Candy Coated Dreams

The Date

The cold feeling stayed with me the entire night. The feeling was something that I can’t explain right. It was like some one left the window open during an ice storm. I shivered again. I tried to snuggle up into my blanket but that wasn’t helping me at all. I sighed and sat up. There was a huge window letting in little light due to the rain, but it was tightly shut. I was confused. How could I be this cold but the window hasn’t been open? Maybe it’s because Jake wasn’t cuddling with me tonight. That had to be it. I wasn’t used to being cold because in case any one forgot the last couple of days I had woken up snug as a bug in a rug or in my case as snug as if I was snuggling an electric blanket. I sat up and there were goose bumps all over my arms and my teeth were chattering away. I really had no other choice so I removed my feet from the covers and placed them on the cold hard wood floor. I was shaking from being so cold and grabbed my covers and wrapped it around my shoulders. I walked slowly out of the guest room I slept in last night and ventured into the living room. I tried to think warm thoughts. Jake was the first thing that came to mind. Jake’s warm body, Jake’s warm smile and Jake’s hot kisses were the first thoughts I had. But thinking of Jake made me sad. I wondered what he was doing and if he was thinking of me. Too bad I didn’t have Edward’s ability.
I walked into the living room and every set of eyes in the room landed on me. Jasper looked as if in pain and Alice looked upset. Dominic was the first one to say anything to me. I wished he would have just stayed where he was at though. Here lately he had this habit of touching me. Whenever he said something his hands would lightly touch my shoulder or my arm. I shuddered. I wished for Jake’s words of wisdom right now. Dominic came up and hugged me.
“Are you okay? You look sick Abbie maybe you should go lie back down.” My teeth started to chatter again.
“Its too cold in there I can’t.” Alice walked over to me with a worried expression. She felt my head then backed up.
“Abbie why are you so cold? Usually you’re scorching hot.” I nodded. Duh Alice I knew that already. Edward chuckled then turned serious. His eyes darted to Dominic then back to me. I shrugged answering some unheard question. Edward growled.
“Dominic can I speak to you a second in the kitchen?” I knew every one of the vampires in the room could hear him so whatever he was trying to say he didn’t want Bella or me hearing. That made me nervous. I glanced at Bella and her eyes reflected the same things mine did. Something was defiantly up but what was it? I sighed.
“Hey I need to head home. My mom is probably worried about me.” Alex stood up then walked to the kitchen. I smiled and she returned with Edward. He twirled his keys around his right index finger.
“Come on Abbie lets get you home.” I nodded and handed Alex the blanket. I know it wasn’t smart being that I was so cold but I went and hugged each person in the room including Dominic. He sniffed my hair and chuckled.
“Hey you don’t smell like dog anymore.” I shrugged.
“I don’t see how I was with Jake last…” I paused and covered my mouth. Alice stomped her foot.
“You cheated. What are you going to do when you guys get married huh? You will have to go a whole day without each other.” I laughed and shook my head.
“Actually I was thinking more of an Elvis Vegas style wedding.” Alice yelled.
“There is no way I am letting you get married that way.” I shook my head again.
“Dude why are you stressing it? We aren’t going to get married yet besides I am betting on Edward and Bella to be married before us,” I said with a wink. Edward grinned and Bella looked terrified. I laughed and smirked at Bella then followed Edward out of the house and to his Volvo. I got into the passenger seat and relaxed. Edward looked at me strangely.
“Hey Edward can I talk to you about something without you thinking I’m weird?” He gave me that famous crooked smile.
“You know you can Abbs.” I cocked an eyebrow.
“Abbs,” that was Jake’s little thing for me. He chuckled.
“Sorry I was listening to Jacob’s mind earlier.” I nodded.
“Well this wasn’t what I was going to say but since you brought it up. Is Jake thinking about me?” Edward roared with laughter.
“You’re kidding right?” I shook my head. I was dead serious. “You are always on his mind.” I smiled.
“Wow I am so teasing him.” He sighed.
“Don’t because then he will know you heard it from me and we are actually on a good page.” I laughed. Was ‘the’ Edward Cullen and ‘the’ Jacob Black actually being civil towards each other? I laughed. I looked down at my hands and remembered the cold feelings from last night and this morning. I felt fear strike though me.
