Candy Coated Dreams

The Sleep-Over

I went to run for Emmett but Alex already had me in her arms. I wiggled and squiggled trying to get out of her arms. This was just as bad as wrestling with Jake. I sighed. Jake’s face filled my mind and I wanted to cry. Why had he lied to me? When you love some one you don’t lie to them. Edward’s head jerked up in my direction.
“Hey Alex can I borrow Abbie for a second?” Alex rolled her eyes.
“Hell no if I have to go to this stupid slumber party then she sure as hell has to.” Edward shook his head.
“I want her to go too but you can stay down here until I get done talking to her.” Alex looked as if in thought for a moment and then nodded and went and sat by Emmett. Edward led me into the kitchen. I loved this room. I shook my head and regained my focus. Edward sighed. He looked back up at me with those deep topaz eyes and before Jake they would have knocked me to my knees begging for mercy but they had little effect on me now.
“I know you are upset Abbie but will you listen to me for a moment?” I felt my eyes water up and I nodded. “I want you to know something that I technically heard from Jacob himself. Well he didn’t tell me personally but his mind told me.” I laughed. “Jacob wouldn’t hurt you for the world and he means that. He loves you Abbie but doesn’t know how to tell you or explain things to you so give him sometime I promise it will all turn out right.” I smiled a bit.
“So I have the Edward Cullen Security Promise on that?” He chuckled then nodded.
“Now I have to get you back out there before you and Alex decide to make a run for it.” I laughed then pretended to make a break for the door. I went to walk into the living room but stopped.
“Hey Edward,” he turned to look at me and lifted his eyebrow on the right side. I held in a laugh. He did still look adorable sometimes. “Thanks for that I know you and Jake have bad history and you didn’t have to do it. But you did so thank you for that.” I walked over and hugged him. He stiffened a bit then hugged me back. Big sappy lump better hug me back I laughed to myself. I walked back out to the living room and took a deep breath. I looked at Alex. She looked back at me then we both looked up the stairs then back at each other. I smirked then she copied my expression. Both of us looked at the door and nodded. It was so cool we didn’t even plan that. For some one so small Alice can have a loud voice.
“Don’t you two even think about it, if you two don’t get up here now I promise you I will lock you two in here for the rest of your lives. Alex you know that’s a long time for you.” Alex groaned. I pouted. She and I slowly walked up the stairs as if we were entering a battle of thousands and we were the only two soldiers on our side. This was our dying day in a way. We stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at each other again. I got closer to Alex.
“Is it too late to jump out of the window?” Alex looked in thought then Alice yelled again. Damn. We slowly opened the door and I gasped. The entire room was painted a hot pink for the special occasion. There was nail polish every where and fashion and teen magazines all over the floor. Alice was in these light purple short shorts with tinker bell on them with a matching tank top. She was on her stomach lying on the bed. She was flipping through some magazine talking to Bella who was in these silk shirts that came to the middle of her thighs and a baggy t-shirt. Bella was laying on the floor right across the way from Alice. Alex and I exchanged a look and Alice jumped up and pushed us in. Alice threw a silk bag at us both.
“Go change now.” I gulped and walked into the bathroom and changed pretty quickly. I had a pair of lime green short shorts and a tank top. I sighed. It could have been worse. I heard a yell from the door next to me.
“Alice I refuse to wear this.” Alice laughed.
“Come on its just us girls if not I’ll invite the boys in and…” I walked into the room and Alice whistled. Or I thought it was Alice. I did a turn around and when I stopped I seen Dominic in the door way I took off and ran into the room with Alex. Her outfit was cute but I could see why she didn’t like it. It was hot pink short shorts and a tight fitting tank top. I hugged her. She looked like she needed it.
“Dominic came in.” She nodded. We both walked out and Dominic had been kicked out of the girls only party. I sat down on Alice’s bed. Alex grabbed some nail polish and started to paint her toenails. This so sucks. Alice grabbed my hand jerking me half way across the bed.
“Oops I forgot you were so fragile.” I rolled my eyes and she started to paint my finger nails. “Okay let’s play truth or dare.” Alex sighed.
“Come on Alice that game is so lame.” I laughed. Alice shook her head.
“My party my games got that? Ok Bella truth or dare?” Bella looked a bit shocked to be picked first I guess.
“Umm truth I guess.” Alice tapped her forehead.
“If Edward asked you to marry him right now what would you say?” She fumbled with her fingers for a second.
“I don’t know I mean I love him but the ‘m’ word is scary for me.” Alice nodded.
“Okay your turn Bella.” She looked in between Alex and I.
“Alex truth or dare?” Alex rolled her eyes.
“Dare,” Bella laughed.
“I dare you to go downstairs and kiss Edward.” Alex’s face twisted up with disgust I giggled. I couldn’t help it.
“Never in my entire life time would I kiss him ew.” Bella laughed.
