Candy Coated Dreams

Imprint And The Vampires

I woke up to a complete circle of faces in front of me but the one that stuck out the most was Jake's. I tried to get up but fell. Before I did a pair of arms caught me. I looked up and Jake had a pained expression on his face. I didn't fight against him. Instead I used him to help me up. He looked surprised that I was even acknowledging his presence. He held out his hand and I took it.

"Guys I'm going to take Abbie home I'll see you guys later." I looked and seen the dark haired girl from earlier staring at me.

"If she can't handle it Jake it wasn't meant to be." I wanted to go over there and rip her hair out and throw her into the water. Ugh I hated her and I didn't know her. That was Jake's fault though. I shook my head. We walked to his car and it was silent the entire way. I hated this. I pushed him up against the car, which I wouldn't have been able to do had he been paying any attention at all.

"Why are you acting like this?" He looked taken back by me screaming at him.

"I'm going to lose you Abbie." I rolled my eyes.

"Jacob are you blind?" He looked confused. "I love you dammit and if I am still standing here after you turned into Wolf…" I paused. He was Wolf. The same Wolf I had told all my secrets too. The same Wolf I love and cherish. I growled and he laughed.

"So are you mad?" I tilted my head to the side for a moment. I hit him in the chest.

"I told Wolf all my secrets."

"Yea like your secret obsession with me." He laughed. I hit him again.

"Wolf was my best friend. Now who am I supposed to tell those thoughts to Alice? I can't believe you were him all along. It defeated the whole purpose. You knew every thing I thought about you." He sighed.

"You know the real reason I came to see you in wolf form? I couldn't stay away from you. The first day I met you I felt it. My heart jumped out of my chest. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I just wanted to be near you. Do you recall the camp fire that night? I sat by you rather than Bella." I was in shock. He knew he loved me from the first moment he met me yet has held in all of these secrets until he was sure I loved him too. Wow.

"Ok so your sister mentioned something about imprinting what is it?" He cursed under his breath.

"Sorry Rachael can't let me do anything on my own. How about I get you home and then I'll talk about it there so you can be comfortable?" I nodded. That sounded fair. I got in his car and he took off. I reached across the seat and grabbed his hand and just held it. He had kept so much from me. I think I know why but I want to hear it.

"Why did you keep it from me?" He sighed.

"I just I don't know. I figured it was the right thing to do since I really didn't know how you felt. I just knew I had to be with you. If it meant dying inside watching how comfortable you were with Wolf knowing inside that there was a good chance you would be okay if you knew it was me and that alone caused me pain. Every thought was about you even when on patrols. Embry thinks it's hilarious because I made fun of imprints before I met you. All that mushy mumbo jumbo just made me gag. That is until I felt it. I know what it's like now." He smiled and kissed my hand. "I love you Abbie."

"I love you too Jake." I was surprised. Everything felt so natural and right. Like we are supposed to be. We got to my house and I got out. My mother still wasn't home yet so she must be at dinner with Charlie. I opened the door and walked up the stairs. Jake was hot on my tails literally. His heat was radiating off of him. I got to my room and I jumped back and right into Jake mind you. He tensed up. I guessed I caught him of guard. He sniffed the air. It's weird how I never noticed it before. I laughed to myself then I seen my room. It was a wreck. My clothes were strolled put every where. My sheets were on the floor. My whole room was a disaster. I felt like crying. Who did this? Jacob whispered quietly which I was not used too either.

"Vampire," he flipped open his phone. I turned and clung to him. I was scared. I couldn't see the Cullen's doing this. Who could have done this to me? I watched the sweat build up on Jake's forehead. He pulled away from me a little bit and walked into the hallway. I leaned against the door trying to not so obviously listen.

"Edward you don't understand my life is on the line. If something happens to her I'll… Thanks man you have no idea what this means… alright later." He walked back into the room and smiled at me.

"Its times like these when I wonder why me." He nodded.

"Listen Abbie nothing is going to happen and to insure that we are going home." I shrugged.

"I am home love." He laughed.