“Hey Edward um,” I sighed. “Last night something weird happened to me last night. I went to lie down after you let me see Jake and I felt an ice cold feeling on my stomach. The feeling intensified through the night to my entire body. I woke up this morning trembling. I was so cold I felt as if someone had left the window open and we had an ice storm.” He nodded and sat quietly a moment or so.
“I really have no idea. I’ll talk to Alice when I get back and we will see what happened okay?” I nodded. I sat quietly waiting to see my house. Edward looked over at me quizzing. I just shrugged it off.
We pulled up into our driveway and I gave him a hug and got out. I ran into my house to for once get out of the rain. When I walked in mom was spinning around the room picking up this and that. I smiled and went to hug her. She immediately returned my hug. I could see the happiness radiating off of her. She must have had a good time with Charlie. EW! I so don’t wanna know if that’s the case. I mean virgin ears here. I tried to mirror her mood but the truth was I missed Jake already. I needed him for some odd reason. My eyes brightened when I realized the day. I ran past my mom and to the phone and much to my dismay Jake didn’t answer. My happy mood deflated that is until I heard a knock on the door. I raced past my mother and to the front door and jerked it open hoping to find Jake there leaned up against my door frame looking gorgeous as ever. Instead I saw a girl. That was a huge turn off and to make it a bigger turn off this girl happens to be my family. I sighed. She just laughed.
“Well you could at least act like you’re happy to see me cuz.” I nodded and moved so she could enter.
“Sorry Jenna I was expecting some one else.” She smiled.
“Who might that be?” My smile took up my entire face.
“You have to meet him. That gives me an idea. Mom can I use the car?” She came out of the kitchen.
“You should let Jenna get settled first before you drag her off into town.” I sighed obviously defeated and sank down into the couch. She winked at me and waved for me to follow her. Slowly I got up. I wasn’t happy. I mean sure we had once been so close but that was a long time ago. Jenna looked a lot different now. Her dark chocolate brown hair had a wave to it now. I remember how board straight it used to be when we were kids. I laughed at that thought. Her dark brown eyes had shape to them now. Her make-up really highlighted them. They whole ‘dark hair and dark eyes’ thing ran in our family. Ever member had some form of brown hair except for me; the odd ball. I sighed and followed her. She had gotten taller and her frame had filled out more since I had seen her last. That was to be expected of course because I hadn’t seen her in close to a year I believe. I shrugged and continued up the stairs. She and I would be sharing a room while she was here. I’m not certain how long that would be. All I knew was that meant no Jake cuddling with me at night. That depressed me but that didn’t last long because I brightened at the thought of staying out there with him. Yummy Jake being half naked all the time I blushed at the thought causing Jenna to look at me strange.
“Are you okay Abbie?” I smiled.
“Yea I was just thinking about some things.” She nodded.
“Actually I need to talk to you about something if that’s okay?” I swore in my head. If she hurried up we could be with Jake… well I could be with Jake.
“Okay sure what’s up Jenna?” She sighed and fiddled with her fingers.
“I just wanted to apologize about not talking to you when all that stuff with Rick happened. I had good reason though. I know it’s hard to believe. You remember when the stuff happened with my dad? Trying to help you through it brought back painful memories for me. I relived the whole thing with my dad and I just broke down. I’m so sorry.” I watched her eyes water up and I gave her a hug.
“Its okay Jen I forgive you.” She nodded and tears started to fall. “Ugh Jake is aggravating me.” She giggled.
“Who is this Jake character?” My smile took up my entire face once again as Jake’s face appeared in my head.
“Jacob Black would be my boyfriend.” She smiled.
“Be careful you know our families history with guys.” I tried to frown but it didn’t work. I knew that wouldn’t happen with Jake. We were mates and we were forever. Well not as forever as Emmett and Alex but still the point remains. I just pretended like her words fazed me. Yes our family did have bad history but this one wasn’t going to be like that.
“I know but Jake’s different trust me on that one.” She rolled her eyes.
