Candy Coated Dreams


I gasped and looked up. Jake’s body started to shake. Oh god no. He squatted down and held his head. I took off running and in a flash Edward grabbed me. I kicked him and screamed. Of course it did very little damage to him but a lot to me. I screamed. Jake was slowly morphing into Wolf. I screamed again. He’s upset and it’s tearing me apart. I tried to break Edward’s grips again. He couldn’t let Jake go out there; Jake could die facing a vampire by himself. Edward sighed and loosened his grip. I took this as my chance I slid from under his arms and ran to the top of the stairs where a very pissed off Wolf stood. I jumped in front of him. I know it was stupid and that wolves act purely on emotion but I was willing to die before I even allowed Jake to be hurt. I couldn’t go on without him. Edward’s voice came into my head, ‘but you have to ask yourself this question Abbie. Will Jake be able to continue without you?’ I sighed and refused to move. Jake knocked me down and leapt over my head and was out the door. I ran after him as fast as I could. I reached the porch and Wolf was out of my sight. I dropped to my knees and started to cry. I was going to lose him. Everything about him started to flash before my eyes. I couldn’t lose him. I would fight until my death to ensure that nothing happened to you. I stormed inside. I had never been never been more sure on anything else in my life.
“Emmett are you taking bets?” He looked up at me kind of crazy eyed.
“Abbie you can’t bet on your boyfriend’s life.” I smiled. Kind of sadistic right?
“Any other time you would be betting so why not now?” He smiled.
“You have a point,” he grabbed a pen and paper. “Who are you betting on Miss Abbie?” I smirked.
“I place my bet on Jake and I’m betting my life on it.” His smile left his face. Alex jumped up.
“I am not allowing this to happen Abigail.” I smiled.
“Too bad it’s already wrote down see you after the fight.” I walked out the front door.
“Emmett go get her right now!” I heard Alex’s scream from here. I was already down the stairs. Emmett came behind me and picked me up on his back.
“I could lose a lot doing this for you so you better appreciate this.” I smiled. I had gotten what I wanted. I loved Emmett; not like I loved Jake but in a brotherly way. I was more than glad it was hip doing this for me.
“You know Jake is going to kill me for this.” I sighed.
“Emmett I can’t let anything happen to him, if he dies I will commit suicide.” Emmett’s body tightened up.
“Don’t you ever say that Abbie. You have so much to live for.” I shook my head.
“It’s just not worth it without Jake Emmett.” He rolled his eyes. “What if Alex was in this position? Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to save her? I am just a weak human this way my only option.” He smiled and nodded.
“I would tear apart anything that came in my way.” I nodded. “You’re right you are a weakling.” I hit him lightly and smiled.
We came to a clearing and I watched Jake leap at Dominic ripping into his throat. Dominic just smirked and threw Jake against a tree causing Jake to howl with pain. I tried to get off Emmett’s back. He held me firmly in place.
“You will cause him to lose the fight if you leave.” I felt the tears run down my cheeks. All I could think was not Jake. I watched Jake’s head jerk in my direction. I heard running coming in from behind me. Edward was standing behind us not even breaking a sweat. I glared at him. How could he be so calm? The love of my life was sitting out there and he could die and you are calm? I started screaming at him in my head.
“God I can tell you two are together.” He said while holding his head. I rolled my eyes.
“Why what is he saying?” He rolled his eyes and Emmett laughed.
“Well it’s pretty obvious because it’s Jacob but he is yelling at me for allowing you to be here.” I smiled.
“I came here on my own will,” I raised my voice so I knew my stubborn boyfriend could hear it, “that’s my mate and I have every right to be here.” Edward laughed.
“He said that you are mates with a very dumb wolf and it’s hazardous to your health so you better get out of here now or you will have severe consequences.” I rolled my eyes and I could have sworn I watched Jake grin. He didn’t have time to be playing games. Get him Jake.
Jake ran after Dominic again. Dominic knocked Jake around as if he were as light as a feather. I winced. Jake was laying there and didn’t move. I jumped off of Emmett and ran to the field. Dominic was stalking him and had a sinister look on his face. I ran and jumped in between him and Jake. It was a stupid thing but I wasn’t going to let him hurt Jake any more. Dominic just smiled.
“Aw how sweet but ignorant on your part Abbie. Now is your choice do you die with your mutt or do you come with me?” I spit at him.
“Never will I surrender to you Dominic. My love and my life lies with Jacob and if you’re going to kill me then do it.” He smiled and I stood up.
“A very ignorant choice my dear Abbie but you will get your wish.” He reached and smacked me. I fell to the ground and my world started to spin. I was fading quickly. I felt something jump on me but I couldn’t open my eyes enough to see what was happening. All around me went black. I was dying I felt it. I shouldn’t have intervened but I couldn’t help myself. I needed Jake like I needed to breathe.

