Candy Coated Dreams

The Move

The last couple days have been hell. I was working myself sore but we had to be out of there by April 6th and today was the fifth. This was supposed to be the last load. I packed the last few boxes I had in my hand into the car. I walked back into the soon to be vacant house and went from room to room making sure we had everything. I felt tears build up and I tried to shake them off. I had so many memories in this house and it was torture to have to leave it like this. None of this would have happened had my father not done what he did. My father or Rick as I know him as know had decided that we were no longer what he wanted. He was having an affair with a lady at work. He told us that he was no longer happy here and then he packed his things and left. That had hurt me so deep because as far as I knew things were fine between them obviously my mother felt the same way because the look on her face was a look of shock and hurt.
I never got over how badly he hurt us then to make matters worse he refused to pay child’s support because he said I was not his. My mother was furious. She was now working as a waitress in the local diner that is until we got the papers a couple days ago. The company that owned our house informed us that because we had missed two payments the bank was taking back the house which leads me to now. I walked out of the house and new tears fell. I looked over at my mother who looked just as shaken as I did. I still felt very hurt by what my father did even though it happened three months ago. He and his new girlfriend were living together and it didn’t even bother him that we had lost our house. I went and hugged my mother then walked over to the passenger side of the car. I got in without any hesitation but emotionally there was a lot. I mean we had lived in this house for over six years and now we had to leave it. It wasn’t fair but I wanted a new start. My mom got into the car and we slowly drove off. I didn’t blame her for wanting to put as many miles as possible in between us and her first love, the man she thought shed grow old with, the man that is my father. I watcher her pat her eyes with a tissue as we drove.
My mother or Kristen as the world knows her is a rather beautiful woman. Her long light brown hair was shoulder length and was currently in pig tail like braids. Her bright blue eyes were watery and full of hurt but when she was happy they reminded me of the ocean. She had a very cute frame very petite. She would hopefully bounce back from this like I would because right now all I felt was hate.
“Honey I hope you like the town we’re going to. It’s very small but it’s affordable so I will be able to pay for it. Nothing like this will ever happen again to us baby okay?” She looked over at me for reassurance and I smiled. I didn’t want her to feel any worse then what she already did.
“So what’s this place like mom?” Her smile beamed. She was trying to be happy about it and I could encourage her as much as I could.
“Well it’s a very small town, you know one of those every body knows every body kind,” I tried to hid my horror as she went on. “There aren’t a lot of people so you won’t feel crowded and it rains a lot.” That got me. I smiled. I loved the rain and it sold me on the idea.
“Where is it located again?” She reached over and grabbed my hand.
“Its in Washington and the town is called Forks.” I silenced a laugh that threatened to come out of my throat. What kind of people name a town Forks? I smiled at her despite the laughing in my head at the choice of town name. This was going to be a long ride from our former Tennessee home. It was obvious to me now that she wanted as far away from Rick as possible.
I fell asleep for most of the ride but I woke up when we were close to Washington. I looked over at my mom and she was still smiling. She ran her hands through my hair and then she just smiled and asked if I was hungry. We ended up stopping at the first place she seen which happened to be Arby’s. That was a sign that things were going to be okay. Little did I know how crazy they were going to become.
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new story
feedback please
the next chapter introduces some more characters
including some of the cullens