Candy Coated Dreams

Jake, Wolf, And The Quileute Pack

I woke up so warm and snug I didn’t want to get out of bed. I snuggled in closer to my blanket. I don’t recall it ever being this warm. I almost drifted back to sleep that is until that annoying thing I call an alarm clock. What happened next surprised me though. I opened my eyes to shut off the alarm but I watched it getting chucked out of the window. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I had seen what I thought I did or was my mind just playing tricks. I looked down and there lay Jacob in my bed. I resisted the urge to want to squeal and quietly laid back next to him and tried to go back to sleep. I just wanted one more look at him then I could sleep. I cautiously opened my eyes and Jake grinned. I swore in my head. He had caught me looking.
“Good morning Jake.” I snuggled closer to him. He wrapped his warm arms around me. I swear with him in my life I will never need to purchase another blanket. He kissed the top of my head.
“How did you sleep Abbs?” I flinched when the memory came back to me. My dream at Alice’s came back sharply. My eyes watered on instant. He peered down at me worried. I took a deep breath to try and ease up the fight to hold back tears.
“Well waking up here wasn’t so bad. I actually had a peaceful dream,” I paused.
“Abbie look at me what happened last night at the… Cullen’s?” I sucked in a breath. He remembered damn. I sighed and looked up at him. I guess I had to tell him.
“Well I have no idea where this dream came from. I have never dreamt like this before. I was running through the forest and sweat was dripping from my face. I was screaming for you but you never showed. I was running with all the strength I had away from something I could not see. I looked over my shoulder and the creature leapt at me. Its face was dark so I couldn’t tell who or what it was all I knew was that I wanted you. I screamed as loud as I could for you but the creature laughed at me. I can’t remember what he said exactly but I know he told me to holler for you all I wanted because you were not coming.” I felt the tears spill over the bridge I had built and they fell down my cheeks. His body tensed up a bit.
“Abbie I promise you nothing will ever happen to you if that means I have to stay with you every minute of every day. Not that I would mind but…” I heard foot steps coming up the stairs. My mom I screamed in my head. Jake heard it too because he was in my closet. I ran to the dresser and grabbed a pair of jeans. I couldn’t go to school in the shorts Alice had given me last night. Then it hit me that I was in those snuggling with Jake. I smacked myself in the forehead. I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I opened it and my mother was standing there.
“I was surprised you weren’t downstairs yet are you feeling okay?” I smiled. I was more than okay. I had woke up to Jake this morning. But my mother didn’t need to know that.
“Yea I woke up late.” She walked into my room. Keep away from the closet mom.
“What happened to your alarm clock honey?” Well my boyfriend threw it out the window no big deal. I mentally smacked myself.
“I don’t know I thought you borrowed it,” I said with a shrug. Smooth Abbie real smooth I laughed to myself. She walked past me.
“Okay try not to be too late for school.” I nodded then closed and locked my door. Jake exited the closet laughing.
“What’s so funny Mr. Black?” He chuckled.
“I don’t know what happened to it’ you lied. You knew I threw it out the window this morning.” I lightly hit him. That still hurt though ow. I tried to play it off like it didn’t though. I got serious a moment. I thought about the ending of my dream. How I was worried I’d never get the chance to tell him how I felt.
“Hey Jake?” he stopped laughing for a moment.
“Yes Abbs?” he walked closer to me.
“I need to tell you something but please don’t freak out and leave me.” His eyes got wide then returned to normal.
“You know you can tell me anything Abbs.” I sighed. How should I say this?
“I love you Jake.” His eyes brightened and so did his smile. He picked me up and spun me around the room and nearly crushed my bones.
“You have no idea how long I have been waiting for you to say that. Now I know it happened. I love you too Abbie with all my heart.” He moved my hand onto his chest and I felt how hard it was thumping against my hand. “It does that all the time when I’m with you.” I smiled then jumped on him and gave him a kiss. You see it’s impossible for me to kiss him unless I’m on him or we are sitting down. He is so damn tall. I was only five foot five so he was an entire foot and then some taller than me. He pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. Things probably would have gone farther but I stopped it.