“Your mom said Rick was different. Mine said that Jack was different in all truthfulness they weren’t. What makes this Jake guy so special?” I practically leapt out of my seat when I heard the next voice.
“Because I love her as much as she loves me. We are meant to be together.” She rolled her eyes once again.
“Have you slept with her yet?” I didn’t have to be a mind reader to know what Jake was thinking after that question.
“No because we have an emotional bond not a physical one.” I smiled and went and hugged him. I pulled him down to my level and whispered in his ear.
“You lied through your teeth. You know if I offered myself to you, you would take it no questions asked.” He grinned that wolfish grin causing me to smile.
“So I figured I would stop by and see if we were still on for our date tonight?” I smiled then I remembered Jen. I think he read my thoughts because he looked as if in thought for a moment. “Hey Jen are you doing anything tonight?” She rolled her eyes.
“I know you’re not hitting on me with my cousin a.k.a. your girlfriend standing right there.” He rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“As if you could get that lucky; I was asking that because Abbie and I are going to the fair tonight and I have a friend who is going alone. Do you want to go with him?” I looked at him wide eyed.
“Which one is it?” He laughed. ‘
“You make it sound like I would hook her up with just any one.” I gave him a stern look. For alone time with me I think he would hook Sam up with Alice. I laughed at that thought. “Okay fine its Seth.” My eyes sparkled a bit. They would be so cute together.
“Jen, Seth is a super sweet guy you will adore him.” She waved it off. “I swear Jen and if he does anything to you I will kill him myself.” She smiled at that thought.
“Okay I’m in but on one condition.” Jake looked at her.
“What’s that?” She smiled.
“I want to go to the fair as well.”
I only had an hour left until Jake was coming to pick me up. I don’t know if he was riding his bike or driving the rabbit either way I didn’t care. I walked over to my closet and realized that I had left all my new clothes at the Cullen’s. I picked up my cell phone and went to call Alice when she walked through my bed room door with all my bags from yesterday.
“Ooh I saw the perfect outfit for your cousin.” She dug through my bag of clothes and came out with a white tube top and a pair of blue sparkly jeans. “This will fit her so nicely. I wonder what Seth will think?” I smiled. She reached into the bag and pulled out my outfit and handed it to me. I smiled and went to take my shower. Hopefully Alice would still be using Jenna as a life sized Barbie when I got out.
I took my shower and did my lotion. Part of me was nervous yet the other half was so at ease with Jake it was like any other day. I smiled again when his name came to mind. I understood what he meant about imprinting in a way. I used to pity every one that claimed to be ‘in love’ with the one they were with now that its happened to me I loved every second of it. Being with Jake was similar to being high only my high never ended until he left. My smile disappeared I hated it when he left. I blow dried my hair then got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and Jenna was giving me the look of death. I couldn’t help it. I snickered at her. She practically growled at me.
“You knew this was going to happen didn’t you Abbie?” I nodded and tried to hold in my laughter. I ran back into the bathroom when Alice came into sight. I was doing my own make-up without Alice’s help. I heard another voice that caused me to open the door. Alex was standing there with a purple make-up bag.
“Let me help.” I hugged her.
“Alex you’re a life saver.” She smiled and did a curtsey.
“Thank you now let’s get to work.” I sat down on the toilet and she plugged in the curling iron and started on my make-up.
“So how did you know I needed you?” She laughed.
“I noticed Alice gone and knew that you couldn’t hold her off long with out me.” I smiled.
“You are my favorite but ssshhh don’t tell Alice.” Alice yelled from my bedroom interrupting our conversation.
“I heard that.” We both laughed. I sat there in silence afraid to move. With my bad luck I may say something and she would jump and the mascara would go across my nose. I stopped myself from shuddering at that thought. I was kind of scared at the thought though. I mean I had never seen Alex’s make-up skills. I sat there quietly until Alex was done with every thing. She stepped back.
