Candy Coated Dreams

Only He Completes Me, Without Him There Is No Me

Alex’s p.ov.

I watched Alice pacing the floor. She and Edward mirrored the same expression. Whatever Alice has seen was bad. I felt very left out in this situation. I have no idea what was going on and I hated that. I slammed my fists down with such force the end table broke. Every one’s eyes darted towards me and I rolled my eyes. I was beyond pissed for being left out. Edward smiled crookedly at me. I hope he doesn’t think I am one of those girls that are dazzled by his smile because that’s the farthest thing from the truth. It wasn’t even working to calm me down. Emmett walked over in my direction and I smiled at him. It wasn’t his fault I was mad. He lifted me up with ease and sat me on his lap and pulled me closer to him. I snuggled into his embrace. He is the one person in this world that can calm me down. My soul mate that I am glad I found. Edward walked over towards us and his crooked grin disappeared.
“Alex we have a problem.” I sighed.
“What is going on Edward? I want the truth.” He nodded solemnly.
“It’s the newborns we have to move quickly. They’re attacking the pack; you realize this puts Abbie in danger.” I swung my eyes violently to Emmett’s face. His eyes reflected rage. I got off of his lap and he was hot on my tail. We had to go help the pack. I don’t know if I should run or drive but I didn’t have time to think. My little sister was in danger. I squatted down then jumped back up faster than the human eye could see and I ran as fast as I could. I heard the shuffling next to me and I seen a blur pass me. I sighed and tried to push my self to run faster. I watched another blur pass me. Great guys add to my sour mood by showing you are faster than me.
I arrived at the clearing in the forest and despair filled the air. I watched some of the wolves limp over and attempt to attack the newborns again. This was so sad to watch. Emmett was grinning next to me.
“Let’s show them what were made of babe.” I smiled but it drained when I seen a dark wolf laid on the ground. I ran over there as fast as my inhumane speed would allow. There lay Jake motionless. I leaned down and his coat was filled with blood. I didn’t know if it belonged to him or the newborns. All I knew was how devastated Abbie would be if she seen Jake like this. I ran my hands over his fur and he snapped at my hand. I jerked back fast enough to avoid being bitten. He was out of breath. He looked at me with sad tired eyes and took off running at another vampire. I could see how badly he was hurt in his eyes. I had to do all I can to make sure he doesn’t die. I looked around searching for Emmett and he was already devouring newborns. That’s my baby. I silently laughed and shook my head. My eyes looked around and seen the carnage that was all around. Some of the wolves looked like they had been thru hell. Paul and Jared didn’t look as bad. That was a surprise. The two most eager fighters barely looked damaged. I looked around again and Leah sprang at the new born coming in my direction. I jumped back and I looked at all of the wolves once again. Jacob, Seth, Sam all looked the worst. This was incredibly upsetting, especially because I knew what was on the line this time. It was a bad thing for us all. I mean if Sam was killed, the whole pack would be at a loss and you can only imagine that poor Emily’s world would fall apart. If anything happened to Seth that would hurt all of us. I think Jenna would hurt the most. Embry would be missed as well. Quil has Claire so that’s a double whammy. Kim would die if anything happened to Jared. Plus there was Rachael and Paul. If any of us got hurt it was different. These newborns didn’t have a chance at getting thru us all. I sighed. That left me with the last two; Jake and Abbie. If I could cry I would right now. Either way that was a bad situation. If anything happened to Abbie… I couldn’t think like that. She was my little sister. I’d die… well not literally but you get the point, if anything happened to her. Emmett would be devastated. He had grown attached to her as well. We would go nuts then of course there’s the pack. I sighed. Jake would go ballistic. He may try to off himself. That was the last thing the pack needed. Plus all of her friends there would be devastated. Then of course if something happened to Jake you know the pack would go crazy. Jake is one of their main members and stronger ones at that too. The true alpha I sighed. Then of course when Abbie learned of Jake’s demise… I paused. She would… I didn’t want to think about what she would do to herself. I cringed. I couldn’t bear that thought. I couldn’t let anything happen to Jake if it means single handedly taking out these newborns.