“What did you mean now you know it happened?” He froze.
“Abbs I have to go get ready for school I’ll see you later okay.” He jumped out of my window. What was he keeping from me? I finished getting dressed and skipped on the make-up. I wasn’t eating breakfast this morning I had no time. I grabbed the keys and jetted off to school.
I pulled up in the parking lot and no one was outside. Damn I was late. I walked into the administrative building and the short red headed woman behind the counter smiled at me.
“Hi I’m Abagail Harter I overslept this morning so I need a pass to go to class.” She smiled and wrote one out. I smiled. If she only knew what I was really doing this morning I laughed in my head. She handed it to me and I walked to class. I was happy Jake had said he loved me but not happy that he was keeping something from me. I walked into class and handed the teacher my pass. I went and sat behind Bella and Edward gave me a knowing smile. I guess he had read one of our minds this morning. I smiled at him. His smile quickly turned to a frown. His eyes darted to the door and in walked Mike. I kept the smile frozen on my face. Mike was not ruining Jake loving me. He came over and kissed my cheek. I jerked away from him.
“What did I do?” I rolled my eyes. I heard Jake’s voice in my head again only this time it was something he hadn’t already told me. ‘His touch will never even come close to mine so don’t stress over it.’ Then I heard his laugh. I smiled.
“You touched me. It’s a sad excuse for a kiss. My Jacob’s kisses set me on fire. Each kiss is a new firework exploding. That is what a kiss is supposed to feel like.” He laughed at my statement.
“But you don’t even know what my kiss feels like.” I chuckled.
“Nor do I have the curiosity to find out. When you love the one that’s kissing you no kiss could be better or mean more. You’re just a boy and Jacob is a man. There’s no comparison to that.” He rolled his eyes and walked to his desk. Bella turned around all excited.
“So did you tell him?” I was confused.
“Tell him what and who?” She rolled her eyes.
“Jake and did you tell him that you loved him?” I blushed.
“Yea I did this morning.” She squealed.
“What did he say?” I shrugged. Edward laughed and then entered our talk.
“He said that he loved her too and that he’s been waiting for awhile to hear her say that.” I threw my pencil at Edward.
“You forgot a detail.” Edward rolled his eyes.
“The man of your dreams told you he loved you and you’re worried about that?” I nodded.
“Duh! I mean why wouldn’t he tell me then?” He looked at Bella.
“Sorry dear let me catch you up. While Jacob told Abbie he loved her he happened to say something along the lines of ‘now I know it happened’ and Abbie here is freaking out about it.” Bella looked at me.
“Do you think he’s going to tell her?” I felt a little left out now.
“Tell me what?” They both shrugged then looked forward. This sucks. I finished early and asked to go to the library. I went and scanned row after row of books and finally decided on one. I went and checked it out then walked to my next class.
Classes flew by so fast and it was lunch time. I walked to my usual seat with the Cullen’s and Bella. I sat down next to Alice as always. She smiled when she seen me and hugged me.
“You know something you don’t stink so bad to be a…. I mean to wrestle around with Wolf so much.” I shrugged.
“Wolf wasn’t around last night. I miss him a lot. But Jake has so it’s all good either way.” Alice smiled.
“Hey I’m planning a shopping trip on Friday you have to come.” Friday? Oh god that was my date with Jake how could I have forgotten? I covered my mouth with my hand.
“I can’t Alice I have a date with Jake on Friday.” Her eyes got wide and she smiled so big it went to her eyes. Now who was looking like the mental patient Barbie? I laughed to myself. Edward laughed too.
“Oh my gosh why didn’t you tell me? We have to go shopping directly after school.” I smirked.
“I can’t I have some things to do at home so how about tomorrow?” She squealed and clapped her hands together.
