Candy Coated Dreams


I pulled up in the school parking lot and of course the shiny Volvo was already parked right across the way from me. They were all leaned up against the car and when Alice seen me she jumped up and down like a little kid. I laughed and walked over to her. She immediately gave me a hug.
“You missy are in trouble.” I groaned.
“What did I do now?” She gave me a stern look.
“Why did you run off yesterday? You ditched school. You know I can’t see you in my visions you are just a blur.” I tried to change the subject.
“Why can’t you see me? That sucks.” I hid my smirk.
“Don’t think you’re changing the subject on me missy.” I sighed.
“My mom and I got into it over Jacob and Wolf.” Alice tilted her head.
“Who’s Wolf?” I opened my mouth to discuss but Bella already started talking.
“Wolf is the dog that comes and visits Abbie.” She stressed out the word ‘dog’ and Alice nodded knowingly.
“Alice do you know anything about Wolf?” She shook her head.
“The bells about to ring lets get to class.” She hurried into the school followed by Edward and Bella. I sighed. I had to go to my first class with Mike. I shuddered. He creped me out, its too bad Jacob goes to school in the reservation. I’d love to see the look on Mike’s face when he seen Jacob and I walking hand in hand. I giggle to myself and sped up my pace a bit. I literally started imagining Jacob’s smile and his cocky demeanor. I even heard his voice now I could just imagine what he would say to Mike. I know I’m going crazy. I shrugged and continued walking. I walked into the class room and took my immediate seat behind Bella. Edward nodded at me, I’m guessing to acknowledge my presence. He chuckled.
“Incoming,” I sighed and put my head down. Ok Abbs think about Jacob. I smiled and started thinking about my wonderful boyfriend. Mike’s chipper voice ruined that though.
“Hey Abbie how are you this fine morning?” I held in a laugh. Only in Forks would a rainy day be considered a fine morning.
“I’m doing quite well. I had an amazing night last night.” Edward laughed. Mike grinned. I kept picturing Jacob in my head. I would get through the day with Mike thanks to Jacob.
“Really? I had an amazing night too all because I was dreaming of you.” Jacob’s face lost its smile quickly. I lost my smile as well. My smiley Jake was gone now and the pissed off one remained.
“Well honey all you are ever going to do is dream about me. I’m sorry to be so rude but it’s the truth. I have a wonderful boyfriend who means the world to me so bug out.” I slammed my hand down on the desk.
“I don’t believe you. You girls play hard to get. I get that I look forward to the chase.” I covered my ears and I resisted the urge to want to scream.
“Mike I have a boyfriend and he wouldn’t be to happy about you trying to chase me as you so put it.” He just smiled again.
“Don’t even worry about the chase doll I will have you.” I started on my work as a way not to think about that stupid … calm down Abbs. Think of Jacob. I breathed in and held my breath then slowly let it out. My entire day was now ruined thanks to him. I did my best to concentrate in classes but I was still so angry I had a hard time. I seen Alice in the hall way and she gave me a pity look. I hated those. I walked up and hugged her.
“Mike set me off so badly.” She nodded.
“Mike is about to have a world of trouble waiting for him.” That was all she said then she left. I was confused. I had one class left so I did my best to stay sane in that class. It wasn’t all that bad. I actually came out of the class with a smile on my face. Edward walked over to me. I just smiled at him. My little fascination with him was no longer there. I mean sure he was hot and all but I felt nothing for him like I did Jacob.
“You feeling better?” I nodded. Much better. “Well you’re about to be happier then I’ll see you outside.” I nodded and sprinted out the door. I looked around and saw nothing to my liking. I heard an engine rev loud and my head jerked into that direction. If it was possible to explode from happiness I would have at that point. There he stood. Jacob took off his sunglasses and leaned up against his motorcycle. I squealed and ran towards him and jumped on him. I couldn’t help it I needed this so much right now. He twirled me around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Jake stopped twirling me at once and pulled me deeper into the kiss. Kissing Jacob felt like I was floating high above us and I felt so light almost high. I pulled away and he just smirked at me. I heard voices coming in all around me. I turned around and I seen we were still in the middle of the parking lot.
“So my beautiful girlfriend how was your day?” I wrinkled my nose. I really didn’t want to talk about it. He pouted and it looked so adorable I couldn’t say no. He reminded me of Wolf when he did that. I laughed.
