Candy Coated Dreams

Our Own Little Homes And Dreams

I felt like crying. I had to call some one but who do I call? Do I call Edward? Jake is on patrol so what do I do? I sighed and pulled out my cell phone and called Jake first. He needed to know. I waited for him to pick up. Come on Jake answer the phone. I sat down on my bed on the verge of tears.
“Hello?” I swore. Jake must still be on patrol. I tried to steady my voice.
“Hey Billy its Abbie is Jake home?” He chuckled.
“He’s actually sleeping.” I sighed.
“Damn I needed him. Okay tell him I had an um ‘visitor’ in my room while I was gone.” I heard my voice crack but Billy obviously didn’t.
“Okay I will Abbie.” I thanked him and hung up. I sighed and walked outside. I just had to wait for Edward to pull up. My body started to shake. Why me? Why couldn’t this…leech as Jake puts it leave me be? The rest of the Cullen’s weren’t like this guy or girl…whatever it was. I sighed. I wonder if this happened to Bella. I heard something in my driveway and I looked up in time to see Edward’s Volvo pulled into my driveway. I ran to the car. I sat there for a second completely silent for a second and let my thoughts mold into Edward’s head. Within seconds he had his cell phone pressed to his ear.
“Alice…yea…okay…see you in a few.” I sighed and went back to my porch. Bella and Edward got out of his car and walked over to me. I sighed. I didn’t want to do this. They walked past me into the house. I just wanted to go to Jake. To be with Jake. I sighed. Edward came out a few minutes later.
“We have to get you back to my house.” I shook my head.
“I am staying here Edward.” He shook his head.
“Are you absurd? Something is after you.” I rolled my eyes.
“Go get me Jake Edward. No offence but he will be of more use to me.” He rolled his eyes and was gone in a flash. I didn’t mean to be so rude but I needed Jake. No more then ten minutes later Wolf and Edward came running up. I squealed and went and tackled Wolf. He grinned. I missed him so much. He licked my face. I kissed his nose. I wrapped my arms around his furry neck and pulled him as close as possible to me. He sniffed me and then pulled back and ran into my house. I sighed and followed my wolf. He was sniffing all around my room. I got worried. What did he smell that Edward hadn’t able to pick up? His eyes darted to mine. He walked into the other room and came back moments later he came back in human form. I sighed and he came and wrapped his arms around me.
“Jake why is this happening to me?” He sighed. He grabbed my hair and ran it in between his fingers. My eyes avoided his. He pulled my face to look at him.
“Abbie we need to get you away from this house. You can’t stay here with this leech hanging around here so close.” Oh that damn Edward. He snitched on me to get Jake to convince me. I smirked to myself. Edward underestimated me. I can get Jake to do anything I want. I waved my index finger motioning for him to come closer. He smiled and leaned down. I got really close to his ear and sucked on his ear lobe slowly and then put my lips right by his ear.
“I wasn’t planning on staying here alone Jake.” He growled that low seductive growl that always made me giggle. He leaned in and kissed me aggressively.
“Okay you can stay on one condition.” I smiled sweetly. This was why Alex always got her way. A man can be so predictable. He smiled and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He leaned in and planted a small kiss on my lips. I smiled. I was winning yes! “I am staying with you.” I smiled. That’s exactly what I wanted.
“That’s fine with me. I can’t sleep alone now anyway. I get cold in the middle of the night.” He grinned.
“Good because I would have eventually smelled you out if you didn’t tell me where you were going.” I laughed.
“Jake what do I smell like?” He chuckled.
“You smell so damn good. It’s a mix of strawberries and coconut.” I laughed.
“I didn’t think it was possible for those two to mix.” He laughed,
“Well just so you know even if you smelled like an onion you would still appeal to me.” I wrinkled up my nose. I am glad I don’t smell like onions yuck. He put me down then grabbed my hand. I took mine out of his.
“I have cleaning to do. You can chill out and watch movies.” He smiled.
It took me an entire hour to clean my room. Whatever leech had done this had broken a lot of my stuff and threw my clothes every where. I sighed. Jake was completely relaxed and was watching me clean. I forgot he was there most of the time that is until he started commenting on my dancing and singing skills. That sucked you know. By the time I was done it was close to dinner time. I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Edward and Bella had left just after Jake came so we had the house to ourselves. I walked over to the ‘fridge and started getting stuff ready for dinner. Hmm I wonder how much Jake is going to eat. I sighed and cooked a meal big enough for six people. That should be enough. I felt warm hands wrap their selves around my waist. I smiled and finished stirring the potatoes. I took the spoon and turned around and faced Jake. He licked the spoon just like a dog. I rolled my eyes.
“Mmm they taste good babe.” I smiled. “You know what I realized?” I looked up at him. He smiled.
“What would that be Jake?” He leaned down and kissed me.
“This is almost as good as us having our own place. I mean think about it. We have the entire house to our selves.” I smiled. I never thought I would be like this. I am happier then I have ever been in my life. The higher up’s blessed me when they sent me Jake. He has a lot of problems and I think I have helped him through a lot of them though. That makes me happy. He saved me much like Super man. I laughed. Jake was nothing like super man. I turned back to the stove and checked the pork chops in the oven. I heard the front door open and in walked my mom and Charlie. Mom had the hugest smile on her face. Charlie looked happy as well. Mom came in and hugged me.
“Ooh honey you are a life saver. Hello Jake how are you sweetie.” He let go of my waist and hugged my mom.
“I am good how are you Ms. Harter?” She smiled and shook her head.
“Honey call me mom. I have a feeling I will be Mom to you soon any way.” I checked the pork chops again. Hopefully I can blame the color in my cheeks on the heat from the stove. Only my mother would embarrass me that bad. I came out of the oven and Jake was setting the table. Charlie was pouring drinks. We made a cute little family.
Dinner went smoothly believe it or not. Mom just radiated happiness. She had a glow about her. I wondered if I am like that when I am around Jake. I shrugged to myself. Jake smiled at me and grabbed my hand. His eyes just reflected the devotion he had towards me. It almost made me cry. I remembered the looks Sam always gave Emily and I always wondered what it was like. Now I know. I have the greatest guy in the entire world and no one was taking him away from me not even Dominic. I sighed and started to clear the table. Jake smiled at me again and started to help me. He even helped me do the dishes. Mom and Charlie were talking in the living room when Jake and I finished.
“Well Jake do you need a ride home?” He smiled. Charlie even looked happy.
“Yea that would be nice Charlie thanks.” He came over and hugged and kissed me. I sighed. I hated it when Jake left even though I knew he would be back as soon as Charlie dropped him off it was just the fact that I hated it when he left. I sighed and went to take a shower. I came out in my happy bunny short shorts and a tank top. I went and hugged my mom downstairs. She just glowed.
“I am happy you’re home tonight Abbie.” I smiled.
“I am happy to be home.” She hugged me and I hopped up the stairs.
I laid down in my bed. It was only minutes later that I felt the familiar warm arms around my waist. I smiled and I was finally comfortable enough to fall asleep.

