Cancer Sticks and Jellybeans

Cancer sticks and Jellybeans.

Sasha opened the apartment door and choked, the smell of smoke and sweat filled the air as it slowly wafted towards the door. The girl quickly searched the room, biting back the bile that launched in her throat, until her gaze fell on an awkwardly positioned leg sticking off the couch.

“It’s not healthy to smoke, you know.” Sasha stated, dumping the heavy bag that hung off her shoulder, and walked to the chair.

“Healthy? What do you know about healthy? All you eat is sugar!” A rough voice shot back, followed by an unhealthy cough.

“Hey! Don’t diss the jellybeans.” The blonde giggled, as she gently slapped Dean’s chest.

“Oi, watch it!” Dean yelped, “Sugar is good, but smoking is cooler.”

Sasha rolled her eyes, “so this is what your life has come to? It’s all about the looks.”

“Yep.” Dean replied as he snuffed out a still smoking bud.

“Perfect.” Sasha groaned loudly, obviously annoyed.

“They’re killing you!” she cried suddenly.

Dean shrugged, having been through the same convocation before. “And you don’t need anymore sugar, yet, you don’t stop eating them damn jellybeans!”

“That’s a completely different story! Besides, I can burn off the carbs at the end, you can’t! Each cigarette is putting more and more holes in your lungs, and poisoning your blood. If you keep this up, your gonna die!”

Dean heaved a sigh as he reached towards a pack of cigarettes sitting on the table before giving up and slumping back against the cushions, realizing the box was too far away. “Them’s the long term effects. I haven’t been smoking for very long. What’s the worst that could happen?”

“Cancer.” Sasha whispered.


“Cancer.” She repeated, “Lung cancer, high blood pressure. Your heart could collapse. You are going to die! You need to stop!”

Sasha’s eyes glistened with tears, threatening to fall. She was pleading with Dean now.


Dean nodded, “fine, I’ll stop. But if I stop, then you have to stop eating sugar.”

Sasha nodded; her face was now streaked with tears.
Dean untangled himself from the mess of sheets and Sasha, and pushed off the couch. He grabbed the small box off the table and threw it into the bin.

Sasha smiled, pleased that she had won Dean over. Her smile turned onto a smirk as Dean walked back and held his hand out, waiting for her to surrender the jellybeans. She merely ginned and shook her head.

“We made a deal, but I’m not giving up these. I’ve stopped eating sugar, but these are sugar free.”