“Then you have to pick truth.” She grumbled.
“Fine truth,” Alice and I started at Bella.
“If you could change one thing about being a vampire what would it be?” We all sat it silence waiting for Alex to answer.
“Honestly I hate my gift. It comes in handy sometimes but having the ability to take away some one’s most precious memories can cause a lot of guilt. I mean sure I can take some of the bad memories and replace them with better ones but still it’s all the same to me. It really bothers me.” I nodded. I couldn’t handle that either. Alex turned her gaze towards me quickly.
“Abbie truth or dare?” I sighed. Damn.
“Truth,” I held my breath. This was just as bad as a dare. Alex laughed.
“What’s it like kissing… Jacob?” A smile filled my features.
“It’s just … I can’t describe it... perfect I guess. I feel like I’m floating. I’m so happy when he’s around. He makes every thing go away and when it’s just him and me its like,” I paused, “I can’t even explain how perfect it is.” Alice laughed.
“I wish my first kiss was with a guy that could kiss like that.” Bella’s face turned beet red and I knew why but I decided not to say anything. I think Alice purposely skipped her turn because right after my answer it was time to watch movies.
“Hey Alice you have any junk food?” She pointed towards the door. I think she’s telling me they’re down stairs. I laughed and got up and walked to get me some chips. I was hungry. I got to the kitchen and Dominic was standing there. He smile when he seen me.
“Hello Abbie how’s the party?” I smiled.
“Not that bad actually thanks for asking.” I walked to the cabinet and went to grab some chips. I guess he was going to get them for me because his hand brushed mine then he pulled back and muttered a ‘sorry’. I shrugged it off and walked back upstairs chips in hand.
Halfway through P.s. I love you Dominic comes into the room and makes himself comfortable on the floor in between Alex and I. I briefly looked at Alex and I saw her roll her eyes. I giggled.
“Hey Abbie,” he leaned closer to me. I scootched away from him and continued watching the movie. After that he didn’t try to get closer to me. He did talk to me a few times during the movie causing Alice to grab my bag of chips and through them at his head.
“What the hell Alice?” She shrugged.
“Get some new Doritos.” I rolled my eyes and finished the movie. I think we stayed up the entire night. Of course Alex and Alice did. I finally crashed at seven in the morning.
~ In my dream I was running through the woods calling for Jacob. I kept running away from something that I could not see. I screamed for Jacob again. This creature leapt at me and had me pinned down. Its face was dark so I couldn’t tell who or what it was. All I knew was that I was terrified and I wanted Jacob.
“JACOB!!” I screamed again. The creature laughed.
"Holler for your little dog all you want because he won't hear you right now." He laughed evilly. I tried to hit it but it didn't faze him at all. I tried to wiggle out but to no use. I was going to die without Jake knowing that I love him too.
I sat straight up in bed screaming. I could feel the sweat on my forehead. I broke down crying, I wanted Jacob, I needed him here.
"Shh, Abbie your ok, it was just a dream." I head Alice trying to comfort me
"No no you don't understand, I need him, I need Jacob, please." I barely got please out before my crying started again. I was so scared the dream was so real. I couldn't stop shaking, I laid back on the bed curling into a ball just wanting to see him, to know that he loved me as much as I loved him. Soon my tears stopped but I was still shaking, still scared. Soon i felt warm hands on my face and then saw Jacob in front of me. His face was worried and scared. I put my arms around his neck and he picked me up into his lap and rocked me. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead until my shaking had stopped.

"Now princess what's wrong?" I wasn't going to cry again I told myself. I looked around the room and saw that I was still in Alice's room. Jake had come to me.

"I had a bad dream. This man tried to kill me and…" my voice broke.

"Ssh don't cry Abbs. I won't let anything happen to you ever. I will protect you with my whole existence. Nothing will ever get to you while I'm around. Now stop crying it breaks my heart to see you upset." I attempted a smile and he leaned in and planted a small kiss on my lips. He lifted me up bridal style and took me downstairs.

"I'm going to get her home guys. Thanks for calling me." I heard a chorus of voices say something at the same time but I was to tired to understand them. My throat felt raw from all the screaming and crying but I know this had to be said.

"Jake," he looked down at me. "I want you to know something," I started coughing his face etched with worry. "You shouldn't be so mean to Edward, he stuck up for you when I was upset with you." I felt so tired all the sudden even more tired than before, I could feel my eye lids getting heavy, I took a quick glance around the room and saw Jasper staring hard at me, I knew he was using his gift. I gave him a small smile saying i was gratful, he nodded in return. I took on last look at Jacob as i let the sleep take hold of me.
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wow abbie actually survived the party but can she survive the trials ahead?
her and jakes date is in a couple days so be ready and comment