Candy Coated Dreams

Werwolf V.S. Vampire And My Life Is On The Line

Abbie’s p.o.v

I woke up snuggled into Jake’s arms. Mmm… the warmest place in the world was my wolf’s arms. I smiled and ran my hands through his soft hair. He was so peaceful when he was sleeping. It’s hard to imagine that he could do the things he does or the fact that he’s known as a ‘bad boy’ in La Push. I rolled my eyes at that thought. He had been nothing but sweet to me. Then again I was his imprint so he was in love with me the first moment he saw me. I always wondered why we were put together. I mean we are opposites in some ways yet a lot alike in others. He’s just perfect to me. I wonder what he thinks of me. I sighed out loud and I started to study his facial expressions. I smiled at him and he returned my smile only his eyes were closed. I lightly hit him and his smile got bigger. I knew he was faking it that jerk. His eyes opened and he leaned down and kissed my forehead. His lips left their usual invisible burn on my forehead. I always loved it when he did that. I scooted closer to him. This was the perfect way to feel better; just chilling with my baby. I did feel bad for being so upset at Jake yesterday. He didn’t deserve it. I mean all the stuff with Selena. It wouldn’t have gotten to me any other time but being that I am worried over this whole vampire thing I let some slut bother me. The conversation Jake and I had last night replayed in my head. Why did this leech actually want me? What was so special about me that would make him go to these extremes? This ‘blood sucker’ was endangering all of my family. I wonder how Jake truly feels about all of this. I know he’s trying hard to be good but at the same time I know he is less than a second away from breaking the treaty. The Cullen’s can’t be mad at him if he does can they? I mentally shook my head. I ran my hands down Jake’s arms. I felt safe here in these arms. I knew they could protect me from any harm. He just stared down at me. One of those moments where you feel like you are having a silent conversation just through your eyes happens in between us. I smiled and tilted my head so I was looking straight into his eyes. When I did that though my hair fell into my face; it was very annoying trying to look up at your boyfriend through your hair. He pushed the hair that had fallen into my face behind my ear. He smiled warmly at me and I felt my heart melt. Only he could give me that feeling though. I still had yet to figure out how I had gotten lucky enough to have a guy like him in my life. How Bella gave him up is beyond me. I am glad she did don’t get me wrong. If she hadn’t I never would have experienced the thrill that is Jacob Black. I giggled out loud by accident. His eyes showed amusement. I didn’t see what was so funny though.
“Hello little one,” I smiled.
“Hello Jake what do you find so funny?” He shrugged and then chuckled.
“You make the cutest faces when you’re thinking.” I rolled my eyes
“Whatever I do not,” I sat up and stretched, “wow it got dark outside.” He laughed.
“What were you thinking about a minute ago?” I shrugged.
“Well the weather,” I said with a laugh. He rolled his eyes.
“Oh yea that’s totally what I wanted to know,” he said sarcastically. I laughed.
“Well that was a minute ago.” He rolled his eyes and I tried to contain my laughter.
“You giggled and I wanted to know why.” I smiled.
“Um it was something about you that’s all I remembered.” I knew Bella was still a kind of sore subject. I mean he loved her as a friend but the fact that he got rejected still hurts him or at least that’s my conclusion.
“Uh huh, damn you’re right it did get dark.” I rolled my eyes.
“I said that like three minutes ago.” He chuckled. I got off of my bed and he pouted. I motioned for him to hold on. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my cell phone off of it. I checked the time. It was eight-thirty already damn we really had slept the day away.
“Well Jake we have officially slept most of the day away so what do you want to do.” He smiled.
“Let’s have an Abbie and Jake day. It will just be us two relaxing and watching movies.” I smiled.
“I like that idea. You can pick the first movie.” He grinned and walked over to my movie case. I looked at my ceiling that he didn’t pick the one movie I was afraid of in that entire collection. He popped in a dvd and came back to bed. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my neck. I got comfortable against him and he hit play before I got a chance to see what movie it was.
As soon as the opening credits came on I knew what it was. I groaned. Jake had picked one of the only movies that scared me. I hated Zelda. Pet Sematary has scared me since I was little. I was completely fine with the movie until Zelda came on and I freaked. When she came onto the screen I turned around and hid in Jake’s chest and covered my ears.
“Baby this movie scares you?” I nodded.
“Only parts with Zelda in them.” He smiled.
“I’m sorry Abbs,” I nodded. I was more than ecstatic when that movie ended. I hated that movie. I shuddered. I walked up to my case of movies and grabbed one of my favorite movies. P.S. I love you started to play. Surprisingly Jake actually was willing to watch it. We were a good half hour into the movie when a howl echoed the woods. Jake and I looked at each other and exchanged glances.
“Pause the movie I’ll be back shortly Abbs.” I nodded and smiled. He went to jump out of my window but I grabbed his arm first. He turned towards me and I gave him a kiss.
“Try not to stay gone too long I may miss you.” He smiled that smug smile of his.
“I’ll be back before you have time to notice that your room is cold.” I laughed and he jumped out of the window. Little did I know that may have been the last time we seen each other. I sighed and walked back over to the bed and cuddled up with the pillow he was laying on. I smiled and snuggled up to the pillow.