"Your other home then." I squealed.

"How cool am I? I have two homes," I said with a laugh. "My home and my boyfriend's home." He laughed and walked downstairs.

"Come on Abbie lets go home." I quickly wrote a note for my mother and stuck it in her make up drawer where I know she would find it.


I decided to stay at Jake's tonight and no funny business is going to happen so don't even think it you know I don't roll like that. I love you and I'll see you in the morning



I ran after Jake and jumped on his back. I got a piggy back ride all the way to the car.

"So explain this imprint business to me." He laughed.

"You don't give up do you?"

"Nope and don't change the subject." He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Imprinting is exactly how I feel when I'm with you." I rolled my eyes.

"I meant in details dude." He laughed.

"Okay fine. Imprinting is what happens when a werewolf meets someone that they potentially...I don't know how to describe it. Okay, it's like love at first site, except it hits you harder and it is a lot more intense. I didn't know why I felt like I did at first, I just knew I had to be around you, had to make sure you were alright. Look, I'll be honest with you. Damn it was millions of fireworks all going off at once and then my only purpose what to make you smile again. To love you. We are bonded together and nothing can break us apart. Nothing could stop me loving you now and love seems a far too mild word for it."

"So that means we are together for life?" He looked at me and his eyes seemed to glow.

"Of course, if that's what you want." I squealed.

"I couldn't imagine a better first love. My first and my only one. How cool am I?" He laughed which caused me to smile and squeezed his hand. As exciting as this ride was I drifted off to sleep. I awoke when I was being picked up but I didn't dare open my eyes. The moment was perfect without my eyes being open just listening to his heart beating was enough for me. It affected me a lot because as of right now I know that it was beating for me and me alone. I almost smiled. I heard Jake kick open the door. Billy was still awake.

"Ah you brought the little one home."

"A vampire has been in her house and ransacked her place. The only place I knew was safe for her was with me." Billy laughed.

"Don't forget me my boy," and I heard a hi yah. I could almost see Jake rolling his eyes. I bit my lip in an urge to laugh.

"Dad please I could kill an army you could barely take down one man." Billy laughed.

"Did you tell her?" Jake sighed.

"Yea I did."

"How did she take it?"

"She yelled at me Dad. She was like 'are you blind? If I'm still standing here I love you dammit or something like that." Billy laughed.

"The girl has spunk. She has too though to keep a hot headed Indian like you under wraps." I silently laughed. How true was that?

"Alright dad I'm going to lay her down. I'll be out in a minute." I smiled that time and Billy caught on. I opened my eye and saw him wink. Jake kicked open the next door and laid me down in a room only lit by the moonlight. He laid me down gently and made sure I was positioned right I guessed. He smiled and then kissed my forehead.

"I love you Abbie now sleep tight." As soon as I heard the door close I snuggled deeper into the bed. It smelled just like Jacob mmm. I don't know when but I drifted off to sleep I awoke when Jake pulled me tighter against him. I saw Jacob's snoring body lying next to mine.

"Jake what time is it?" He didn't answer so I jumped up and walked into the kitchen. Billy was making coffee.

"Ah morning Abbie did you sleep well?" I nodded.

"Like I was snuggling with a heating blanket," I said with a laugh. He laughed too. "Billy what time is it?"

"10:45 don't worry about school though. I called Charlie and he knows you're here. I told him you weren't feeling well and that I didn't wake you because I know you were throwing up last night." My stomach did hurt. I couldn't figure out why though I mean I wasn't starting for another week and I had ate… whoa I hadn't ate. My stomach growled.

"When is the last time you ate?" Umm…

"Um well I don't remember." He laughed pretty hard at this one.

"You're telling me that you were hanging out with the human refrigerators yesterday and you yourself didn't eat does Jake know?" I shook my head.

"I forgot to eat with all the excitement yesterday and Jake acting like he was dying or something. I don't care that he's a wolf. I love Jake for the person he is not what he can do." Billy smiled and offered me a cup of coffee. I took it and got up and put my cream and sugar in.