“That will be marvelous. We all should go.” Edward shook his head.
“No way are you talking me into this.” She rolled her eyes.
“I wasn’t talking about you silly. We wouldn’t want you to see your sisters and the love of your life in sexy lingerie.” I laughed then cringed. Ha ha I wasn’t included in that. Edward laughed.
“Yes you were she was counting you as family.” I smiled.
“Thanks Alice, so who’s all going?” Alice waved me off as if I didn’t know.
“Well you of course, me, Alex and Bella are the amazing people that are attending this brilliant affair.” I laughed.
“Poor Jake,” Alice laughed.
“Why poor Jake? We are doing this for Jake.” I tilted my head.
“How is this for Jake? You are the one who loves to shop.” She laughed.
“You are so silly Abbie. You have to look sexy for Jake and it’s an excuse for me to shop.” I laughed and lunch continued with cheerfulness. My whole day was going great and all because he loves me. I smiled and walked into my dreaded physical science class. I went and sat next to Mike and concentrated on Mr. De Vega. Mike started playing with my hair. I jerked away from him. Jake’s husky voice filled my head. ‘He will never appreciate the way your hair feels beneath my hands or how when you pout I want to do everything in my power to make you smile despite it being so cute. I love you Abbs.’ My smile returned. I knew he couldn’t hear me but I thought it anyway. ‘I love you too Jake more than words define and more than the happy feeling I have that you are mine.’ My happiness cloud was back and I took my notes in peace. Jake was with me every where. I even saw him in Wolf. Speaking of him it was so weird him not being around. I was starting to miss him.
That class ended quickly. I went to the rest of my classes with a smile on my face. All because I knew Jacob Black was mine and no one could take that from me. I exited the school and sighed of relief. Now I was to go home. I walked over to the Volvo and they all stopped to turn to look at me.
“What’s wrong guys?” Edward sighed.
“Alice just had a vision but it became blurry when you entered it.” I sighed too.
“Well what was it about before I rudely messed it up.” I laughed a bit. Alice looked at me.
“It was at the fair and it was all fun. Then I seen a dark forest and it got blurry.” She said sadly.
“Jake is taking me to the fair on Friday.” She gasped.
“You are so bad what would you and Jake being doing in a forest alone?” I blushed.
“I highly doubt that would happen. I’m not like that.” My thoughts flickered to this morning. I blushed deeper. Edward’s eyes widened and I pointed to him warningly. I smiled brightly.
“Alice call me later so we can discuss this shopping trip. Plus I want to know Alex’s reaction.” I laughed then walked to my car.
Driving home was the most uneventful part of my day that is until I actually got home. There was a note on the table. It was from my mom.

~‘I had to leave for work early so I am sorry I am not there to see you. I hope you had a good day at school. How was everything? How are Alice and Bella? Have you talked to Jake lately? I sound like a teenager my self,’ ~I could see her laughing while writing this.~ Any way I will be home later than usual, Charlie is taking me out to dinner. I know I’m so excited. I love you and there’s stuff to heat up in the fridge or you could go over to Billy’s hint hint.
I love you

Mom ~

I laughed. A couple of days ago she hated the idea of Jake and I being together. Now she was practically throwing me at him. I walked upstairs to do some of my homework and I heard a loud banging on my front door. I ran down the stairs worried that there was some kind of emergency. I opened the door and no one was there. What the hell? Was I going crazy? I know I had heard it. I walked onto the porch and looked around it was then I seen the flash of black in my yard. My mind went black except for one thought… Wolf. I screamed and ran toward the black thing I saw. It wasn’t the best idea. It could have been something else. Something not Wolf, but I took the risk and started running full speed. I tried to skid to a stop while Wolf stared at me. I would swear he was laughing. He was barking and it sounded so much like Jake’s laugh it tripped me out. I couldn’t stop in time and I landed on Wolf. I jumped up.