“Whoa you look good girl.” She grabbed her camera out of her small book bag purse. She took my picture and then dragged me to a mirror. I gasped. I did look good. My dark auburn hair was curled on the ends in a ringlet like form. My dark brown eyes stood out against my pale skin despite my Indian heritage. My lips had a bigger pout to them then usual and were a deep brown color. The outfit fit me perfectly looking like this. The red halter top showed off just a peak of my cleavage and the back hip huggers fit perfectly. I wanted to jump on Alex but then I realized I would mess up my make-up. I went in and grabbed my gorilla toe socks and put them on. I went and grabbed my white sneakers and put them on. I walked back into the room with Alice, Jenna, and Alex. Alice squealed.
“You look great.” I smiled and twirled around. Alice clapped. “I’m actually surprised Alex can do make-up. I don’t think she’s wore any a day in her life.” Alex hit her upside her head.
“I think Alex is beautiful without make-up.” Alex smiled.
“Thank you Abbie.” My cousin glared at me. I smiled.
“Oops I am going to pretend I had no idea what was going to happen Jenna I swear.” We were interrupted by a knock on the door. Alex hugged me and then Alice hugged both Jenna and I. Alex smiled at me.
“Good luck with your man tonight Abbie. Emmett and I are rooting for you.” I smiled and hugged her. I heard my mom talking to Jake. I grabbed Jenna’s hand and drug her downstairs. Alice did good on her as well. Her hair was done up in a pony tail with waved curls all down the back. The outfit fit her just right just like Alice said it would. I gave her a quick hug then we walked down the stairs. Jake’s smile reached his eyes as he extended his hand towards mine.
“You look beautiful Abbs.” I smiled and leaned it and gave him a kiss. Of course he had to lean down first. Jen stood there tapping her foot impatiently. Jake smiled in the middle of our kiss.
“He said he would meet us there so you’re stuck riding with us.” She groaned.
“Riding with the gruesome couple is so disgusting.” I laughed and Jake grabbed my hand. He had drove his rabbit here. Jenna got into the back seat and Jake grabbed my hand before I got it.
“Come here you,” I smiled and he leaned down and gave me a kiss. “Mmm… I missed you today.” I smiled.
“I missed you a lot too Jake. I thought about you all day today especially when I woke up this morning I was freezing.” He chuckled.
“That’s what happens when you have a sleep over at a leech’s crib.” I laughed and lightly hit him.
“They’re actually really nice people Jake; Edward is especially good to you.” He tilted his head a little to the left.
“Well maybe that’s because we finally understand each other. I always thought he was selfish for keeping Bella from me. I understand now what its like to want some one all to your self and for them to never leave. I didn’t know that until I met you.” I felt the tears building up in my eyes. “Hey no tears this is supposed to be a happy occasion.” I smiled and nodded. I got into the car.
“About time I thought you two were going to play smoochy face the entire time out there.” I laughed.
“Only in my dreams Jen.” Jake got into the car and we took off.
We pulled up at the fair and we all got out. I looked ahead and I seen Seth standing nervously at the gates. Poor Seth it’s a wonder what Jake told him. As we got closer I watched Seth suck in his breath and Jen just stopped in her tracks. Jake and I exchanged glances. No way did Seth just…Jake finished my sentence.
“Imprint?” I shrugged. Seth smiled and nodded at us. Oh my god one of my best friends had just imprinted on my cousin. I smiled then looked at Jake. I guess we are just a wolf loving family. Seth extended his hand and Jenna actually blushed.
“Hey I’m Seth,” she walked closer and put her hand in his.
“I’m Jenna; um I’ll catch you guys later okay?” We nodded and as soon as we noticed them out of sight we started to laugh.
“How ironic is that Jake?” He shrugged.
“It doesn’t matter to me because I already found my imprint.” I smiled and grabbed his hand.
“Come on we have an entire night together lets go have fun.”
We took off going from ride to ride. We rode the ring of fire and the zipper last because those looked like the most fun. I squealed as the zipper flipped us over. Jake latched on to me when the ride stopped when we were upside down. I thought I was going to slip out but with Jake’s grip I don’t think any one could slip. I smiled and snuggled closer to him. He kissed the top of my head and the ride got moving again. We swerved and turned for another five minutes then the ride was over. Now it was time for the ride I think Jake pacifically held out for; the Ferris wheel. I groaned and he just chuckled. We waited in line for about fifteen minutes and then we got on. He put his arms around me.
