Candy Coated Dreams

Struggling With Emotions

The leech looked at me and smiled. His pale skin gleamed off of the moonlight. Jake sat up and the vampire jumped out of the window. I grabbed at my heart and it was beating rapidly. Jake was already at the window shaking. His body was convulsing and I knew what was about to happen. I walked over to him as tears fell down my cheeks. He looked at me. I went and wrapped my arms around his waist. He stopped shaking and grabbed me. He pulled me into a hug. He grabbed my face and kissed my forehead.
“Abbie I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have gone to sleep.” I shook my head and jerked back from him.
“Don’t you dare blame this on your self Jacob. This is not your fault. This…leech is treading on claimed waters and he is messing with the wrong people.” Jake got a smug smile on his face.
“Damn right that leech is going to get it. I’m getting the pack to hunt this blood sucker down.” I smiled and pulled him down to my level and kissed his cheek.
“My hero Jake,” I said with a laugh. He just grinned. I loved his smile. He grabbed my cell phone off of the dresser and dialed in a few numbers quickly. With in seconds the person answered. He walked away from me a bit then came back moments later.
“Sam is going to have the pack run around your house.” I nodded.
“Jake I am really bothered about all this leech nonsense.” He chucked lowly.
“You know its really quite funny hearing you calling their kind leeches.” I rolled my eyes. He can kill a moment some times. I walked away from him and sat on my bed. The life of Abbie has become way too stressful. Jake walked over to me and picked me up and put me in his lap. I sat there motionless for awhile. This was way too crazy for any human to have to deal with. I guess this is what happens when your best friend is a vampire and you are imprinted on by a werewolf/shape shifter. I sighed. This sucks. I wouldn’t trade any of it though because if I did I wouldn’t have Jake’s love. As I have said before his love is better than any drug. I sighed and snuggled into my wolf. I really needed to go back to sleep. I have school tomorrow. I felt Jake start to rock back and forth. I looked up at him from under my lashes and he just smiled at me then stared out of the window again. I felt myself slowly starting to drift off again.
I awoke to a new buzzing noise. I groaned and went to get up but I couldn’t move. Jake had his entire body wrapped over in me. I groaned again and tried to push him off me which didn’t work very well. I growled and hit him in the chest; still no movement. I sighed and flicked his nose. He growled and held his nose. He opened up his eyes and glared at me. I smiled sweetly and he rolled his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. I hit him again and he opened his eyes and was obviously aggravated.
“I have school almighty cool one so let me up.” He rolled his eyes and untangled his body from mine. I smiled and walked over to my closet. I grabbed my favorite camouflaged jeans out of my closet and stripped out of my shorts. Jake was asleep so it wasn’t a big deal. I grabbed a black t- shirt with ‘You hate me because he loves me’ on it. It was one of the shirts I had bought… well Alice had bought when we went shopping. I took off my tank top and put it on. I sighed and bent down and got into the bag of stuff we had gotten. The shopping trip seemed like ages ago. Where in reality it wasn’t that long ago. I sighed. I found what I was looking for and grabbed it. It was a silver necklace with a simple paw print on the end of it. I liked it and put it around her neck. Now I was truly claimed by a wolf. I felt warm hands wrapping themselves around me. I smiled and snuggled into Jacob. I didn’t have to look up to see it was him. He kissed the top of my head.
“Nice necklace,” I smiled.
“Isn’t it the cutest? It reminds me of my favorite person in the entire universe.” He lightly chuckled.
“You know you’re my favorite person as well. My favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.” I smiled.
“Aw who said I was talking about you? I was referring to Seth.” His smile fell then returned just as quickly as it left
“As if you would chose Seth over all of this imprint or not.” I laughed.
“No way Jake your just way to sexy.” He smugly smiled.
“I knew it.” I laughed and went to my drawer and grabbed a pair of toe socks. He chuckled. “You actually wear those things.” I nodded.
“I loovvveess my toes socks as much as I looovvvess my Jacob.” He grinned.
