Candy Coated Dreams

The Cullen's And Wolf

I woke up and stretched. Today was going to be a good day. I pulled off my light cover and got off my bed. I started lightly humming and went to pick out my outfit for the day. I was going over to Alice and Edward’s today. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my blue sparkly jeans. They were deep blue and looked as if they were dropped in glitter. I walked over to my dresser and searched for my t-shirt for the day. I went to the top drawer and found nothing but tank tops. I went through every drawer until I found the shirt I was looking for. It was all white with a low cut neckline so you got a slight peek at my cleavage. I grabbed my ‘boys stink’ toe socks and put them on. I went and did my make-up and brushed through my hair. Today was working out so well. I hadn’t fallen one time yet. I smiled then hopped down the stairs. I was singing by the time I had gotten down stairs. I didn’t even notice that we had company. I just kept on walking with an extra pep in my step.
I went into the kitchen and put some toast into the toaster. I tapped my fingers on the counter impatiently. This stinks. I started to sing again. I was in way too good of a mood. Something bad was going to happen. I am not allowed to be this happy. I grabbed the phone and called Bella while waiting for my omelet to get done. I sat there and it rang about a hundred times. I sighed then hung up and grabbed my spatula and took my omelet off the pan and onto my plate. I grabbed my toast and sat down and enjoyed my breakfast alone. That was weird usually my mom comes into the kitchen. I finished eating then rinsed off the plate. I walked into the living room and I didn’t see any body else in the room but him. I took off running and jumped on Jacob.
“Hey sleeping beauty you finally up?” I smiled and nodded. He kissed the top of my head.
“I missed you Jacob.” He smiled.
“I missed you too Abbs.” My grin took up my entire face. I’ve never had the urge to want to kiss some one so badly in my life. I wanted to so bad but I didn’t know really how to go about it. I looked up so my eyes were met with his. They held such warmth. Sure they weren’t as pretty as Edward’s topaz ones but his warm dark brown ones held so much emotion when he talked to me and seen me. I really don’t know how he is when he’s just hanging with the guys and what not. I shrugged. He just smiled again.
“So what are you doing today Abbs?” I smiled.
“Well Bella and I are going out to the Cullen’s.” I felt his body tense up.
“Why are you going out there?” My smile faded.
“Well Alice wanted to hang out with me.” He raised his eye brow.
“This has nothing to do with Edward?” He said through gritted teeth. Well it did before but right now I don’t know. I shook my head. His body relaxed. Why did he have such a problem with Edward? Edward was very sweet and had pretty eyes. Maybe he was jealous? I highly doubt it. Jacob was good looking in his own right so why would that be it? I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned it to kiss me and some one cleared their throat. I felt my face heat up. I pulled away from Jacob and looked around the room. We had an audience. I blushed three shades deeper. My mom and Charlie were on the love seat that looked rather new. Bella, Quill, and Seth were sitting on the couch. They both were on the far left of the room. The right of me though. The love seat was against the left wall and the couch against the back wall I guess you could say. Jacob and I were sitting in this recliner like chair I haven’t seen this one before either. I sighed. Charlie and Mom must have gotten it together. I put my face into Jacobs shoulder until I was sure the blush was out of my cheeks.
“Abbs I was wondering if you’re not too busy if maybe this weekend you’d like to go to the fair with me.” I smirked then tilted my head.
“Well Jacob I would love to go to the fair with you.” He crashed his lips into mine and pulled my body as close as it possibly could be to his. I didn’t push him away though. I enjoyed the kiss just as much as he did obviously. Charlie’s voice was the interruption to our heated kiss.
“Jacob try to act civilized.” I smiled. That was one hot kiss though. I got off Jacob and he stuck out his bottom lip and I shook my head.
“Are you ready to go Bella?” She rose up and nodded. I smiled and hugged my mom. After that I walked outside. I sat on the swing waiting on Bella. I seen Jacob stop her and they started talking. Her hand flew to her mouth and she looked at me then his gaze went to me as well. What the hell was going on?
Bella came out and we walked to her truck. I got in and the truck of course creaked. That was my only complaint so far about Bella’s truck. I smiled and stayed quiet until she said we were getting closer. My stomach was doing flips. What id they didn’t like me? Then Bella’s words from before echoed in my mind. What if they tried to eat me or something you know? What if the big one they told me about decides I’m juicy enough for dinner? I shuddered causing Bella to laugh.
“Don’t worry it will all be fine. Ok so chill we are here.” I looked up from my hands and I got my first glimpse of the Cullen household. It was beautiful. We walked up the stairs and Alice opened the door before we even got there.
