Candy Coated Dreams

The Night After

I woke up the next morning smiling and I stretched. I rolled over and once again Jake was gone. I wrapped the sheet around my body and started humming to myself. I grabbed my clothes that were discarded on the floor from the night before. All my memories flooded back to me and I smiled. I thought it was damn near impossible to wipe my smile off my face that is until I seen who was sitting in Jake’s living room. I smiled then it faded when I seen the look she gave me. I put my head down much like a pup who had just been scolded. I went and sat on Jake’s lap. He sat up from his slouched posture and kissed me and nuzzled into my neck. He looked so upset yet so Jake. He rolled his eyes at something Alex had said.
“…And you young lady what were you thinking running off like that? You could have been killed.” I nodded then I couldn’t help it I started to giggle. Jake pulled me closer so my back was pressed against his chest.
“I just wanted to be with Jake Alex.” She rolled her eyes.
“You could have been with Jake at our house. What’s going on Abbie?” I sighed and Jake grabbed my hand.
“Well Alex do you want the truth? Of course you want the truth if not why did you ask?” I giggled. “Okay I know I am going to die soon.” Alex rolled her eyes.
“Seriously Abbie look around you; how is any one going to get past this team?” I rolled my eyes.
“Forget it Alex forget I said anything.” I got up and walked into Jake’s room and slammed the door. I sat there for a few minutes then exited Jake’s room pretty pissed off.
“Jacob will you take me home?” Alex rolled her eyes.
“You are going back to my house.” I sighed. She grabbed me and threw me onto her back and took off running. I heard Jake yell an ‘I love you.’
Alex got me off of her back and dragged me inside. I was beyond pissed. I was being dragged around like a little kid. I was seventeen years old I was not a child. Edward laughed.
“Abbie every one is just worried because you mean so much to us all.” I sighed and sat down next to Edward.
“Last night was one of the happiest nights of my life Edward and then Alex comes over yelling at me because I ran off. I just wanted to be alone with Jake so that’s why I left. Despite what Alex said I still believe I am going to die.” He nodded.
“Was it your dream the night before?” I nodded.
“I have been dreaming a lot about that lately except for last night for obvious reasons.” Edward looked confused.
“Obvious reasons?” I blushed and got up.
“I’ll be back Edward.” Edward’s eyes got wide. I walked upstairs and started to round up the girls. I found them all in different areas of the house. Alex was with Emmett. I just walked in and covered my eyes.
“Emmett I need a girl talk so go be manly with Edward. Talk about cars or something.” He rolled his eyes.
“But Edward is all sissified.” I rolled my eyes.
“Go Emmett.” He waved his hands at me.
“Have your feminine talk.” I laughed. I looked at Alex.
“I have to go get the other girls.” She smiled.
“Sit I will get them,”
I sat there for a moment and twiddled my thumbs. She came back with Bella on her back. Alice came in a moment later carrying Jenna. Alice sat her down laughing.
“She wanted to know what was so important you would wake her up.” I giggled and looked away.
“Well it’s important so I wanted you all here. Last night I…” Emmett came busting through the door again. He had a smile on in his face.
“I can’t do it down there. Let me staaaay please.” He started to bed. Alex looked at him and grinned.
“If you leave I will let you get your wish about your new hummer.” Emmett’s eyes lit up.
“I am gone babe see you later. Bye ladies.” We all laughed. I looked over at Alex.
“What was his wish?” She shrugged.
“He wanted to do it in his new hummer.” Jenna covered her ears.
“Ew virgin ears,” I blushed and looked down at the ground all of them looked at me. Jenna covered her mouth. “What about your virgin ears Abbie?” I giggled and looked down at the floor.
“That is what I called you all together about. I um… last night Jake and I…” I sighed. I just needed to spit it out. “I am no longer a virgin.” I heard a bunch of squeals and in an instant I had two vampires, Bella and Jen on top of me. They were talking at one hundred miles an hour. I silenced them “Get off of me and I will explain.” They all got off of me and looked at me expectantly.
“When I had Jake take me home yesterday I knew what I was doing. I know I am going to die and I wanted Jake and I to be together as one. I took a shower as soon as I got to his house because I knew the smell of vampires turned him off and that was the last thing I wanted. He was so sweet about it. He wanted to make sure that I wanted it and he didn’t want to hurt me it was so sweet.” Alice squealed and clapped her hands together. Alex laughed.
“Emmett didn’t think Jake had it in him,” I giggled.
“Oh Jake had it in him and then some. He was… amazing.” Alex rolled her eyes.
“It was your first time.” I hit her.
“But it only hurt for a second and he flipped out on that it was just,” I sighed, “pure heaven.” I giggled. Alex smiled.