"I ought to wake up the grizzly bear and make him make breakfast. He is failing to take care of his girlfriend." I laughed.

"Let him sleep. I can make breakfast. I will need you to hand me the ingredients." He nodded and I walked over to the stove. Billy handed me eggs and sausage. He got back into the 'fridge and grabbed bacon and hash browns plus gravy.

"How many eggs should I make?" He laughed.

"The whole carton, you thought I was joking when I said the boy eats a lot." I laughed and started cracking eggs.

Breakfast was done in no time with Billy and I working together. We were laughing and joking and the thought that came into my head next scared me. He was like the dad I never had. I held in tears. We heard the snoring stop and we both laughed. Jake came in and scratched his sexy stomach. I know I have it bad.

"What smells so good?" I smiled and put a plate in front of him. He grinned and licked his lips. "Mmm babe you look delicious." I hit his head.

"I wasn't offering you me. Now eat." I had changed out of my jeans when I got up this morning so I was in Jake's baggy t-shirt and his also baggy boxers. I was a sight to see. It's a good thing Alice… there was a knock at the door. I walked to answer it while Jake glared at the door.

"Which one of them is it?" I sighed and opened the door Alice stood there. She had the biggest smile on her face.

"Sam gave me permission to come pick up Abbie." Jake snorted.

"She's my girlfriend what right do you have to take her away?"

"Well little missy Abbie has a shopping date with me. Ooh Abbie what are you wearing?" I looked down and I blushed. This would be a definite hard one to explain. "That's it my house this instant go kiss Jake goodbye now. Jacob you will see her tomorrow on your date so don't keep looking at me like that." He glared at her.

"You are keeping me from Jake until tomorrow?" She nodded. I sighed. "Jake come to your room with me for a second." He grinned and followed me. As soon as he shut the door I jumped on him and kissed him like I would never see him again. I probably wouldn't if I didn't make it through this trip. He actually broke our kiss.

"Hold on I have some things for you." He reached into the nightstand by his bed and pulled out something I couldn't see. He grabbed my hand and I opened mine. He placed inside of it a beautiful Indian braided necklace with a shiny silver wolf hanging off of it.

"So you will always remember you hold the heart of a wolf." I smiled and leaned it to kiss him. He gave me a small kiss. "This gift you have no choice but to accept." I smiled.

"You know I will Jake so chill." He laughed then pulled out his wallet. I shook my head and backed away from him.

"Abbie get your butt back over here." I shook my head.

"Come on Jake any thing but money." He laughed.

"I could give you something other than money but my dad and Alice are outside so that's kind of rude." I rolled my eyes. "Fine make it another birthday present."

"Ha my birthday isn't for," I counted on my fingers, "eight months." He laughed.

"Fine if you don't accept it I won't kiss you for an entire week." I thought about it. One week without one measly kiss would be torture. But he wasn't about to know that.

"I can handle it." He laughed.

"Really now even if I do this?" He pouted and gave me the puppy pout that always earned a kiss from me. I shook my head and started biting my lip. "Or if I do this," he walked toward me with an evil grin on his face and backed me up against the wall. He leaned down so his lips were inches from mine. I wanted that kiss so badly. He let his lips brush across mine and much to my dismay I lost it. I kissed him.

"Ha you have to take the money now." I sighed. I didn't like him very much right now. I held out my hand and he gladly placed the money in it. I walked out of the room with the necklace around my neck and the money in my hand. I waved bye to Billy and followed Alice out of the door and into this beautiful yellow Porsche.

"My car you like?" I nodded and got into the back seat. My face turned blood red when I seen the other girls there. Bella blushed also. I wonder if I'm the first girl to leave Jake's house in his clothes. Alex looked at me and laughed.

"You had fun last night huh?" I shook my head.

"We just talked." Alex busted out into hysterics.

"Yea that's what they all say." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious. Hey I was curious did you keep your little 'promise' about Emmett." Alex looked at the ground.

"I was doing so well until last night." I laughed.

