Candy Coated Dreams


I awoke the next morning tired and drained. I wanted to just roll over and go back to sleep. I have school today so I can’t much to my dismay. I sighed and rolled over. I laid there a minute then I threw off the cover. I got up and walked over to my closet. I scanned through and grabbed my usual tank top and jeans off the rack. I went over to my dresser and grabbed my necessities I needed and went to take a shower. After doing my showerly duties. I got out and dried off and did my usual lotion routine. I got dressed and brushed my hair then went to my make-up. I have been doing my make- up every day. I don’t know why though but it makes me feel better about myself. Though I don’t know how I even have a chance when I’m sitting with the Cullen’s and Bella. I smiled though. It wasn’t so bad I guess they were awesome people. Jacob’s face crossed my mind again. I wonder if he was going to school today or was he ditching? I laughed to myself probably ditching. I was still curious about why he didn’t like Edward and the whole ‘dog’ scenario with Emmett. I could only imagine Jacob’s reaction to that. I giggled then went to find a pair of toe socks. My ‘fairies are real’ ones seemed to fit the outfit well. I smiled and put them on. I walked downstairs humming again. My mom was sitting at the table only without breakfast this time.
“Abbie we need to talk.” I sighed then rolled my eyes.
“About what now mom?” She looked up from her coffee cup.
“Well a few things actually. First thing is about Jacob. I think you’re getting too serious about him,” I rolled my eyes. “Young lady don’t take that tone with me.” I scoffed.
“I didn’t say anything.” She sighed.
“I think you need to slow things down with him meaning that you will not see him every day. You two will not be kissing like that. Before you protest you know what I’m talking about. I mean it Abigail. The next thing is I don’t want you playing with that dog any more. You have no idea what it’s capable of and it could kill you. So I better not catch you by that dog or I will have Charlie shoot it down.” I felt the tears start to stream down my face. She was taking both of the people I loved most. Well I know Wolf isn’t a person but he still means a lot to me. I felt as if I was being choked. I didn’t want to cry any more than I had in front of her so I acted on impulse. I looked at her then I started running. I ran straight out of the front door and down the road. I ran until I was off our road. I then let all the tears I had fall. I wasn’t hiding from any one any more. I wanted Jacob and I don’t care what my mother said. I needed Jacob. He actually cared. I walked until I reached the grocery store. I stood outside of it and pulled out my cell phone. It was one of the only good things my father ever paid for. I wiped away the tears that were falling. I went through my phone book and didn’t stop until that familiar name was highlighted on my phone. I hit call. All I could think in my head was please pick up and I hope he ditched today. I think this is the first time I have ever wanted him to ditch
“Hello,” Billy’s cheerful voice answered. I swore in my head.
“Hey Billy this is Abbie is Jacob around?” I crossed my fingers. Please be home Jake.
“Ah Abbie I’ve heard a lot about you. The boy doesn’t shut up about you.” I felt my face turn blood red.
“Aw really that’s so…” a deep voice interrupted.
“Hey Abbs don’t listen to my dad he’s just telling tales.” I giggled and almost forgot the reason for calling.
“Okay I’ll let you off the hook for talking about your girlfriend,” I purposely emphasized the word ‘girlfriend’, “but I need a favor. Will you come and pick me up?” I heard the smile in his voice.
“Sure I’ll be at your house in a minute.” I interrupted him.
“I’m not at my house Jake. My mom and I had a huge fight and I just want to be with you right now. I’m at the grocery store.”
“Ok I’m on my way Abbs.” I hung up and sat down on the curb and waited for Jake to show up. I sat there at tapped my feet and drummed my fingers against the curb. I smiled when I seen him come into view in a Volkswagen Rabbit. I stood up immediately and he stopped right in front of me. He got out and came and hugged me.
“Hey Abbs what’s wrong are you okay?” He grabbed my face with his hands. He tilted it up so I was staring directly at him. I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn’t form a lie for what’s wrong. I just couldn’t lie to him. So I told him the truth.
“My mom and I got into it. Normally I would have blown it off but it was over two things I wouldn’t budge about.” He led me to the car and we both got in and he pulled out of the parking lot.
“What were they? I mean they must have been pretty important.” I nodded.
“They are to me; maybe not every one else but to me they’re they greatest thing next to mountain dew.” He laughed.