“So does he have a tongue like a dog?” Alice hit her. “What you wanted to know too you know you did.” Bella blushed. Jenna stared at me wide eyed. I looked down at the ground.
“That is my business thank you very much.” I giggled. Bella laughed.
“Wow I am pretty shocked. I didn’t see that happening anytime soon.” I had the hugest smile on my face. Jake was perfect. Jenna rolled her eyes at me.
“What are you going to do if you don’t last?” I rolled my eyes.
“We will Jen. I am his imprint and he will never love any one as much as he loves me.” Bella nodded in agreement.
“Just like I am Edward’s singer; my blood sings for him,” Jenna and I nodded in agreement. “We are forever.” Alex laughed.
“You guys sound like a bunch of teenage girls but it’s true every one in this room’s love for their mate is forever.” I smiled and nodded. “Abbie I am so telling Emmett though.” My cheeks flamed red.
“Oh my god don’t.” She laughed.
We spent the next couple of hours in her room gossiping like as she put it, “a bunch of teenage girls.” I giggled. Jacob and my love was forever and I was more than happy I lost my innocence to him. I squealed out loud causing every one to look at me. Alex started to die laughing.
“You are so my favorite person. It serves you right looking into people’s minds.” Blush rose to my cheeks. I had forgotten about Edward being here. I yelled just as Alex had.
“Sorry Edward.” Emmett roared with laughter than stopped. I heard him yell.
“No f-in way are you serious. The dog finally grew some balls.” My blush deepened. Emmett knew now. I smiled at every one.
“Hey guys I am going back to my room for a bit so I’ll catch you later.” I smiled and skipped the whole way to my room. I was floating on air. This was too good to be true. I reached the top of the stairs and yelled down to Edward.
“Hey Edward what is Jake thinking about?” He groaned.
“You… in ways I don’t feel comfortable describing.” I giggled and skipped to my room. My smile faded when I seen what was in my room. Dominic was sitting in my room when I got upstairs. I sighed and walked in anyway.
“Hello Abbie come sit down. Would you like to watch a movie with me?” I half smiled.
“Um I guess Dominic what do you want to watch.” He smiled.
“I was thinking the covenant,” I nodded.
“That’s fine.”
I climbed up to the top of the bed, trying to avoid being close to Dominic at all. I grabbed the nearest pillow and snuggled it in a way. I put it in between my legs and wrapped my arms around it. It smelled like Jake. Oh how I missed him already. Last night had just brought us closer then we already were. I didn’t think it was possible but we are. I was beyond happy. I felt eyes on me and I saw Dominic staring at me. I tried to shake it off but it was bothering me. I tried to concentrate on the gorgeous Steven Strait. I tried not to think about him getting closer and I scooted against the wall closer. Dominic just smiled and reached out and touched me then jerked back as if he had been slapped.
“What have you done?” I looked at him confused.
“What are you talking about Dominic?” He wrinkled his nose in disgust.
“You let him touch you?” I laughed.
“Where have you been? Jake and I cuddle all the time.” He rolled his eyes.
“You slept with him how could you Abbie? You let a dog deflower you.” I got what he meant now.
“I love Jake. He’s not a dog he’s the love of my life.” He got off the bed and stared a hole in me.
“That was plain idiotic on your part Abigail.” I rolled my eyes and jumped off of the bed.
“It was the farthest thing from idiotic I lost my virginity to the one person who means the world to me so butt out Dominic.”
“Whatever,” he slammed the door shut. I got so mad I started shaking.
“ALEX!!!” I screamed for her. She came running to me and her hair was messed up. I heard a car door shut. Ew. I looked out of the window and peeked down at Emmett’s new ride. I loved it! It was a dark night shade of black. I ran down the stairs past Alex who was looking at me like I had lost my mind. I grabbed the handle of Emmett’s hummer and went to get in then jumped back. They had done the do in there. I was not sitting in there. The interior was bright red. The seats were the mad notes. They were leather with red flames going up them. It was so Emmett. Alex came out behind me and Emmett was following. She laughed.
“You think his is the bomb you should see mine.” I nodded and squealed. She opened the garage. I gasped it was beautiful. It was a 1969 bright red mustang. It had black flames going down the side. Alex opened the door and I squealed. The car was the inside out version of Emmett’s. Her interior was jet black with red flames and seats. I loved it. It fit Alex so well. She smiled.
“You like?” I shook my head; she rolled her eyes.
“I love,” she laughed. Emmett came into my view.
“Wait until you see your car.” I opened my mouth to protest but he silenced me.
“Our family rolls first class.” I laughed and hit him.
We sat outside discussing cars for some time. I yawned and then Alex’s eyes jumped out of her head.
“What is that?” I shrugged.