Jenna’s p.o.v.

I was actually getting used to a guy actually being sincere to me. I guess Abbie was right about this whole “imprinting” thing. Seth is super sweet but I still am afraid in the back of my mind. I mean what if something goes wrong? No relationship is good all the time and all good things must come to an end at some point. I looked around the small reservation that Seth had brought me too. He held his hand out and I slowly took it. I don’t know if I ready to do this. I sighed. He wanted me to meet his mom. I can’t believe I had agreed to this. It was a little early to be meeting parents don’t you think? I sighed. I was nervous. I mean I didn’t know why. If we were destined to be together of course his family would like me right? What if they didn’t like me? Were they all wolves? We got up to his house and I froze at the door step. I was terrified. He smiled and squeezed my hand gently. I could do this I guess. It couldn’t be that hard or scary. Well it wouldn’t be if the guy I am with wasn’t a werewolf. If I had any idea about his family I would be okay. I had no idea what was going on though. He opened the door.
“Hey mom we’re here.” I sighed. His mother came around the corner and she was quite beautiful. She wiped her hands on her apron and extended her hand to mine.
“Hello Jenna I am Sue Clearwater; Seth’s mom.” I smiled and shook her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you Ms. Clearwater.” She shook her head.
“Call me Sue dear.” I nodded. She seemed nice enough and very unlikely to bite my head off. My nerves calmed down a bit. Another girl came in and my nerves stood on their ends again. She had a more hostile approach to her stance. She scowled. She didn’t seem to like me very much. I didn’t know what I did to her but it was plain obvious she didn’t like me.
“So this is your imprint huh Seth?” Seth smiled. He seemed very happy. I don’t know how he could be with this girl staring at us like that.
“This is Jenna.” She nodded.
“I’m Leah; Seth’s sister.” I nodded at her. I was all of a sudden very nervous. I mean it got worse the longer she stayed. She leaned up against the door frame for a few good minutes then walked into the kitchen. Sue walked back into the living room and sat on the chair to Seth’s left. She smiled and then ruffled Seth’s hair.
“So Seth never told me how you two met.” I smiled. Seth looked at me.
“Well my cousin lives down here. Abbie and I used to be very close until some personal issues. She was the only cousin I was close to. When her and her mother moved down here I guess she met Jacob.” She smiled and nodded.
“So your cousin is Jake’s imprint then?” I smiled and nodded. “Such a sweet girl.”
“Well I guess her and Jake had a date the night I came and Jake said he had a friend that was going alone. I really didn’t want to go but…” Seth squeezed my hand.
“The moment I seen her I knew I had imprinted.” Sue smiled.
“That’s so sweet. Are you hungry dear?” I shook my head. She offered me a cookie. I sighed. I’ll take one to be nice. They were amazing. I ate my cookie pretty quickly. She looked in between us both.
“I am so glad Seth found you Jenna. A wolves life without its mate can be a lonely one.” I nodded and then a howl rang threw the small area. Seth grabbed my hand and pulled me into some room.
“Listen Jen I think there’s trouble if Sam’s calling for us like that. Please do not leave the spot I put you in no matter what. I don’t care if you hear screams, cries, nothing.” I nodded. In all truthfulness I was scared. What was going on? Seth pulled my body close to his and kissed me. I lost all sense of mind in that kiss. My lips tingled when we pulled apart and they were hot just like Seth’s skin. He pushed back his rug and opened up a small door.
“Get down there Jen. I will come for you when its safe or I will send another member of the pack.” I nodded. He turned to look at me one last time and I felt my chest ache. I hadn’t gotten down in the little secret hiding spot. I ran over to him and kissed him with every thing I had. He pulled back smiling and I got into position.
“I love you Jenna and if anything happens remember that.” I felt my eyes start to water up and he shut the trap door and covered it back up.