~I sighed and sat down on some small stool. I was obviously annoyed. Alice came in with a huge smile on her face and mine reflected pure horror. I screamed for Alex. Alice came closer to me with a make-up brush and I screamed. My savior Alex came in with her trusty make- up bag. She shoved Alice out of the small room we were in. Alex smiled down at me and started on my make- up.
“I can’t believe this. First Bella and Edward now you and Jake, time goes by so quickly.” I just smiled and my eyes watered up.
“This is the happiest day of my life Alex.” She smiled and nodded. I am pretty sure if she could cry she would have right now. She backed away from me and smiled.
“You look so beautiful Abbie.” I smiled.
“Let’s get this over with huh?” She smiled and opened the door. I got a good glimpse of me in the mirror before walking out. My dark auburn hair was pulled back and had two curls coming down in front of my face and it was done in ringlets in the back. My dark eyes were framed in dark brown colors and my lips looked full. My eyes radiating happiness. Those aren’t what shocked me the most it was my outfit. The dress was breath taking. It was white spaghetti strapped flowing gown with red lining on the ends. It fit me perfectly. I smiled and blinked back my tears and got ready to go meet Jake.~

A cold feeling woke me up. It was in certain spots on my thighs and my stomach. There was no way I could be cold. Jake was here with me. I looked over and Jake was still peacefully sleeping. I turned my gaze from him to straight in front of me. I screamed. The leech was in my room.
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omg this vampire is brave
but who is it?
comments make me update faster