“Hey Jake do you think about me all the time?” His eyes went from the stars above us to mine.
“All the time Abbs it’s like I cant concentrate on anything else but you.” I smiled.
“Do you still love her?” His body tensed up. I guess my question had caught him off guard. After a long pause he answered.
“She was my first love of course I love her but my love for you is stronger than that by thousands because my love for you is forever.” I nodded despite the tears that built up. “Abbie please don’t cry. Its something I can’t help.” I nodded again.
“I’m no going to cry I swear Jake.” He sighed.
“Sometimes I think you deserve much better than me.” I shook my head.
“No don’t say that you’re perfect.” He shook his head and put his head in his hands.
“I could phase so quickly and hurt you like Sam hurt Emily. I am far from perfect. I still have love for my ex yet you say I’m perfect despite the fact that I know it hurts you. You don’t see something though. She will never have any hold over you. She may be my friend and my first love but like I said you are my forever. Have I ever told you the story of Sam, Emily and Leah?” If I could have growled I would have when her name left his mouth. I shook my head. He nodded and continued. “Before Sam became a wolf he was in love with Leah. He loved her with his whole heart or so he thought. When weird things started happening to him he couldn’t tell any body. He didn’t know what was wrong with him so he went to the elders and they explained the story to him. He wasn’t allowed to tell any one. He continued to see Leah and one day Leah’s cousin Emily came down and Sam imprinted on her.” I gasped. Oh my god. Then I seen Leah touching Jake’s arm again and I almost growled again. “Now do you see Bella would be in Leah’s shoes if that was us? Sam and Emily are happily married. That will be us. I no longer have any feelings for Bella; at least none that compare to how many I have for you. Your smile lights up my existence and I will do anything to see it over and over again.” I felt the tears spill over and I hugged him. If he were fully human it probably would have hurt him from how hard I was squeezing him. He smiled.
“That’s all I needed to hear Jake.” He leaned in and kissed me.
“You are my life now Abbie; never forget that.” I nodded.
The ride stopped and I froze. I looked across the way to a stand and I seen the biggest teddy bear that reminded me of Jake. I attempted to drag him but he didn’t move. He laughed then realized what I was trying to do and then allowed me to pull him. I got to the stand and pointed to the bear.
“I want him Jake win him for me. It would make me sooo happy.” He laughed and got the guy who was working the stand’s attention
“I’m going to play until I win that bear right there. I don’t care how many tries it takes.” I squealed and jumped up and down. After five tries and three other stuffed animals later Jake handed me the giant dark brown bear I wanted. I squealed and jumped on him and dropped the bear. Seth was behind me and picked it up. I gave Jake a huge kiss and then got down.
“Thank you Jake.” He smiled.
“No problem beautiful,” he said as he placed a twenty down on the counter. He looked around at all the stuffed animals I had and laughed.
“Hey Seth I have to run these to the car keep an eyes on Abbs will you?” Seth somehow said okay through a mouthful of chewed up hot dog. I laughed and stuck by Seth until I had to go to the bathroom.
“Hey Seth I’ll be back I have to go pee.” He waved his hand at me and laughed.
“Just go and spare me the details.”
I walked over to the actually short line to the bathroom. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around and no one was there. I turned back forward and I was grabbed from behind and my eyes were covered. I tried to scream but something was shoved into my mouth. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on getting away from this creep. I didn’t open them until I was shoved up against this hard thing I guessed to be a tree. My eyes were uncovered and Mike stood in front of me. He had this evilish grin on his face.
“I told you I would get my chance.” I struggled against his arms. He then tied my hands together. “We wouldn’t want you going anywhere and ruining the fun now would we?” All of a sudden Alice’s vision from the other day came back into my head.