“Abbie, Bella its great to see you guys come in.” Bella followed her I was a little hesitant. Alice laughed. “We don’t bite.” I nodded and caught up to Bella. I walked slowly behind her. I caught a glance of Edward. My breath still caught when I seen him.
“Good evening Abbie.” I smiled and brightened a bit causing him to smile that crooked smile.
“Hello Edward how are you?” I was thankful for some one easing the tension I felt. He just shrugged. It was a fast movement I barely seen it. I rubbed my eyes and he smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to frighten you do it again.” He chuckled.
“I don’t think so.” I pouted.
“Aww come on Edward please.” He laughed.
“No,” ugh fine I gave up. I went to catch back up to Alice and Bella. I turned to look for them and I bumped into this beautiful guy. He was about five foot- eleven. His eyes were gorgeous. The same shade as Edwards and his slick black hair fell in his face a little bit. He smiled at me. Wow I don’t know what it is with the Cullen boys and their breath stopping smiles but I don’t think I can get used to it. His clothes were different from Edward’s. His well worn blue jean jacket was open and underneath was a white button down shirt. I was shocked Alice hadn’t pitched that jacket like she had tried to do with my tank tops. I chuckled in my head. Lucky kid. He had on some regular blue jeans that fit him nicely.
He sucked in his breath. “You must be Abbie, I’m Dominic.” I smiled.
“How did you know my name?” He chuckled.
“Let me let you in on a little secret okay? Come closer.” I walked closer to him. “You’re a common topic around here.” I laughed,
“Whatever I highly doubt that.” He chuckled.
“Believe me not then Abbie but trust me when I say I tell no lies.” I nodded.
“I’m going to go find Alice.” He nodded and I continued my path. I debated against getting lost so I walked back into the living room. I saw a pretty big guy with this beautiful girl on his lap. The guy was wide in the shoulders and had a darker tone to his hair. His eyes were the same topaz color both Edward and Dominic had. I smiled. Their eyes were all so beautiful. It really went well against their pale skin. He looked up and his gaze met mine. He lifted the beautiful girl up with one arm then placed her back down.
“Ah you must be Abbie what’s up? I’m Emmett.” I immediately backed away. “I see Bella told you about me. Don’t worry I’m not going to pick on you I just met you.” I nodded and walked over so I was in arm’s distance from him. He grinned evilly then picked me up and gave me a huge bear hug.
“Emmett please put me down I cant breathe.” He laughed then all of a sudden his nose wrinkled up and he put me down.
“Something stinks.” He looked around. I sniffed the air. I didn’t smell anything that was weird. He sniffed closer to me. “Ew Abbie its you.” The beautiful girl that was on his lap came and smacked him upside his head.
“Emmett that was rude now apologize.” He pouted.
“But baby I don’t want too. It’s not my fault Abbie stinks.” She whacked him upside his head again. I got better look at the girl and she was beautiful. Her long black hair was curled on the ends and came down to the middle of her back. Her eyes were different from the rest of the Cullen’s’. Her eyes were all topaz with green specks in them all around the center. She was breath takingly beautiful. I sucked in my breath and she extended her hand.
“Hello I am Alex please excuse my rude boyfriend. He doesn’t have a filter some times.” I laughed.
“Hi Alex I’m Abbie. Why did he say I stink? I don’t stink.” I smelled my hair just to make sure. Alex laughed and Emmett interrupted.
“You smell like dog ew.” He shook his head. I smelled myself.
“Well I was playing with Wolf last night.”
“You’re friends with those dogs?” I was confused.
“What are you talking about?” I scratched my head. Alex hit his arm.
“That’s it you’ve lost your ‘happy time’ for a week.” She put happy time in quotations with her fingers.
“Aw come on Alex that’s not fair.” She shook her head.
“It’s perfectly fair. You insulted poor Abbie and she did nothing to you. Come on I’ll give you a tour of the house.” I nodded and she grabbed my hand. I shivered. It was ice cold. “Sorry it’s kind of cold in here.” I shrugged its okay.
“Its okay I’m used to odd temperature hands. Jacobs’s hands are hot as hell.” She just nodded. What had Emmett meant by the dogs? I was still confused. She led me upstairs. I noticed a big plaque like thing filled with graduation hats.
“Wow do you keep all your families hats?” She shrugged.
“It’s an inside joke.” I nodded. She led me into this huge room with a big bay window.
“This is mine and Emmett’s room.” I nodded and was slightly taken back. The bed was set toward the fall right wall and it was huge. I couldn’t sleep in this room I would be terrified that some one was watching me. I shook my head.