I woke up snuggled up to Jake. He was peering down at me. Concern filled his dark brown eyes. I ran my hands down Jake’s stomach and across his arms. He was okay. My Jake wasn’t howling in pain. In fact he didn’t have a scratch on him. I smiled my Jake wasn’t dying on me in fact he looked happy to see me. Was I that bad? I remember Dominic smacking me but that’s all I remembered. But something had jumped on me. Was I a vampire now? If I was I doubt Jake would be this close to me. He smiled at me. He ran his hands through my hair. He pulled me closer and kissed me.
“You were having a nightmare are you alright?” I shook my head. That felt so real. My eyes watered at the thought. That was too real to be a dream. I sat up and the tears spilled out of my eyes. No there was no way. I lost. I almost died. Jake was hurt. I saw it all. Jake protectively put his arms around me. I pulled away from him. Dominic was standing at the door smirking.
“What a lousy excuse for a boyfriend you are dog she doesn’t want you near her.” I heard Dominic’s voice. I jumped into Jake’s arms and snuggled into them. I started crying harder. Jake’s face went from a smug smirk to concerned one. I looked up at him and he pulled me closer.
“Jake don’t let me go no matter what. Never leave me.” He smiled.
“Babe you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not. We give new meaning to always and forever.” I smiled. “Now what was this nightmare about?” I sighed.
“I don’t want to talk about it Jake.” He nodded.
“It scared you though babe are you sure?” I nodded.
“Let’s just lay back down. How did I get up here?” I was scared at how much of it was a dream.
“You were running after Emmett to get the camera from him and you hit your head on the floor downstairs.”
“Did anything else happen?” He shrugged.
“Beats me that’s all they told me.” So Dominic had kissed me but they kept it from Jake. I hated keeping things from him but this one I had too.
“Hey babe I’m going to see Alex for a minute.” He gave me a goofy grin then waved me off.
“Get your sexy butt out of here before I get tempted to do something to you.” I smirked and turned back around and kissed him. He groaned and pulled me closer. .
“Nuh uh I’ll be back Jakey.” He groaned and put his hands behind his head. I laughed and ran out of the room. Emmett and Alex’s room was only a few doors down from ours. I lightly knocked and Alex came to the door quickly. She smiled and moved so I could come in. As soon as I did though I laughed because Emmett was in the same position I left Jake in. That was funny but gross at the same time. I decided to sit in the chair.
“Alex I have a problem. I had this nightmare that was so real it scared me badly. I didn’t tell Jake about it because of what happened in the dream.” She nodded.
“What happened?”
I told her the dream from start to finish. I didn’t skip out on a part. She smacked me upside my head when I bet on my life though. It was always funnier when some one else got smacked so of course when she hit Emmett I nearly lost my breath. It calmed me a bit but I was still edgy. What were my dreams trying to tell me? I sighed.
“I’m going to go talk to Alice and Edward meanwhile Abbie go hang out with Jake and just veg out okay.” I nodded and went to find my baby. He was in the last spot I had left him. Only Jenna was with him and they were whispering. I stopped outside the door and pressed my ear against it.
“Jake I’m scared for her. I have Seth so I’m not worried about me.” I heard Jake scoff.
“I am twice the man and twice the wolf Seth is but that’s beside the point. Abbie is my imprint the love of my life and I will be damned if a leech comes in and takes her from me.” I heard foot steps so I pretended to walk in. Jake smiled at me. I sighed.
“Jake I want to go back to La Push. You can protect me as well as any one can. Let’s go right now.” Jen rolled her eyes.
“I am staying here. There’s strength in numbers Abbie.” I rolled my eyes.
“Jake is all I need right now.” If I was going to die I was going to be happy. I smiled and grabbed his hands. We walked out of the Cullen’s hand in hand. Jake phased and my Wolf stood in front of me. I got on his back and he took off full speed.
Shortly later we arrived at Jake’s house. I got off and walked inside. He phased back and moments later in walked my boyfriend; the love of my life. I knew I was going to die but I wasn’t sure of when. All I knew was that I was spending every possible minute with the one I loved.
“Hey Jake can I use your shower I stink.” He smiled and came over and kissed me.
“Sure babe hold on.” He walked into his room and came out with some of his clothes.
I took my shower quickly and walked into Jake’s room and leaned in and kissed him. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer to me. He grinned in the middle of our kiss.
“Are you sure about this?” I grinned back.
“Jake I have never been more sure about anything in my life. I know one thing for sure I am sure about you.” He smiled and pulled me back closer. That was the last thing I paid attention to before I gave into my emotions. I let it happen. If I was dying there was only one thing I knew I had to do and that was giving myself fully to Jake and I had.
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