**Sam’s p.o.v. **

I dove at another leech and started to rip at his skin. I felt my jaws loosen as I was thrown to the ground. I attempted to stand back up. My energy was draining fast. I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to fight without being torn to shreds. This was a rare thing to happen to me. I never felt like this. I looked around and my pack was getting tired. I stared directly at Jacob. I knew he would never stop fighting because his imprint was in danger. I would never stop fighting because we are a family and families don’t quit when another one needs them I know Jake needs me now. He needs us all. I couldn’t let him face these leeches alone. I know he’s going thru hell in his head. Even if I couldn’t hear it I would know. I could only imagine Emily in this situation and it made me want to push harder. Jake is so worn out but hell we all are. I heard a ruffling in the woods and my head jerked into that direction. I growled but it quickly subsided. The Cullen’s were here. Despite my hate for them I know they were here to help. So there wasn’t much I could complain about Right now we needed all the help we could get. I looked down at my body and seen a few of my open wounds heal automatically and I took off for the next leech. This was going to be one hell of a fight.
Without the help of the Cullen’s we had killed three on our own but there were five left and I don’t know how much more my pack could take. I know they wouldn’t stop fighting though. My pack was warriors and we won’t quit. Not even if some of us didn’t make it out of this fight alive. I know we can do this. I looked around and smirked despite being hurt. They were beginning to die slowly.

**Jake’s p.o.v**

I ran at every leech in sight. I was being closed in but at this point I could care less. It was the last of my worries. I had left Abbie unprotected. How could I be so stupid? I should have thought it out better. If I had known this was going to happen I never would have left her alone. I had the most to lose out of every one here. Sam and Seth had their imprints tucked away safe and sound but I had promised mine that I would be back. She was all alone in that house of hers. I had to get back to her. She was what they wanted. I got a vision in my head. She was sitting alone and some leech came in and harmed her. I growled and attacked the next one with so much force that it fell to the ground. Nothing was going to hurt my Abbie if that meant I would be fighting until I took my last breath. I ripped at the leech’s throat until I was sure there was nothing left to rip at. I looked up and I seen Edward crouching and then attack the leech that was closing in behind me. I growled. He attacked it with so much force. What was he fighting for? His love wasn’t in danger. Though it is Bella we are talking about so she probably did something to lower her chance of living. I shook my head and attacked the last leech in my view sight.
With the help of the Cullen’s the last of the newborns were taken out pretty quickly. I collapsed to the ground and tried to breathe. I was more than worn out but I knew I had to keep on moving. I couldn’t give up now. I pulled myself up from the ground and took off to Abbie’s house. I pushed myself harder and deeper with each push. I felt the pain through out my entire body but it was the last of my concerns. All I knew was that I had to get to my Abbie. I had to hold her and know she was okay. Until then I would be a raging maniac. I ran all the way to Abbie’s house and stopped by a tree and phased back to human. I limped all the way to her window. I was in so much pain and I think I had a few broken bones. I shrugged that off and climbed through her window. I was praying her smiling face would greet me but when it didn’t my heart sank. A stench so strong it almost knocked me out of the window hit me. The growl instantly came out of my throat. A leech had been in here. The smell had made it obvious. Stupid stinky leeches. The smell was strong but it wasn’t as bad as when realization hit me. The leech had Abbie. I felt as if I had swallowed my heart then I couldn’t control it any more. I felt my body start to shake. I had to find her and I am going to rip apart what ever comes in between me and her. I jumped out of the window and my clothes torn on instant. I felt myself shift in mid air. I landed on my paws and ran thru the woods as fast as I could go. I didn’t feel an ounce of pain any more. All I felt was anger and worry. I couldn’t go on without Abbie. Even if she wasn’t my imprint she was so important to me. She could always make me smile. No matter what was going on she was always there. She even accepted that I still, in a way, loved Bella. Abbs was beyond heaven sent and I wasn’t going to lose her. I tore thru tree limbs and ripped apart branches. I ran and ran hoping- no praying her scent would come up. Then it literally hit me. Her beautiful smell was clouded by the smell of leech. I growled and sped ahead when I hit something head on. I jumped on my paws quickly. I bared my teeth. Edward held up his hand in a hold on manner. I didn’t care at this point. I had to find Abbie. He shook his head.
“Let me help Jacob. I know how much Abbie means to you.” I growled and lunged for his hand. I had his right hand in my mouth and jerked it from side to side. He jerked his hand out of my teeth. “Are you insane? I am trying to help you!” I rolled my eyes and growled.
“I can help you Jacob. I can follow her mind.” I stopped growling and sighed. He had a point. He grinned. “Yes I do now let’s find Abbie.” I smirked. Now he was speaking my language.