“You still didn’t answer my question.” I sighed.
“It was you and Wolf.” He smirked and cocked up his eyebrow.
“Who is Wolf? Should I be jealous?” I heard the playfulness in his tone.
“Oooh yes you should. He’s super cute and he listens to me. Plus he will roll around in the grass with me. He has the most soulful eyes.” I could have sworn Jacob blushed but I shrugged it off.
“Why I haven’t you told me about him before? I didn’t know a man was already in your life.” I laughed.
“Well he’s a dog.” He laughed very loud.
“My competition is a dog.” He scoffed. “So what did your mom say about me that pissed you off so badly?” I sighed.
“This is so embarrassing but she said she thought I was getting too serious about you and that we are not to kiss like we do any longer and that I’m not allowed to see you every day. Then she told me I wasn’t allowed to see Wolf either. She couldn’t take you both away from me.” He reached across the seat and grabbed my hand.
“You won’t ever have to worry about losing me. Always remember that. I may have lost her but I refuse to lose you.” Huh? That was random and weird.
“Who did you lose?”
“I guess its time for you to know the truth as to why I don’t like Edward Cullen, well one of the reasons any way. You see when Bella first moved back here from living with her mom I had the slightest crush on her.” He held his fingers so close together I didn’t even see a space. “We were friends but not to the extent we became later. When the leech left her she was a shell of her former self and acted like a zombie until she came and visited yours truly. She really became human again and I actually thought we would have a chance because truthfully I fell for Bella. But then the leech came back and she ran to his side again. Leaving Jake out of the picture. Then she couldn’t make up her mind who she wanted me or the leech. So when she picked him you can only imagine how hurt I was.” I nodded and lifted the back of his hand up to my lips and placed a small kiss on it. He was hurt so bad by one of my best friends. My mother was trying to steal me away from him and I wasn’t having it if it meant I had to move to the Reservation to be with him. I smiled. I liked that idea.
He pulled to a stop right in front of what I’m guessing was his house. A man with the same dark shade to his hair as Jacob had; was sitting on the porch in a wheel chair. That must be Billy. He looks so happy. Jacob grabbed my hand and we walked up to the porch. Billy was all smiles. When we reached the porch we stopped right by Billy.
“You must be Abbie. Wow the boy didn’t lie you’re really something.” I felt the blush creep up to my cheeks. “I’m sorry its just Jake here talks about you so much I feel like a know you.” I laughed and looked over at Jacob who was blushing now.
“Dad we’re going inside to watch some movies.” Billy smiled and nodded. Jake walked me inside his house and he had the hugest smile on his face. “This is Casa de Jacob.” He said as he leaned back on the couch and put his hands behind his head. I laughed. He patted the spot next to him and I gladly took my spot and snuggled up to Jake. I love how he’s always so warm and he could make my greatest worries fade away.
We watched a few movies and eventually I drifted off. When I woke up Jacob was laying me down. I smiled and put my arms around his neck.
“Mmm Jake you’re so warm. No don’t leave.”
“I have to princess but I’ll be back by to see you tomorrow.”
“Wait why are you leaving?” He kissed my forehead and I smiled and rolled back over and went to sleep. My dream was crazy. I heard my mom and Jake talking and she was grateful for him. Ha ha I knew that was a dream until I woke up and was in my bed. I sighed. I take back every nice thing I said about that mean dork. I walked down stairs in my pajamas and my mother was cooking again. I walked upstairs to get dressed to get ready for my day already.
While I was changing into my bullet for my valentine band t-shirt and a pair of black hip huggers my cell rang.
~All these things I hate revolve around me… me~ I walked over and answered it and it was Jake.
“So how dead am I?” I sighed.
“You aren’t dead but I am mad at you.” He groaned.
“Come on Abbs I did the right thing for once.” I laughed.
“Fine you are forgiven but as a punishment you are not getting a kiss from me all day.” He groaned again.
“Come on Abbs.” I laughed.
“I’ll think about it Jake.” After that I got off the phone and went to do my hair and make-up. I was done quickly with that and I headed downstairs. I told mom I wasn’t hungry and she threw the keys at me.
“Take the car ‘Kay I love you.” I called an ‘I love you too’ and I was out and ready for the drive to school.
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here u go s.r.a

oh and yay i have 4 subscribers *does happy dance*