~I saw the fair back ground and then the woods. It then got all blurry. Oh what were you and Jake doing in the woods all alone?~

Alice was wrong. It wasn’t me and Jake. It was Mike and he was going to hurt me. I tried to scream again but whatever he had put in my mouth was gagging me and I couldn’t breathe. I started hyperventilating and my life started to flash in front of my eyes. The moments with Jake seemed to go by slower than the rest. I felt tears fall from my eyes. How would he survive without his imprint? Would he imprint on another? More tears started to fall as I realized I would never marry and there would never be little Jake and Abbie’s running around. I really lost it then. I would miss every one so much. Could Edward hear my mind right now because I really needed him? I needed my Jake too. Why had I wanted that bear so bad? It wasn’t worth my life with Jake. What about my mom? How would she survive?
Mike leaned it by my ear and Ssh’d me.
“Ssh baby its going to be okay. I’m going to take this out of your mouth and you are not going to scream okay?” I nodded. He took whatever it was out of my mouth. This was my only chance I screamed with every fiber of my being. I screamed as loud as I possibly could.
“JJJJJAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKEEEEEE HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!” He smacked me across the face and blood trickled on my lip. He leaned his and kissed me aggressively.
“Now that’s how a real man kisses.” He pulled back smirking and I was crying my eyes out. He was going to hurt me. He came back and put his hands under the bottom of my shirt around my stomach area and his touch burned. Not like Jake’s but of wrong doing and filth. He rubbed up my stomach and then back down and started to unbutton my pants and he was jerked back swiftly. So quick I barely saw it. In an instant a pale figure was on top of him. Alex came over and untied my hands and pulled me into a hug.
“Ssh baby its okay its over.” I looked up and seen Emmett standing up.
“Keep the hell away from my sister do you understand?” He swiftly kicked him in the ribs. Jake came running over to Alex and I. Emmett walked in our direction as well. Jake looked like he was about to cry. Emmett pulled me into a tight hug.
“You okay sis? That sick pervert will never come near you again.” I nodded and he released me to go to Jake. Jake bent down and I ran to his arms. The tears streaked down his face quickly turned to anger when he seen Mike. He held me there but I felt his body start to shake. I reached up and touched his face and pulled it closer to mine and kissed him.
“Jake please calm down. I don’t want you to phase.” He looked over and his dark brown eyes held so much fire it scared me. “Jake you’re scaring me please calm down remember you could hurt me.” His body stopped as if he had stopped breathing completely. He looked at me and pulled me into one of those world stopping kisses and when we broke apart he was as calm as the ocean on a peaceful day. Emmett interrupted our little moment.
“Wow dog don’t eat her face there I kind of like her smile. Ow Alex what was that for… please don’t take my happy time away again… okay I’ll shut up.” I started to laugh. All Alex had to do was look at him and he knew. I went to get out of Jake’s embrace but thought better of it when I realized Mike was still in his eye sight. I pulled Jake up with me and we walked over to Emmett and Alex.
“Thanks guys…” Jake interrupted me. He pulled Emmett into a ‘manly hug’.
“I owe you my life.” Emmett laughed.
“Its cool man that’s my little sister there and if anything happens to her I’ll kill who ever is responsible.” Jake nodded.
“Were going to get out of here so we’ll catch you guys later.” I gave them each another hug and then caught up with Jake. We walked past Mike and Jake tried to not so obviously kick Mike. He failed and I seen it. I gave him a stern look and he chuckled.
“What tell the guy not to pass out in the middle of the walk way next time.” I laughed to and we found Seth and Jenna and told them we were leaving. Jen is catching a ride with Seth home so it worked out. Jake picked me up and carried me to his car. I fell asleep. All the emotions I had in my body came out back there with Mike; well all except the ones reserved for Jake. I felt him put me in the car and I stayed sound asleep until the car stopped and I heard a door open. I laughed.
“You brought me home to Casa de Jacob?” He chuckled.
“More like Abbie’s man’s home.” I groaned.
“Haven’t you forgotten that yet?” He laughed.
“Not yet nor do I intend to now sleep little one you’re safe with me.”
That was the last thing he said until we got into the house and he laid me down. He got into the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me.
“I love you Abbs and I will find him and kill him for hurting you.” I pretended like I was asleep and I snuggled closer to him. I instantly fell asleep thanks to the warmth that radiated off my wolf.
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omg mike what is ur problem man
and jakes hilarious as ever comment
and now u can stop harassing me sra