**Abbie’s p.o.v. **
His hand was still over my mouth and it had yet to move despite all my kicking and screaming. He was strong I give him that but all I have is pure hatred for him right now. How could he do this? I attempted to scream again. That didn’t work. All he did was smile. What a sick sadistic bastard. He stopped suddenly and smelled the air. I rolled my eyes. He then smirked and placed me on the ground.
“There you go princess all nice and safe. I do love the outfit you chose for the occasion despite the smell of dog. It looks very nice on you.” I looked down. I was still in Jake’s shirt and my shorts. I sighed and started to glance around trying not to make it obvious. I had slim chance of out running a vampire that was for sure. I smiled mentally then it departed. Where was Jake? Why had he taken so long to come back to me? I physically started to shake. Whether it was the chill of the night air or the fear of something had happened to Jake I don’t know for sure. He walked closer to me and grinned. I backed away from him and I started to run. I know I wasn’t going to get any where but it was my only chance. I ran and turned my head back to see how close he was. I was surprised when I didn’t see him. I almost stopped running when I realized this could be a trick. The wooded scene looked so familiar to me. I ran as fast as I could.
“JAAAAAAKKKKKKEEEEE!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I prayed he heard me. Was he even able to hear from long distances? I pushed even harder. If he couldn’t hear me then I had to get closer. I can’t die now. I couldn’t leave him alone. He needed me and I needed him.
“JAAAAAKKKKKKKKEEEEEE HEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!” I felt my limbs growing tired. No I can’t stop now. I was still deep into the forest. I couldn’t get over the familiarity of the scenario. I didn’t hear a single sound and that made me nervous. He must be on my tails. The calmness should have been my biggest hint that he was behind me but all my mind could think about was running and getting to Jake. He would protect me. I can’t die! All of a sudden I was planted face down on the cold hard dirt. He jerked my body around to face him. Looking up into the creature’s eyes I was terrified. I knew he could break my body in half with the simple movement of his pinky. He ran his hand down my face and I cringed. He just smirked back.
“JAAAAKKKEE!” This time the vampire laughed and rather loudly as well.
“Holler for your little dog all you want because he won't hear you right now." He laughed evilly. I tried to hit him again but it didn't faze him at all. I tried to wiggle out but to no use. I was going to die unless Jake showed up soon. It all came into place then. I had been here before. Only I had been dreaming. This was the real thing and I could really die here. He smiled and touched my face softly. He then leaned down and kissed me. I tried to rebel and struck his face but it did nothing to him. His lips were unlike Jake’s. His were cold and hard where as Jake’s were warm and moist. I started to cry. This was too much. I knew there was no way I was going to make it. I was going to die and all without Jake’s touch fresh on my skin. The taste of his lips warmly on mine wouldn’t be there either. Even his voice wouldn’t be the last one I hear. Instead it will be the touch of a cold hearted monster. It will be the stinging kiss of a man whom I hold no feelings for and the voice of the man that will kill me. The tears ran freely now. I had lost every thing that had meant any thing to me. He shushed me and gazed down into my eyes.
“I see you decided to give up on the dog coming to rescue you.” I growled and spit in his face. He smirked and wiped it off.
“Never will I give up on Jake. He will find me and you will be sorry. He will tear you limb from limb and then burn you.” I was surprised at the confidence that had come out in my voice. On the inside I was dying. He just laughed again.
“Well love I find that highly impossible.” I rolled my eyes.
“Love always finds a way and it will this time too.” Once again the confidence radiated in my voice even though my insides didn’t believe he would find me. This monster will never know that though. I growled.
“Not this time Abbie. Your ‘love’ as you put it will not be here on his white horse,” he paused to chuckle, “well maybe I should rephrase that. The dog wont come running with his flea infested self to save you. How do I know this you ask?” He stood up and pulled me into a death grip that he called a hug. I tried to pull away but he was a lot stronger than me. “I made sure the dog was taken out of the picture. Along with all of your ‘pets’.” He put the word pets in finger quotations.