“I don’t see anything.” She rolled her eyes.
“Emmett what is that on my car?” He chuckled.
“Babe I didn’t do it. I swear it was Abbie.” She rolled her eyes.
“I am not speaking to you for an entire month!” I swear if Emmett could cry he would have.
“That will be the longest month of my existence.” She rolled her eyes.
“I don’t care what did I tell you about driving my car?” He pouted and it reminded me of Jake. I sighed then I felt my cell buzz and I heard the ringer.
~ On a Monday I am waiting; Tuesday, I am fading and by Wednesday I can't sleep. Then the phone rings, I hear you and the darkness is a clear view. Cause you've come to rescue me~ I blushed deeply and picked up my phone. I knew that ring tone. Alex looked at me holding in a laugh. I mouthed ‘Shut up’. I walked out of the garage and I heard the argument stop. I also heard them laughing at me. What a bunch of jerks.
“Hello?” Jake’s warm voice greeted me back.
“Hey baby what are you up too?” I growled at them in the garage.
“I am getting laughed at.” He chuckled.
“About what now babe?” I flipped them off.
“My ring tone for you.” I could see him rolling his eyes.
“What is it?” I sighed.
“You will laugh too.”
“I won’t.” I sighed and quickly changed the subject.
“So do you miss me?” He scoffed.
“Babe I always miss you when you’re not around. In fact I wish I was there right now.” I giggled.
“Right now… hold on babe okay?’ I heard the rest of the pack come in. Their voices were distant but I could tell they were making fun of him by the tone of his voice when he got back on the phone.
“I can’t believe they are making me go on patrol. Can’t you guys see I’m in agony? Whatever you guys are so… Hey Abbs they are making me get off the phone I love you.” I giggled.
“You know one way to get them mad don’t you?” He chuckled.
“How’s that babe?” I giggled then made sure my voice was low so no one else could hear.
“Just think about me naked and I love you too now go.” I heard him growl. It wasn’t a mean one more like a seductive one. I giggled then hung up.
I walked back into the garage and stole my phone.
“Um what are you doing?” She rolled her eyes.
“That ring tone is unacceptable.” I laughed. She had my phone for an easy twenty minutes then threw my phone back at me. “That one is better.” I went through my ring tones and found what she put on there. She had put two. I looked at her and cocked an eye brow. It was the same song.
“Two different parts dork so listen to them.” I nodded and rolled my eyes. The first part was ~ (Wake me up)Wake me up inside(I can't wake up)Wake me up inside Save me)call my name and save me from the dark(Wake me up)bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)before I come undone(Save me)save me from the nothing I've become
Bring me to life(I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)Bring me to life~ I laughed. Alex and her Evanescence. The next one was the one I was going to use.
~ frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead all this time I can't believe I couldn't see kept in the dark but you were there in front of me. I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems got to open my eyes to everything without a thought without a voice without a soul don't let me die here
there must be something more bring me to life ~
“I like them Alex.” She smiled.
“I knew you would. Let’s get inside though.” I nodded and followed her.

A few hours later it was announced that I needed to go home and make an appearance. I ran outside. Edward and Bella came out smiling and holding hands. I got into the back seat of his Volvo. It had been a long while since I rode back here. I pulled out my phone and swore. Today was Sunday so that means I have school tomorrow hot damn. I guess I can’t spend the day with Jake. School would be out in about three weeks. I squealed that meant the entire summer with Jake. I was used to him being in only jean cut offs but his hot sweaty body was so yummy and it brought back memories from last night. A few pictures of Jake’s completely naked body flashed threw my mind and Edward let go of the wheel and held his head. Oops.
“Sorry Edward I forgot.” Bella laughed and Edward groaned. He put his hands back onto the wheel and I smiled. I should do it one more time just to be mean. He glared at me through the rear view mirror. I held up my hands in truce.
“But you have to admit Jake is soooo sexy.” Edward rolled his eyes.
“Maybe in your opinion not in mine.” I growled.
“I love my Jacob more than you love your Bella.” Bella laughed.
“I never thought I would argue against Edward’s love for me but I think she has a point they are imprints.” I smiled smugly. Ugh damn you Jake your smile was rubbing off on me. I missed my Jake and I had seen him a couple hours ago. This whole imprint thing sucked. I missed him every hour I wasn’t with him and he was always on my mind. I would call him when I got in. I hoped he was home. Edward pulled up in my driveway.
“I am going to drive around for a bit then come back.” I smiled and jumped out of the car. I ran inside and looked for my mom. When I got to my room I gasped at what I seen. No it was happening all over again. Not again my head screamed. The vampire had come back.
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wow I am so estatic my two Jake stories are picking up EEEEEKKKKKK!!!

so read this chapter and enjoy