“Oh my god Wolf I am so sorry. Are you ok?” He barked and nodded.
“I have missed you ya big lump. Where have you been? Do you not like Jake or something?” He looked at me wide eyed then shook his head. “Good because I love Jake and you would have to deal with him,” I said with a laugh. He rolled his eyes. Dude I didn’t know dogs could do that.
“So I have to fill you in on lots unless you don’t want to listen.” He sat there as if waiting. “Well you know Jake asked me out. We are going to the fair on Friday. Don’t give me that look mister just because he stayed in my room last night doesn’t mean anything happened oops.” I covered my mouth and blushed. Wolf’s eyes got wide.
“I swear we didn’t Wolf. Ugh quit being so judgmental now.” I hugged him.
“I love you Wolf.” I watched him back away then jump on me and lick my face then he ran to the forest. I sighed and walked back into my house. I sat there watching my TV for a good half hour when the phone rang.
“Hey Abbs what are you doing?” I smiled. Jake was the only one that got that reaction.
“Um nothing bored out of my skull I figured my boyfriend would be here by now but I was mistaken.” He laughed. His laugh made my heart swell. I shook my head.
“Well how about your boyfriend comes and picks you up and you two spend some time at La Push together?” I squealed.
“I would love that Jake.” He laughed.
“Ok I’ll tell your ‘boyfriend’ that he should do that.” I rolled my eyes.
“Shut up and get over here Jake.” He laughed then said goodbye. I went to hang up when I heard his voice so I put the phone back to my ear.
“What did you say Jake?” He got silent.
“I love you Abbie.” I smiled and my heart did that flippy floppy dance it always did when I was with him.
“I love you too Jake now get your sexy butt in the car and get over here.” He laughed and I hung up.
I went upstairs and brushed my hair and put on some lip gloss and I walked down stairs to wait for Jake. I was happy. I heard his car pull up and I was out the door. He got out of his car. He stood there staring at me. I swear he looked like a giant compared to me. I paused as if in thought and ran and jumped on him again. He smirked and kissed me.
“So are you ready to go beautiful?” I smiled and nodded. We got into his car and he kept looking at me and smiling.
“So what’s on the agenda Jake?” He shrugged.
“My dad told me I need to stop hogging you and bring you by to see him. Plus I think its time you have met all my friends. Not just Sam, Seth, and Quil.” I nodded. Inside I was nervous and I guess he seen it on my face.
“What’s the matter Abbs?”
“What if they don’t like me?” He roared with laughter.
“They will like you because I love you so don’t worry your head about it Abbs.”
I stayed silent for most of the way. The thought of his friends hating me shook me pretty badly. I closed my eyes and just seen the horror in my head. Jake entwined our fingers.
“Babe chill out okay. You will be fine. I will not leave your sight nor will you leave mine.” I laughed.
“What’s the matter Jacob are you afraid one of your buddies will try and kidnap me and then we will run away in the sunset together?” He rolled his eyes.
“As if I would tear him limb from limb and just watch him scream in agony.” I laughed even though it was sick.
“You’re awful serious about me Mr. Black.” He turned towards me just as we pulled into his driveway.
“You don’t get it Abbs I’m in it for the long haul. I want you and only you for the rest of my life and one day I hope you will be Mrs. Black.” My eyes watered up and I jumped on him.
“I love you Jake.” He smirked.
“Oh so you jump on me now? I love you too Abbs.”
“Yes because I’m not jumping on you in front of Billy.” He groaned.
“Why not he knows about us?”
“Because I don’t want him to think I am a hoochie.” He roared with laughter and it made me think of Wolf. “By the way I don’t think Wolf likes you.” He stopped laughing.
“Abbs we have to talk when I take you home it’s important and I don’t want you to hate me.”
“Jake I could never hate you. I love you.” I got off of him and got out of the car. We walked into the house and Billy wheeled over to me.
