the mall.”

Everyone ignores him. It is Emma that speaks up rather shakily.

EG – “What are you doing here?”

TV – “Like I want to be stuck in this dump. Once we’ve
got over all the formalities and the paper work is
signed I am out of here. I don’t like hanging
around with losers.”

GG – “Curb it Tatiana!”

EG – “You can’t tell me what to do. You haven’t earned
the right!”

Guy appears meek and apologetic.

GG – “Misch, died two days ago Em. I got the phone call
this morning, she’s got nowhere else to go.”

EG – “I have a million places to go but there’s this
stupid law and they contacted him! But as soon as
he signs those papers I’m gone. Your perfect little
life won’t be ruined so I don’t know why your

This last comment was addressed to Emma Golvin.

KG – “What is going on here? Who are you and why are you

Tatiana Viadsova, Emma and Guy Golvin all stared at the two girls who had until now remained silent – unable to digest the unfolding events. The three of them had completely forgotten that Kathryn and Cati existed. Emma and Guy drop their gaze to the floor in shame. Tatiana notices this and raises her head defiantly.

TV – “Oh, I see. This really does put the icing on the
cake. I always knew what a devious, two faced lying
git you were Guy, but even for you this is low.
They don’t have a clue about who I am, do they?”

Silence. Emma and Guy’s gaze remains averted.

TV – “My name’s Tatiana Lara Golvin. I am seventeen years
old and I am your sister.”

She smiles sinisterly.

TV – “He’s not quite the sugar daddy you thought he

Kathryn slaps her hard in the face.

TV – “The girls got bite! I like it”

She appears quite flirty but suddenly her appearance changes. Her face has an expression of thunder and her whole being shouts anger.

TV – “Dare try that again and you’ll see what being an
inner city brat is about. Trust me you don’t stand
a chance in hell against me.”

KG – “I’m shaking in my shoes.”

Tatiana chose to deliberately misunderstand the older girl.

TV – “Good.”

EG – “Everybody calm it now! This has been a surprise to
all of us. Emotions are running high and we are all
a little on edge. Let’s not do anything we will
regret later.”

KG – “That’s not quite true though is it? You knew about
her! You knew all along and you never said a word!”

CG – “Is that true mom? Did you know?”

EG – “Yes. I did. I did know about Mischa and I did know
about Tatiana. I’m sorry girls, I just thought it
best at the time that you didn’t know. You were so
young and I didn’t want to hurt you.”

Cati appears upset but holds it all in with great difficulty. Kathryn however, burst into fury.

KG – “How could you be so thick? Didn’t we deserve to
know? He had a whole other life that we never knew
about and you think it’s okay for that part of him
to walk through our door seventeen years later? You
think saying sorry will just make it all better?
Wake up Mom, it won’t! Nothing will ever make this
any better.”

GG – “Treat your mother with some respect young lady! She
did what she thought was best.”

KG – “And it just happened to suit you too. You have no
right to speak to me after what you did. We weren’t
good enough for you so you decided to get your
kicks out of some cheap whore!”

TV – “Don’t speak about my mother like that!”

Kathryn is already heading towards the front door as Tatiana is speaking. Guy follows her, he in turn is followed by Emma. Cati sinks to the ground, leaning against the wall and staring into mid-air. Tatiana remains where she is.

Camera moves to the hallway.

GG – “Where are you going?”

KG – “Away from you.”

EG – “Stay, we need to talk.”

KG – “You’ve waited this long, what’s the point?!”

She opens the door. Then, suddenly she swivels around.

KG – “Just tell me one thing. How long?”

GG – “Pardon?”

KG – “How long did you leave us for?”

GG – “Two years.”

He replied meekly. She turns around without a reply or a goodbye and leaves. Silence and shock descends on the house.