I finished getting ready for school and ate a piece of toast then I left. School was going to be hell I could tell already. The rain was pelting on the wind shield. I sighed. I hope Mike wasn’t going to be there. I pulled up into the parking lot and I noticed the Cullen’s weren’t outside today. I shrugged and walked into the school. My first class was going to suck. Mike was in it. I got to class early and tried to find my happy place. Jake was there. He was smiling. None of this drama was happening and it was just us two. There’s nothing better than that. I smiled to myself. I concentrated on the teacher. I blocked out every thing except for Jake and the teachers. Mike was not getting close to me mentally or physically. My plan worked up until lunch. Every one noticed how distant and quiet I was. I stayed quiet and picked at my food. All this leech drama was getting to me. I sighed. Poor Jake was losing sleep time too. I am a huge burden to every one around me. Edward’s head snapped up and glared in my direction. I just rolled my eyes at him.
“You are a burden to no one Abbie especially not Jacob.” I sighed. It was true and Edward knew it. He was just being nice. I was a hazard to every one around me. I should just face this leech on my own. Edward’s hand slammed down on the table.
“That’s just plain suicidal.” I rolled my eyes and grabbed my lunch and dumped it into the trash and then left the cafeteria all together. I was beyond pissed. How dare Edward read my mind. I walked to class and sat there patiently. It took a goof ten minutes for the class to fill up. I didn’t mind I was busy concentrating. I hated this. I would rather be with Jake. Maybe I should transfer to La Push. At least Jake would go to school. I giggled to myself. The little voice in my head gave me another answer all together. Or maybe Jake would convince you to stay home with him for a little one on one. I laughed. That wouldn’t be so bad. Then sitting right there in class I had an idea. I raised my hand and asked the teacher to go to the bathroom. Mr. De Vega of course granted my wish. He didn’t notice that I grabbed all my books. He was too busy scolding one of the other students. I grabbed my books and left the class and when I got far enough I left the school. I signed out claiming to be sick at my stomach. It was true. I was going through withdrawals of being with out Jake for about four hours. I got into my car and drove until I saw the small reservation school in my favorite town. Well La Push was my favorite town because my favorite person lived there. I smiled to myself. My dream came back to me from the night before. Jake and I would marry after Bella and Edward. Hmm Mrs. Abigail Black had a nice ring to it. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Black I squealed. I liked that one. I pulled up into the parking lot and went straight to the office.
“Hello my name is Abigail and I was wondering if I could visit your school. I was trying to make sure I was going to like it before I transferred here.” She smiled very warmly. Her long ebony hair was pulled back into a tight braid and her copper skin tone stood out in the brightly painted room. She smiled and handed me a pass.
“What’s your last name sweet heart?” I smiled.
“Black,” she looked up at me.
“Are you related to Jacob?” I smiled and shook my head.
“Not in the least bit.” She nodded.
“Sorry that boy is a bit of a trouble maker.” I laughed.
“Well I guess I’ll have to learn to keep him in line better.” I smiled and left the room.
I looked around for the class I was supposed to be in and Quil came into my view. I smiled. It wasn’t like I didn’t know any one here. I went and tapped his shoulder.
“Um excuse me nice sir would you happen to know where room 119 is?” He smirked then looked down and noticed it was me and engulfed me in a hug.
“Jake is going to be so happy when he sees you here. I never thought I would see the day when lil miss Abbie Harter came to visit us at school.” I smiled.
“You must have me confused with some one else. My name is Abigail Black.” He grinned.
“Oh yea Jake is really going to love seeing you. Let me walk you to class. I have to see his reaction.” I smiled and hugged him.
“He’s in that class?” He nodded.
Quil took me to the class and Jake and Embry were sitting in the back of the room. The teacher had very dark hair though it did not shine nor was it as long as Jake’s. His eyes didn’t shine like his either.
“Hello miss how may I help you today?” I smiled and looked at Jake.
“I am here visiting from another school with the intent to transfer. I am testing every thing out today.” The teacher smiled warmly at me.
“What is your name?” I smiled.
“Abigail Black.” His eyes darted to Jacob.
“I thought all your relatives graduated Jacob.” He smiled and winked at me.
“She’s no kin to me.” I smiled.
“Okay then take a seat where ever you want.” Jake ‘accidentally’ knocked Embry out of his seat. I laughed walking back there. He was too eager for me to sit by him. Embry smiled at me then went and sat in front of Jake. I took Embry’s old seat. He reached over and grabbed my hand.
“Mrs. Black what pleasure do I owe your presence.” I smiled.
“Well you see Edward pissed me off and I missed you like crazy. Plus I wanted to see this so called ‘bad boy’ every one talked about.” I did the invisible quotations in the air. He laughed.
“Oh so your coming to check up on me.” I smiled and nodded.