“I don’t know how you two sleep in here.”
“You should see when we fool around its fun.” She winked.
“That’s nice to know,” I said with a laugh.
She took me through a tour of the whole house and I was impressed. Their house was as beautiful as the people in it. She led me back to the living room and the whole family was in there. I was stunned again. I don’t know how Bella did it. They’re all so beautiful I feel small and so out of place. Edward caused me to jump by laughing really loud. Their father interrupted my thoughts.
“I think its time you knew Abbie. They story of the Cullen history and why we’re so different from every one else.” I just nodded. That was all I could do. I was very terrified this would explain so much.
“This will explain what Bella said the other day.” Carlisle nodded.
“That’s the reason you have to know now.”
I sat in stunned silence until he finished his story. I don’t think he left out a single detail. He told me all about how he was created and how hard he had to work to be a good citizen. I held my breath when he proceeded to tell me the story of Edward. I glanced at Edward and he held the same concentrated expression I held.
“Some of us have special powers. Alex, Edward, and Alice are the ones in our family. Alice can…” Alice interrupted him.
“I have visions. I can see things that are in the future. Edward here can…” Edward interrupted her.
“I read minds Abbie.” My head screamed oh my god.
“Can you read mine?” He looked as if in thought for a moment.
“There’s a thing to that. I can only read yours sometimes and it’s like when you let me. When you’re mad I usually hear your thoughts which is why I’m always laughing when you are around Mike.” I groaned. I hated Mike. It wasn’t his fault he just aggravated me. I rolled my eyes causing Edward to laugh.
“What about Alex? What can she do?” Alex smiled.
“Well my power is pretty cool. I can make people forget things like erase that part from their mind.” I nodded.
“Wow,” was all I said. Bella looked over at me.
“Surprised?” I shook my head.
“To a point yes but it makes so much sense I’m cool with it.” Emmett laughed.
“Well if your dog lets you come back we’d love to have you around.” I tilted my head again and Alex smacked him upside his head.
“Why do you keep saying that?” He just shook his head. Bella stood up.
“Its getting late Abbie I think I should get you home.” I nodded and stood up. I walked over to Alex and gave her a hug and then Alice. Japer was sitting next to her. I just waved to him. He smiled. He was really sweet. He and Alice fit together so well. I walked next to him and hugged Edward. He gave me a crooked grin.
“You should come back by sometime Abbie.” I nodded then walked over to Emmett. I put him last for a purpose. I hugged him and got close to his ear.
“You will tell me what you mean.” He laughed.
“I think that’s your dog’s job to tell you.” I sighed and pulled away. I waved to both Carlisle and Esme and then followed Bella out of the house. She was all smiles.
“It feels good not hiding stuff from you any more.” I smiled.
“Thanks for that Bella. It gives me a better understanding of every thing.” She nodded. The rest of the ride was silent. In all honestly I wanted nothing more than to see Wolf. He always calmed me down and I knew Jacob wasn’t going to be at my house when we got there. I sighed. I miss him already but my sadden expression brightened when I realized we have a date this weekend.
Bella pulled up into my driveway and Charlie’s cruiser was sitting there. She smiled and got out. I didn’t go straight into the house. Something caught my eye. I ran toward the side of the house and Wolf knocked me down. I laughed then pushed him off when he was licking my face.
“I missed you too boy. You’re never going to believe what happened to me today.” He tilted his head. I rubbed his head.
“Well at the Cullen’s’ today they told me what they were so I feel better. It did bother me that Emmett kept saying I smell like dog. I don’t smell like you. Well right now I do,” I said with a laugh. “But it gets better.” I could have sworn that damn dog just rolled his eyes at me. I shrugged. “Jacob asked me out today.” He perked up his ears. “I know amazing right? He’s so gorgeous. His eyes are just wow. I love staring into them.” Wolf smiled. “He’s just wow.” I hugged him.
Our little conversation was ruined when I was called in for dinner. My mom eyed me conspicuously.
“What were you out there playing with outside dear?” I smiled.
“That’s wolf. He’s such a pretty dog. I wish I could keep him.” My mother shook her head.
“Baby he’s a wild dog that’s absolutely out of the question. In fact I don’t want you seeing him any more.” I shoved my plate forward causing it to spill out all over the table.
“I’m sorry but I can not do that mother. I’ll be in my room.” I ran upstairs and slammed the door. Mom couldn’t take Wolf away from me. I started to cry. I loved Wolf. I laid there and eventually cried myself to sleep at that thought.
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i love this chapter
the next chapter is going to be good yay