“What do you mean out of the picture?” He grinned exposing the razor sharp teeth.
“You see dear your little Jakey is gone for good. He is dead.” I shook my head in disbelief and attempted to pull away from him again. That failed miserably. Jake…dead? No he couldn’t be dead. I had just seen him an hour ago. No not Jake. The tears had become rivers. He had to be lying to me. Jake was one of the strongest people I know. There’s no way he’s dead. He is a fighter. What about the rest of the pack?
“You’re lying! Jake is fine he has to be.” My calm and confident tone was gone. He simply smiled again. His teeth were exposed more this time though. I shuddered mentally.
“Actually love I am far from lying my dearest Abbie. I was behind it that’s how I know. I’ve been watching you from afar at first then up close and personal. I have been in your room too many times to count and I have watched you sleep. I even have some things of yours. They smell just like you of course they’re nothing in comparison to the real thing. You see I knew you wouldn’t think of me twice with that dog around.” His tone towards dog was full of disgust. I stared at him wide eyed. He continued.
“I wanted to be near you; to hold you in my arms at night, to run my hands thru your hair. I wanted to be with you Abbie. But oh no you didn’t care all you cared about was him.” He hissed the last part then his smile returned. “Then it hit me. I could easily have you. Planning was a big problem. So was devising a plan without Alice or Edward knowing. I also stayed calm around Jasper. Of course Alex had no idea either. It was the perfect plan. You were more than worth it though love. None of you would see it coming. I started to form a pack of the most blood thirsty cold hearted newborns any one could create. Simply because they were created by me. I set up a diversion for Alice. I made sure never to include you in a single thought. That was hard Abbie dear for I could no longer be thinking of you. You occupied my thoughts previously a lot I must add. I led my beautiful creations to the clearing towards the dogs. It was too perfect. I hid a safe enough distance from your house so ole’ Jakey boy wouldn’t pick up on my scent. I watched him leave happily from your window. He ran off to the alpha’s call. I was so excited yet nervous. You were to be mine in a short matter of time. I waited until I was sure he was there and then I seen you. You looked breath takingly beautiful despite the fact that you smelled like you had bathed in his scent. You sing marvelous by the way darling. I remember the smile that had come into place when you thought I was your dog. The look of realization hurt me but that’s all over now because you are mine and you will be for all eternity.” He grinned. My head felt like it was spinning. Every thing around me started to blur. Jake was gone. He was dead. I fell to the ground. Despite the fall I felt nothing. I felt emptiness surrounding me. All I could think was he’s gone. Not my Jake. He would never leave me. The little voice in my head interrupted my thoughts, ‘not willingly anyway. He died protecting you.’ I couldn’t even cry. I felt dead myself. I couldn’t continue without Jake. He was my everything and without him I had no purpose. I felt lower than I ever had before moved to Forks. My memories floored me. Never again would I hear his laugh or see him smile. Never again will he answer my calls and never again will he be around to say you are my everything Abbs. The memories got stronger. I saw him holding me and I felt his kiss. I watched him smile and I died a little more inside. This was the end. I couldn’t go on with just memories. I needed Jake because without Jake there was no happy Abbie. He brought back the old me. The me before my parents split up.
“Just kill me. I don’t want to be around any more.” My voice sounded so plain and lifeless. He should be happy. He drained my happiness from me. I no longer wanted to be around. Life was worthless without Jake. A small tear fell down my cheek. I was nothing now. A lifeless corpse had more feelings than I did at this point. Jake had brought me out of my unhappy existence before and I know no one will ever replace Jacob Black in my heart or my eyes. I lay perfectly still as Dominic crawled on top of me. His teeth stung a bit at first but all I felt was darkness so it didn’t matter.
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Damn I am so going to die on this chapter
the comments scare me

but on a positive note isnt it sweet how much she needs Jake... okay guys stop glaring at the screen im sorry

3 comments for the next one