Don't Say Never

Chapter 2


After Bailey had left for a drive I decided to go for a walk, just like I told her. I changed into some sweat pants and a matching shirt. I pulled my checkered vans on and quickly grabbed 2 out of my 4 favorite items. My phone and iPod. I stuffed those in my pocket and slowly walked downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen to see my stepmom Colleen and my dad talking in hushed tones. I cleared my throat and they looked up. My dad cracked a smile.

"I guess your going out to huh?"Dad asked rhetorically,"Go on then just be careful."

I nodded, "Ok I'm just going for a walk."I said forcing a little smile. I just walked out of the kitchen before he could respond.

When I got outside the weather was nice. In Colorado, the weather was chilly, here it was windy and sunny.

I put my earphones in and turned my iPod on. I put it on one of my favorite songs, Gives You Hell by The All-American Rejects.

I started running down the sidewalk going south. The song blasting in my ears hurt, but I wasn't about to turn it down.

I stopped running and started walking. For a second I thought I heard a dog bark but I ignored it and kept on walking.

Out of nowhere a golden retriever jumped in front of me. I jump backed slightly and tripped, causing me to fall flat on my ass.

I took out my earphones and stared at the dog that just gave me a fright. It looked at me then started licking my face.

"Ew dog drool." I said in disgust, getting up from under the dog, and brushing myself off. I heard rushed footsteps behind me.

"Elvis! Why did you run off like that?" Someone exclaimed from behind me. I turned around to see a cute guy with a worried expression on his face. The dog barked once at him and he walked up to me and smiled.

"Im sorry about my dog," he said shaking his head, "I don't know what came over him, he doesn't usually run off like that."

I laughed. "Its fine. It's not every day I get frightened by an extremely cute dog."I said shaking my hand like it was no big deal and patting the dog's head. The guy laughed and cracked a smile. It sounded so musical.

"Ok well I'm Nick by the way and your name mi'lady?" Nick asked trying to sound British, but failed, yet making me blush.

"Its Shaina." I said looking at his light brown eyes. He looked so familiar. But for some reason I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Shaina. Beautiful name." Nick said truthfully. I blushed even more, my face turning tomato red.

"Thank you, well I'll let you get going," I said befor looking at his dog,"with Elvis here."

He smiled. "I know we just met and stuff," Nick said pausing a little,"but I was uh...wondering if would you like to come to the party i'm having tonight at my house for my birthday?"

I was a little shocked. Normally I don't get invited to parties that often, much less from someone I met a few minutes ago.

"How old are you?" I asked not answering his question, but curious.

"17 today." He said looking down. Something caught his eye and he picked it up. It was my iPod.

"I guess this is yours." Nick said extending out his hand with my iPod in it.

"Thanks. Uh ok sure I'll come. Where do you live?" I asked taking my iPod and stuffing it into my pocket. He smiled brightly.

"I live two houses down this sidewalk. 243." Nick said pointing in the direction I came in,"Big brownish house you can't miss it."
"Ok cool. What time should I come over?"I asked shifting my weight for my left to right foot.

"How about 6:00?" He asked in a hopeful voice.

"Thats perfect. Is it ok if I bring my sister?" I asked brushing some loose strands of hair out of my eyes.

"Sure, Whats her name?" He asked while his eyes sparkled.

"Bailey." I said squiting because the sun was shining a little hotter than before I came outside.

"Nice, well then I'll see you at six then?" Nick asked as he picked up Elvis's leesh.

"Sure thing."I said smiling. Nick smiled and gave me a unexpected kiss on the cheek.

"Bye."I managed to squeak out after a blush formed on my cheeks. He chuckled and jogged towards his house.

I sighed dreamily and also walked back towards my dad's house. I saw Nick open the gate to his driveway. He lead Elvis in and shut the gate behind himself. I passed his house and he waved to me. I waved back and kept walking towards my dad's house which was 3 houses down.

I couldn't wait to tell Bailey.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay here is the second chapter. I don't know if it's that good. Bailey help me out!
Bailes awsome first chapter! Ok you write the next part at the party. (Lets not make it to many people)
Ok readers! Please comment subscribe rate etc etc. Please. Tell us what you think! Thank you!
-Shaina- xoxo :]
Bailey I present you the keyboard or whatever. Have fun!
I couldn't put up the banner. My computer was acting up.