We pulled into the Cullen's and Alice drug me inside. As if being in Jake's clothes wasn't bad enough she was dragging me inside in front of Emmett. I heard his thunder of laughter all the way in Alice's room.

"Hmm you're bigger in the hips than me and Esme lets try Alex." I nodded. She walked into Alex's room and handed me a pair of jeans and grabbed an Evanescence t-shirt. I squealed and changed quickly. Alice picked up Jake's clothes and wrinkled her nose.

"I'm taking them with me Alice so give them to me." She nearly threw them at me. I ran down the stairs trying to miss Emmett on purpose. I didn't get that luxury though. He stood in my way on purpose.

"I'm so proud of you Abbs. My little sister got laid! And by wolf boy at that! I'm so proud." He engulfed me into a hug. Dominic came to the door frame with a disgusted look on his face.

"You slept with a dog?" I watched his body tense up and his nose started to flair. It wasn't at all sexy like it was when Jake did it mmm. He walked closer to me and grabbed my necklace.

"Is this a gift from him?" I nodded. Emmett stood protectively in between us.

"Go back with Jasper and Edward Dominic. I am having fun with my little sister." I cheered in my head 'Go Emmett' I even had a cheer worked out. Edward started dying laughing and looked at me. I blushed very deeply. Emmett smiled and gave me a hug.

"I just want you to know that despite the fact that you're with a dog. I love you and you're like the kick ass sister I never had. You're welcome to come crash with Alex and me anytime as long as we are not you know, then don't come any where near. We can tear a room up." I laughed. Edward interrupted.

"Don't let him scar you for life like that Abbie. Go on out with the girls and have fun. By the way cute cheer." By blush intensified about three times and then I ran out the door and into the car. Alex smiled at me and gave me a hug and then sniffed me.

"You smell like Emmett. He didn't tease you too badly did he?" I smiled at her.

"No he is the best big brother a girl could ask for and believe me I have a lot of them now."

Alice drove off like a speed demon and we pulled into a parking lot. It seemed like harmless fun but boy was I wrong. Alice dragged us into every store possible and tried to put me in a dress. Ha ha I almost died on that one until I realized she was serious. I sighed and went to try it on. I hated it and so did Alex. It was way to Alicish for my tastes. Alex practically knocked Alice out of the way.

"Let me pick out the poor girl's clothes okay Alice." Alice sighed then brightened.

"Guess what Bella you're my new guinea pig." Bella sighed then glared at me. I laughed. Things had changed for the better.

By the time we were done we all had easily twenty bags a piece. I sighed. They wouldn't let me pay for a thing. Not even Jake's present which was aggravating. I wanted to buy something Bella laughed when I said that then groaned when it was stated that we would go to more stores. I sighed.

"Alice my feet hurt." She laughed.

"Of course they do dear. They're supposed too if not how are you to tell if you've really shopped." I sighed and dragged on again for another hour. I was reading to pass out. Alice FINALLY got done shopping and we headed home. Pulling up into the Cullen drive way I have never been happier to see a house in my life. I jumped out and I kissed the grass. Then I felt bad because I realized that I had just kissed then ground and it technically wiped Jake's kiss off my lips. I jumped up embarrassed. Emmett came out and grabbed Alex's bags and placed a kiss on her lips.

"I missed you babe." She grinned.

"I missed you too." He hugged her despite all the bags in his hand? Would Jake and I be like that? I mean despite us not being vampires would be like that with each other? Always eager to see each other and always that affectionate? Emmett ran into the house and placed Alex's bag upstairs then he came and stole my mine.

"I'll race ya squirt."

"Oh you're so on." I took off after Emmett and by the time I reached their room he was sitting on their bed my bags in hand. He faked a yawn.

"What took you so long? Are your limbs still weak from wrestling with the dog all night?" I rolled my eyes.

"We actually didn't sleep with the dog. We just cuddled." Emmett roared with laughter.

"Wait until the next time I see him. It's going to be good. If that were me and Alex I would have had her ankles to her ears." I laughed when I seen Alex standing behind her.