“I had to make sure no one has taken my place.” He rolled his eyes.
“As if they could. You have taken on my last name already. How could any one take your place?” I smiled and shrugged.
The rest of my classes went great. I had Jake in every one of them. I could be happy with here. The last bell rang. I was doing so well that is until some girl came up and was obviously flirting with Jake. I lowly growled. Paul laughed. Jake obviously hadn’t heard. She started to lightly graze over his arms. Jake pulled back from her.
“Selena have you met Abbie yet?” She shook her head and not so obviously scowled.
“No I haven’t. Who is she?” Jacob smirked.
“Then let me introduce you. Selena this is Abbie my future wife.” I waited until Jake’s gaze was away from me and I stuck my tongue out at her. She was flirting with my man. Paul chuckled rather loudly. She rolled her eyes and looked back at Jake.
“Its kind of funny you never made it known you had some one before. Why are you now because she’s here?” I looked at Jake and rolled my eyes and walked away. I walked past Embry and scoffed. Seth ran to catch up with me.
“What’s wrong Abbs?” I rolled my eyes in an attempt to rid the tears. Seth opened up his arms and I immediately went to them. He wrapped me into a hug and tried to calm me down. “Don’t let her get to you Abbs; she’s just jealous of what you and Jake have okay. Don’t cry.” He looked up and I followed his gaze. Jake had exited the school and was scanning around searching for something. I sighed to myself not something or some one… me. I wiped my eyes and Seth smiled.
“There you go Abbs now smile. You know we all love you. Don’t tell any one this, but you’re one of my favorite people plus you keep Jake nice and you don’t let him rough me up.” I smiled and Jake walked our way. His eyes were full of sadness. What happens next surprised me. I watched Selena come out and Leah was hot on her tails. She gave Leah the finger and Leah grabbed her by her shoulder and punched her in the face. She picked her up and Selena stumbled towards me.
“Now apologize.” Selena rolled her eyes.
“Why should I?” Leah drew her fist up. “Okay I am sorry.” Leah rolled her eyes.
“Why are you apologizing to Seth for?” She shook her head.
“I was apologizing to her.” She gestured at me.
“How was I supposed to know you didn’t say who you were apologizing to?” I smiled. Leah was actually sticking up for me.
“I am sorry Abbie.” I smiled and looked as if in thought. I walked closer to her and nodded at Leah.
“Apology not accepted,” I drew my fist back and punched her as hard as I could. She stumbled back wards and held her nose. Blood started to squirt every where. In an instant Paul picked me up on his shoulders.
“You are so awesome Abbs, I am so proud of you.” I smiled and laughed.
“Thanks big guy.” I was sitting on Paul’s shoulders and he was strutting me around like I was a prize fighter who just one the championship.
“Wait until I tell Rachael her little soon to be sister just knocked some girl out.” I laughed and Jake walk over to us.
“Wow babe I didn’t think you had it in you.” I shrugged. I shouldn’t talk to him. Every one knew about Jake at my school yet no one but the pack knew about me. I looked away from him and sadness filled his eyes. He took off his shirt and handed it to Paul.
“When she wants to talk to me give her that. Tell her if that’s not enough to prove that she’s my girl to every one then they’re blind.” Jake slowly stalked away. Paul sighed.
“You have no idea what it feels like to have your imprint mad at you.” He handed me up Jake’s shirt. “Look at him Abbs,” I sighed and looked up. Jake was leaned up against his car looking like he had lost his best friend. I sighed again.
“Put me down Paul.” He smiled.
“I knew you would do the right thing Monster.” I laughed.
“Monster?” He shrugged.
“That’s what I am going to start calling you Monster.” I rolled my eyes and he put me down. I walked slowly over to Jacob and he didn’t look up until there was a slight breeze. His heard jerked up and his eyes met mine. It was almost like meeting him all over again because the same look came over his eyes.
“Jake?” He just stared at mw for a second. “Big guy told me how much pain you are in and I am sorry. I suck as an imprint. I can understand as to why you would be upset with me.” He shook his head.
“I’m not upset with you. I am upset with me. I can see why you were hurt. I heard from a little birdie that you talk about me all the time. I am sorry Abbie.” I rolled my eyes.
“I overreacted Jake don’t blame this on yourself.” I walked up and hugged him.