“Abbie, Jake finally stopped being selfish it’s a miracle. It’s great to see you my dear.” I smiled and hugged him.
“How are you Billy?”
“I’m so happy that Jake has finally…” I saw out of the corner of my eye Jake practically dancing doing the cut it out thing. “You haven’t told her Jake?” He shook his head.
“I am today.”
We sat around and talked for awhile. Nothing else about Jake’s little secret was mentioned. I psyched myself up to meet his friends here goes nothing.
We walked to the beach and all his friends were wrestling around. I seen Seth and I went and immediately hugged him.
“Seth how are you?” He smiled.
“Happy now that Jake finally decided to bring you back around.” I laughed.
“Anytime you want me to come down just call me and I’ll come.”
“That would be nice but I don’t have your number. Jake is so stingy.” I laughed and handed him my number. I was having fun talking to Seth until I seen her. .She was beautiful and talking to Jake. She had long dark hair. She was Indian I could tell from here. I sighed. I would lose him all to that dark haired beauty. Seth seen my frown and looked confused.
“What’s wrong Abbs?” I looked up at him.
“Oh nothing um can I meet some of the others? I though Jake was going to do it but he seems ‘occupied’.” I emphasized that word. He nodded and walked me over to a group of guys. There was a tall one who was pretty wide. He reminded me of Emmett I giggled in my head. I wonder if he had broken Alex’s word yet. He had long black hair, well all of them did I mentally smacked myself. He had his arm wrapped around a beautiful girl who reminded me of Jake. I found out why soon enough.
“Oh you’re the girl Jake imprinted on. I’m his sister Rachael. This is my boyfriend Paul.” I nodded and she hugged me. “I am so glad he found you I was worried that he would be stuck on Bella forever.” I sighed.
“Rachael what is imprinting?” She gasped.
“He hasn’t told you?” I shook my head.
“No what is he supposed to tell me?” I was scared. Quil pulled me from Rachael.
“Nice going Rachael.” She shrugged.
“How was I supposed to know?” He pulled me away from her and into a new direction.
“You don’t remember me very much do you?” I blushed and looked down.
“I vaguely remember you. I am so sorry.” He shook his head and laughed.
“It’s okay. I would say the same thing about you but Jake talks so much about you I feel like I know you.” I blushed deeper.
“Billy said the same thing.” He chuckled.
“Sometimes it’s down right embarrassing.” I nodded.
“I’m sorry.”
“No don’t be its better then hearing him upset about Bella.” I winced.
“The thought of him upset like that kills me.” He nodded. We walked to this other guy who was pretty tall. Some what close to Jake’s height. He of course had long black hair and a very nice smile.
“Is this the famous Abbie that Jake never shuts up about?” I giggled.
“That would be me and you are?” He grinned.
“Embry Call at your service ma’am.” A deep husky voice interrupted us.
“That’s my job.” I turned around and seen Jake. I smiled then I remembered I was supposed to be mad at him. So I sighed. He looked at Embry.
“What did you do?” I stood in between them.
“He did nothing and so much for never leaving my sight.”
“I didn’t leave your sight.”
“But I left yours.” I turned back to Embry completely ignoring Jake and all his attempts of trying to talk to me. He should go talk to what’s-her-face. Embry’s eyes got wide and I looked at Jake and he started to shake. What’s happening to him? He looked at me his eyes so full of pain. I got closer to him trying to calm him down and he shoved me away.
“Abbie get out of here.”
“Jake I am not leaving until I know you’re okay.” He was shaking convulsing like now. I got closer until I was touching his arm. He shoved me away and I landed on my butt by Embry.
“Abbs I am fine please just go.” I rolled my eyes.
“Jacob Black you know that I will never leave you.” He was convulsing now and what happened next surprised the hell out of me. There in front of me was Wolf.
♠ ♠ ♠
omg this chapter is so long so i better get comments on this one
eight pages on word lol
so stop harassing me kit kat its finally done