“Well I had a few problems. This guy Mike Newton likes me and,” I felt Jacob’s body tense up. It was rock hard in a matter of seconds. In a split second his eyes darted across the parking lot and landed on Edward. They looked like they were having a silent conversation. He started breathing slowly. I wanted to cry. “I’m sorry Jake.” His eyes darted back to me.
“Abbs you have nothing to be sorry over. It’s that little punk that should be sorry.” I nodded. My eyes drifted to the bike behind him. It was all black and shiny. I loved it. I got off him and he pouted again.
“Are you taking me home today?” He smirked and nodded. I squealed. He got on then leaned forward so I could be on the back. He handed me a helmet and I rolled my eyes and latched onto him tightly. He just shook his head and kick started it. We were out of there pretty fast. It felt good to have the wind in my hair and to be with Jake. His hair was blowing as well. There couldn’t have been a moment more perfect than this. I was with the man I lov… liked and the wind was blowing through my hair. It was all too surreal until we pulled up in my driveway. I didn’t want to let go of him. He smelled so good. He laughed and helped me off. Now it was my turn to pout. He just laughed.
“You had to go home eventually Abbs.” I stomped my feet up the stairs and he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Don’t be mad Abbs I’ll be back tonight.” I nodded and walked in.
My mother was talking excitedly on the phone. I figured it was Charlie so I just walked upstairs. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I hope Jake comes back by. I wonder when the next time I’m going to the Cullen’s. I sighed. Mom came into my room with a huge grin on her face.
“Guess what darling?” I shrugged.
“What mom?” She was about to burst I could tell.
“Your cousin Jenna is coming to visit. Are you excited?” I was but I was still hurt by what had happened between us. After Rick left Jenna and I lost our close relationship. She was my best friend and my cousin too but she just stopped calling one day. I pushed back the painful memories and smiled at Mom.
“Oh I can’t wait.” I got off my bed and walked downstairs. I wonder if Jake is really coming back by. Maybe I should call him to see. I shrugged and took out my cell phone and called Jake. It rang four times then Billy answered.
“Hey Billy this is Abbie is Jake around?”
“No I’m sorry Abbie he won’t be back ‘till late can I take a message?” I felt my heart drop in my chest. He lied to me. I felt my eyes water up and I barely was able to respond.
“No just tell him I called please Billy.” The smile in his voice was obvious.
“Will do bye Abbie.” I hung up and dialed Alice’s number. I hoped she would answer. Maybe I could come over. She answered before it rang once.
“Abbie what do I owe the pleasure of your phone call?” I laughed.
“Can I come over Alice?” She squealed.
“Sure you can I’ll send some one to come get you.” I nodded then it dawned on me she can’t see it so I smacked my forehead and she laughed that musical laugh that put me at ease. I hung up then called to my mom I was leaving. I grabbed my hoodie and my shoes. I was out the door and I heard some one whisper my name. I looked from left to right. I didn’t see anything I shrugged. I heard my name again and this time I seen Emmett emerging from the forest.
“Come on I’m your ride.” I nodded and followed him thinking that his car was in the woods. Boy was I wrong. He put me on his back and told me to close my eyes. I felt like my entire world was spinning and I was dizzy. I thought I had fainted.
We got to the Cullen house and Emmett put me down.
“That was such a rush wasn’t it.” I tried to balance myself and fell into him. Ow stupid hard bodied vampire. I rubbed my head and we walked into the house and every one was sitting there on the couch. Alice jumped up to hug me and Bella was right behind her. Then Alex came up and hugged me as well. I went and hugged Edward and Jasper. Japer flinched like he was in pain. I felt bad so I reduced contact with him at all costs. Dominic entered the room.
“Why didn’t any one tell me Abbie was here?” Every one shrugged. He opened his arms for a hug. I went and gave him one. I mean I had no reason not to right? Alex came over by me.
“Hey I’m so glad you came back. We missed you.” I nodded.
“I missed you too guys. So what’s on the agenda tonight guys?” Emmett looked at me and laughed.
“I feel so bad for you Abbie.” I tilted my head.
“Why? I should be feeling bad for you I mean no nookie for a week.” I laughed.
“Think its funny now but I’m not the one having a girly sleep over with the girls.” I tried to hide my horror. I don’t know many girls what was I going to do?
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i love comments they make me smile :o)
special thanks to BrokenDreams72 and Alone.I.Hate