Seth’s p.o.v

I hated leaving Jen like that but I can’t risk her being out her right now. I don’t even know how serious this is. Technically no one did but the ones that were with Sam when he howled. All I know was no matter what the risk was I wasn’t risking Jen. I didn’t think that I would imprint until later in life. It didn’t matter to me now all that matter was that she was safe, oh and of course to see what Sam needs us all together about. Sam howled and we all were supposed to be arriving. I knew I needed to phase so I could get there faster. I stopped and slowly discarded my shorts and boxers and strapped them to the leather strap around my ankle. I slowly started shaking and it didn’t take long for it to reach that convulsing spot of the phase. Soon I was on all fours and running.
"Where are you guys?" Sometimes the wolf connection worked to our advantages. Others it was a real pain in the a...
"We are at the clearing in the forest. Hurry up and get here we have company."
I pushed myself as hard as I could. Was I the last to hear the call? Had Jake heard it? I sighed. I pushed myself harder to run as fast as I could. I made it to the clearing just in time. All of my brothers were there in wolf form. Jake was pretty easy to pick out he had an annoyed expression on his face. He must have been with Abbie.
"Okay Sam every one is here what is going on?" We heard Sam’s mental sigh.
"Embry and Quil were on patrol when they picked up the smell of the cold ones. It was very strong and there could be a mass number coming so you guys know the rules." I looked from wolf to wolf and each nodded except for Jake. He looked like he was going to explode. We all took positions so we were standing in a line.
"Sam these… leeches could be the ones that’s stalking Abbie" Embry spoke up. Nice Embry are you trying to make him lose control. Jake looked towards the forest and then growled.
"They’re dead!"

*normal p.ov.*

The pack stood in the middle of the forest clearing just waiting on the arrival of the vampires. Each member was peaked with anticipation. You can feel the tension starting to build in the air. Seth was torn in between emotions but he knew where his loyalty lied; with his pack and of course his imprint Jenna. Quil was up and ready to go at any minute just waiting on those leeches to enter their territory. Embry was already releasing a low growl. The most eager one to fight how ever was Jacob. They had crossed the line messing with his imprint and now he was going to make them pay. Jacob’s head snapped in Quil’s direction and his growl became louder. The vampires were here. Their pale skin stood out against the dark night and their eyes glowed crimson. The one in the front of the group every one assumed was the leader. Jacob growled loudly and it bared its fangs. That was all the okay he needed. Jacob took off full speed and leapt for the lead vampire’s neck. He swayed his body from side to side trying to tear the flesh. The vampire slung Jacob into a tree. Quil ran while the lead vampire was distracted and dove for the other side in which Jacob had yet to get. Embry took this as his opportunity to go after a different vampire. He dove and in an instant he was on the ground. Sam ran and tackled that vampire. An all out war had broken out. Werewolf vs. Vampire.

Abbie’s p.ov.

I sat there snuggling with my pillow. Jake had said he would be right back and that was a half hour ago. I was really starting to worry. Hmm I have an idea as a way to pass time. I walked over to my top drawer and grabbed Jake’s shirt he gave me yesterday and a pair of my happy bunny short shorts. I giggled and ran to the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and slid on my shorts and put on Jake’s huge t-shirt. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. I walked in and there was still no Jake. I pouted. I started to play with the radio out of boredom. ‘Always’ by Blink 182 was on. I grabbed my hair brush and started to sing into it.
“I've been here before a few times and I'm quite aware we're dying. And your hands they shake with goodbyes and I'll take you back if you'd have me. So here I am I'm trying. So here I am are you ready? Come on let me hold you, touch you, feel you Always
Kiss you, taste you all night Always.” I heard a tap at the window and I blushed. Of all times for you to come back Jake. I scowled myself for singing in front of the window.
“Jake why didn’t you just come in?” The figure came into the light and I gasped and jumped backwards.
“Maybe because I’m not Jacob.” I shook my head. Oh god where’s Jake. I opened my mouth to scream but his pale and cold hand was over my mouth. “Sshh love you wouldn’t want to ruin the fun would you?” I felt the tears building up in my eyes. This wasn’t happening now. It can’t happen now. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and we jumped out of the window. I screamed and kicked and wailed on him with my fists but it was doing nothing. I was going to die.
♠ ♠ ♠
omg omg
whats going to happen?
who is the pale figure?
is abbie really going to die?
what about the pack will they make it out alive

i want two comments before updating because this next chapter will blow your mind!!!