"I think it's cute that they cuddled. You are going to get used to cuddling because your 'happy time' has been cut back for another week." He dropped down to his knees.

"Pppplease Alex don't do that." He placed his hands in a prayer like position He scooted closer onto the floor on his knees. I laughed. This was hilarious.

"Aw come on Alex forgive him already. You know it's just not Emmett unless he jokes around." She looked like she was in thought. I walked past those two and Alice and Jasper were making kissy faces at each other. It really made me miss Jake. I could call him hmm… I walked downstairs to the living room and Edward and Bella were curled up on the couch watching 'Romeo and Juliet'. I shrugged at least they weren't making me think of Jake. Dominic came and sat next to me. I ignored him. He wasn't Jake.

"Come on kid smile it isn't going to kill you." I sighed.

"I guess your right."

Dominic and I talked for about an hour and I finally drifted off to sleep. I awoke when I felt something cold come in contact with my skin. I opened my eyes quickly and Edward just smiled at me.

"Its okay Abbie just go back to sleep. I've got you." I trusted Edward despite Jake's judgment. He never was cruel to me despite hurting the one I live and breathe for.

"Actually Abbie Jake and I have an understanding. He knows what it's like now not to live without some one. To not be able to see yourself living if something happened to them and to kill anything that tries to harm that person." I blinked twice.

"That girl is me?" He laughed.

"Yes you are his imprint. I was so thankful when he told you though I can not phantom a guess how hard it was for him for you to ignore him like that." I wrinkled up my nose.

"He was talking to some beautiful Native American girl and I got like insanely jealous." I felt the cool night air embrace me.

"So all of this was over Leah." Leah. That evil wench had a name hmm.

"Basically I don't like her; she touched him Edward he's my man ya know." He started laughing very loudly and my face got redder than a tomato when the next voice came in.

"Oh so now I'm all yours huh?" I saw Jake come into view. Edward put me down.

"Was there any sign of anything?" Jake shook his head.

"Thanks for bringing her out Edward." He smiled. Edward turned towards the house and walked back in. I hugged Jake. His dark tan skin really shined tonight. The same with his eyes and his smile.

"Did you just change back from Wolf?" He laughed.

"You still refer to me as Wolf that's a surprise and yes I did." I wrinkled my nose again.

"Well what do you want me to refer you as 'oh you sexy beast take me behind the bushes and show me that you love me?'" His eyes lit up and he went to pick me up. I pulled back from him.

"Sorry you have to remember I am a hormonal teenage boy and the thought of you like that kind of drives me crazy." I laughed and we went to sit on the porch. We went and sat on the steps. Him just holding me and us looking at the stars.

"Jake how do you see us in twenty years?" His gaze left the stars and it landed on my face; my eyes to be more precise.

"I see us happily married and maybe with one or two little Jacob and Abbie's running around. I am terrified if we have a girl though." I giggled.

"Whys that?"

"Because I feel bad for the silly fool. If she has half your charm and your intelligence plus your beauty that guy is a goner." I blushed and snuggled closer to him. We sat like that until Edward came out.

"Sorry guys but Alice is coming downstairs and you remember what she said about Jake." I nodded and kissed Jacob.

"I love you, you hormonal teenager." He grinned and it reminded me of Wolf. I laughed.

"I love you too my beautiful non hormonal girlfriend." He looked at Edward and laughed. "Girls and he took off. I walked back into the house and Edward led me to the guest rooms.

"Thanks Edward you didn't have to do that." He smiled that crooked smile that used to drive me insane.

"No problem Abbie and by the way I did it for him. I heard the pain in his tone. Maybe he will accept it as a truce." I shrugged and walked to the bed. I got under the covers and I still shivered. Where was my personal heater when I needed him? Jake's voice entered my head again. I'm off protecting you Abbs now sleep tight and pretend I'm there holding you tonight. I smiled then drifted off to sleep. I was awoken by the freezing feeling touching my stomach. I jerked up and no one was there. That was weird. I sighed and went back to sleep.
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hey guys i need lots of comments so comment

much love