Baby I'm A Fool For You

Chapter 1.

‘Jamie you’re gonna be late!’ said mum as she tried to wake me up.
‘Hasn’t Sophie got a doctors appointment this morning?’ I replied sleepily. Sophie is my sister. 15 going on 6.
‘Point being?’ Replied my mother.
‘’Take me in when you in. The doctors surgery is just up the road. I can just sign in’
‘Makes sense. Just make sure you’re ready by half eight, no excuses.’
‘Thanks mum. I love you’
‘You too Jammy’

Yeah. I’m 14 and my nickname is Jammy. Nice.

I woke up and did all the robotic tings you do when getting ready for school. I put on my uniform, packed my school bag and applied the same shadow of liner I apply every day. I went downstairs and played the same CD while I munched on muesli.

I looked at my time table and checked to make sure I was in a lesson with Gee and Franktard individually. I needed to know what was going on.

I put my bowl in the sink and walked through to the bathroom, where I then weighed myself. 7 st 10. Same as I had been for the last three months. I brushed my teeth and cleaned up the razor I’d used the night before. It was a job that had to be done if I wanted to keep all this to myself. My mum was under enough pressure.

I was convinced my dad was having an affair. I’d shared my worries with her and she had confronted my dad. He flipped. Pushed over a few chairs, broke a few glasses, and punched me around a bit. I knew he had. My mum still believed him though.

I sat in the kitchen, waiting for my sister. She came downstairs seconds before we had to leave, looking perfect and wonderful. My sister was so beautiful. He curves were in all the right places, as her boyfriend kept telling me. Eww.

We slumped out the front door to the car where our mum was waiting. She sped at her usual break neck speed to the school. I grabbed my stuff, kissed my mum on the cheek and walked up to the entrance to the school.

Everyone was already in their lessons. And I had to put up with the school nurse at the office. Yay.

I knocked on the window and it slid open. There was a tall guy, with dark hair and braces in the place of the school nurse

‘Uhm, hey, I need to sign in’ I said sleepily.
‘Never would have guessed. Name please’ he said, kindly sarcastic.
‘Jamie Blake’
‘Any particular reason for being late?’
‘I, uhh, managed to miss the bus’
‘Managed, what, like, you’ve been trying?’
‘What? Oh, yeah.’
‘Nice. Well, according my little blue book, you’re now here. So now, you can sod off’ he joked.
‘Thanks. Bye’ I said as I walked towards science.
He was obviously a year 11 doing late work experience. Probably too busy getting stoned in the holidays to do it then. He was pretty cute though. A lot friendlier than Charlie.

I apologized to Mr Day, my science teacher as I took my seat next to Franktard at the back of the room.

‘I’m really really sorry me and Gee didn’t tell you anything,’ Frank began. ‘It all just happened so fast and suddenly everyone knew about us. We wanted to talk to you but you had your phone turned off and we just assumed you were with Charlie, how was you weekend with him? And we didn’t want to intrude so we just left you alone and kind of were waiting for Monday and when you didn’t come in we didn’t know what to think and….’

‘Shut up tard’ I said


‘I’m really hurt you and Gee didn’t tell me. Don’t talk to me about Charlie, we broke up. My phone was stolen. I didn’t want to come to school. I’m actually happy for you and Gee and I know you guys will probably want o be alone a bit more so can I have my iPod back please? Gonna need something for break today.’

‘Don’t be silly dude! Me and Gee love you just the same as before. We’re happy to spend time with you as long as you don’t mind us sitting on each others laps and sucking face.’

‘I’d be honored’ I replied, kissing his cheek.’

Time Lapse: Two Weeks.

‘Geography. Yay.’ I exclaimed sarcastically as we climbed the stairs.
‘You know you love it really’ said Gee as he removed himself from Franktards face.

As I looked towards the door I saw the cute year 11 that had signed me in ages ago. Oddly, he was telling us what we were gonna be doing in the lesson.
‘Are you in here? Hurry up. I’m Mr Matchfed and for some unknown reason, I’m covering your lesson.’

‘Oh, cool.’ I replied, blushing slightly. This was not going to be good.
♠ ♠ ♠
You've met Gee and Franktard, you've met Jamie and now, you've met Mr Matchfed.