I drove home and I was a pretty big emotional person today. I snapped at every one yet Jake kept blaming himself. When I got home my house was completely empty. I hated this. At least Jake should have been there. I sighed. He probably wasn’t coming. Maybe he realized he could find a better imprint then me. I sighed and walked upstairs and laid on my bed. I am a bad imprint I told myself. I felt my eyes water up. Poor Jake was stuck with some one like me for the rest of his life. I heard a noise at my window. I looked up to see Jake grinning away tapping at the window. I smiled and opened it. He came in.
“Since when did you start locking your window?” I smiled.
“Well I have a leech stalking me.” He laughed.
“But you’re locking out your protector as well.” I nodded.
“You have a point I guess.” Jake came and picked me up bridal style and laid me in the bed.
“My poor imprint. I have brought you into a miserable world of craziness.” I shook my head.
“No it’s no more your fault then it is mine.” He chuckled and then lay down next to me.
“Actually it could be your fault. That leech wants a piece of my beautiful girlfriend. He must think that you are irresistible.” I rolled my eyes.
“Or maybe he’s trying to piss off a certain wolf.” He nodded.
“That could be it too. All I know is that I have one thing he never will have and that’s you.” I smiled and snuggled into Jacob and drifted off into my happy place.

Jenna’s p.o.v

I can’t believe she left again. She keeps leaving me in a house filled with vampires. I sighed. I walked down stairs and Alice was holding her head. Jasper squeezed her hand. She looked terribly bothered. I was too I mean I hadn’t seen Seth in a couple days.
“I hope its not true Jasp.” He nodded.
“In case it is we have training to do.” She shook her head. I sighed and came into view.
“What’s going on guys?” They both turned to look at me.
“We are about to be under attack. I had a vision we were fighting a bunch of new born vampires.” I jumped back a bit.
“What about the pack?” I didn’t mean to sound so self centered but I really didn’t want to lose Seth. I just started to warm up to him. I had a hard time believing this whole imprinting thing. I didn’t know how Abbie was so okay with it off hand. Well Abbie has always been a little weird. I laughed to myself. Alice’s voice brought me back from my thoughts.
“I don’t know about the pack because they are blurry in my visions.” Jasper sighed.
“I am going to start getting every one as ready as possible for the fight. Come on Alice.” They both left. Why were these vampires attacking them? They seemed like such nice people especially Jasper. He was always really nice when I was around. I wonder what was happening with Abbie. She is so head strong yet so am I so I have no room to talk. I did envy her just a bit. She and Jake were together because she had stood up where I was more worried about dying and I am here without Seth. I sucked in a breath and walked outside. Bella was standing off to the side lines watching them fight. How could she stand there so calm? Emmett and Jasper were fighting. I looked away and continued my walk to Bella.
“Hey Bella um... I have a question.” She looked up and smiled warmly at me.
“What is it Jen?” I sighed.
“Can Seth come over?” She laughed.
“Of course,” I smiled and told her thanks then I went to call Seth.
I was still struggling with the fact that he was a wolf. I mean Abbie gave Jake’s wolf side pet names. I knew I wasn’t ready for that yet. I called Seth and he would be over shortly. Even if he just came over to watch a movie I would be happy because at least I got to spend time with him, I meant at least he got to spend time with his imprint.
Seth was there a half hour later. He was all smiles. Abbie hadn’t lied about him being a sweet and positive guy. He came in and hugged me. I didn’t want to be nervous around him but I still was a little bit. It was going to take me longer to get used to this. I sighed. We went upstairs to the room I was sleeping in and he picked out the movie. Never back down slowly started to play. I decided the least I could do was lay next to him. I didn’t know any other people this had happened to other than my cousin so I really couldn’t go by what I knew. He instantly smiled and I looked up at his face. I swallowed hard and sighed.
“Seth does it bother you that I’m not … I don’t know used to you yet?” He smiled and shook his head.
“No because good things come to those who wait and I would wait forever if you asked me too.” I nodded. Those were just words though. Would I ever get over my fear or would I be destined to be heart broken like my mom? I didn’t know but I wanted to try. I wanted to like Seth. I wanted to love Seth but my guard was afraid to come down. I wondered what kissing a wolf was like. I shook that thought from my head. I couldn’t think like that. I turned and finished watching the movie. I had to get over this sooner or later right?
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wow this is getting crazy
a new born attack?

i havent been getting as much love on this story
so i am not updating until i get at least 2 comments