Candy Coated Dreams

When You Love Something

*Jake’s p.o.v*

I ran as fast as my paws would let me. I had to find her. I sniffed the air quickly. Abbie’s scent was becoming more strongly doused with the smell of leech. I started to panic. First off was she okay? What was this leech doing to her? He better not hurt her. I will kill him. I will rip him limb from limb and listen as he begs for mercy. I started to see Abbie in my head. Her crying in pain. Him hurting her. Him…touching her. I snapped after that thought. . I ran faster than I ever have before. Edward was running next to me. Anger filled his features. I growled. I knew that feeling. Of course he was angry too. He had seen all the images in my head. He felt what I felt right now. I growled again. This leech had to be stopped. He had broken the treaty and for that I would break his neck. He deserved all that and more for taking my Abbie from me.
I got another good whiff of the air. I was getting closer to her scent. I smirked. I was so close to that leech it was scary. Edward stopped suddenly. I stopped and looked at him. I sighed and ran ahead of him. Edward took off next to me with so much speed it was blinding. Damn leech and his super speed. I felt the burn in my legs. I knew my muscles were sore. All feelings of pain left me when Abbie’s smell was no longer in the air. I started to panic. What had that leech done to her? He better not have changed her. I will kill him. I am serious. At this point my end of the treaty meant nothing to me. That leech was as good as dead. Well he was dead now but you get the point. I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to see. No matter how long I lived I would never be prepared for the sight in front of me. Not my Abbie no. I felt myself dying inside already. That feeling left quickly and was replaced by anger. When you read about people seeing red you roll your eyes and say that doesn’t ever actually happen. But at this very moment all I saw was red. The anger rose up so high I didn’t think I would put it to rest until I had his flesh in my mouth. Ripping him apart. That Leech on top of my beautiful Abbie. I growled and ran and tackled him off of her. I started to rip out his throat. Her body was limp. She could die on me right now and it was all because of this filthy blood sucker underneath me. Abbie made me trust these no good mongrels. Look where it got her. My Abbie could be dead right now. That made me rip twice at his throat twice as much. All I seen in my head was her lying there and her body limp. Pieces of its flesh were every where. I didn’t care. I got a closer look at him and I snarled. This one was of them. Edward’s little family. I blame him just as much as I blame this parasite underneath me. This leech’s flesh was all over my fur. The tears started to spill from my eyes. This monster took my Abbie from me. Even if she did live she would never be the same. Stolen from her was her innocence in a way. Well actually her actual ‘innocence’ belonged to me. She wanted us to be one and I’m glad we were. She completed me and now a stupid leech had stolen my life from me. My future wife, the future little Jake and Abbie’s were stolen.
Edward put his hand on my back and I stopped tearing at the leech’s body. Edward’s eyes went to Abbie and I felt my emptiness returns. I was immediately off of the leech. I ran to the woods. I felt half dead. My other half was either dead or a leech either one I couldn’t live with. She was either my greatest enemy or my greatest love lost. Without Abbie I will die. I switched back human. My shorts were shredded but they still covered what they needed to. My mind raced back to what was going to happen. My life was in shambles. The love of my life was either dead or a leech. I should just kill myself now. I couldn’t live without her and either way she was dead to me. I sighed and ran back to Abbie. I stopped before getting to her. Her body was just there. It was like her soul had left. She always had a smile on her face when she seen me but she wasn’t smiling at me now. Now she just had the death look on her face. I picked her up and held her. The tears were coming out in rivers now. I can’t lose her. She’s gone. My baby, the love of my life, my imprint what in the world was I going to do without her. I knew what I was going to do. I was going to off myself. I was just working on the details. Would I drown in the ocean? The first time I met Abbie was at the bonfire. Or I could strangle myself with my bed sheets because Abbie had lain there so many times. Maybe I could kill myself when in wolf form because I know how much Abbie loved him. I got it. I’ll let the leech kill me. Edward has wanted to for quite sometime. I will bow down and give him my neck or whatever it was he needed to kill me. Edward walked over shaking his head. I saw a flame blazing behind him. Typical pretty boy always has to have some drama. I rolled my eyes. My concentration went back to my Abbie. Edward crouched next to me. I looked up at him.
“Edward is she a…” I paused. I couldn’t bring myself to say the word. My Abbie’s fate was as good as gone which meant mine was too. Her beautiful eyes would never see light again. Her pout would never crush my heart again. Her giggle would never drive me wild. Or her beautiful words would never leave her perfect lips again. There’s another one. Those perfect lips of hers would never kiss me back warmly or flavorful as they always were. I was dying with her. This wolf can not live without his mate so I am going with her.
“Not yet she’s not.” He brought her pale wrist to his ear. He sat there for a moment or so then looked at me with hollow eyes. That didn’t surprise me. Leeches didn’t have feelings. “She’s still alive but barely. If you want her to survive one of us leeches is going to have to save her. The choice is yours Jacob.” I had a chance to save her if I could get over my hate for them.
“Would she be like you?” I said that without any hate. I was surprised I came out so calm. I wanted to rip another throat out or go jump off of a bridge.
“No Jake we could save her and make her human again. Though she would have a scar like my Bella.” The way he calls her my Bella used to aggravate me to no end but now that I had some one that I loved as much as he loved ‘his’ Bella I understood. My Abbie was all I ever wanted and needed. This was it. I had a chance. I sighed.
“Fix her Edward.” I hoped he could do it. I could deal with a little scar but her being a leech or dead I could never deal with without death to myself. This was my only chance. This was her only chance. She had to make it. He had to fix her. She couldn’t die on me. I would kill myself without her and I was already thinking of ways to do it. He sighed.
“Do you trust me enough to do this? If not it wouldn’t take me long to get Carlisle.” I would have jumped at him had this not been so important. Did he not see that I am desperate? I couldn’t wait around for Carlisle. She could die on me now.
“You have to do it Edward. I’m not stupid I know she doesn’t have long.” My voice cracked and he nodded.
“If you trust me enough to do this. You know there is a chance I can drain all the blood from her body.” I growled. He better not think like that for I will kill him on the spot or maybe I would ask him to do the same for me. All I could do was nod. I handed her over to him and hoped he could help her. All I could think about was that I could not lose her. Not my Abbie. She was my reason for breathing and the only reason I got over Bella. I saw him tense up and I knew I had him on that one.
“Edward she replaced Bella to me. You know this. If she’s gone I don’t know what would happen. Actually that’s a lie. If she dies I will die and you know how badly it will hurt Bella to lose me. She may no longer romantically love me but you know I am her best friend. Without me she will crumble.” He nodded and sighed. He knew I was right. His Bella would deteriorate if my Abbie died. They were connected in more ways then I ever realized before this moment. Abbie’s mother was with Charlie. So either way it goes if any thing happens to Abbie Bella suffers. Edward knew this. I think this was why he was helping me. He hated Bella’s sadness and he knew I could cause it easily. He looked at me one last time then shook his head. He leaned down and picked up her frail pale wrist. I was shaking. All this emotion I could phase. I thought twice about it though because I could hurt Abbie’s chances of surviving severely. That nipped that feeling in the bud. Edward put her wrist to his ear then climbed over her. The leech had gotten her on her neck. Typical wannabe Dracula biting the neck vein. Though this one messed up hurting my Abbie He will never see the light of day. Edward looked at me one last time then he bit down on her neck. I flinched. I know I shouldn’t have because I knew he was the only one right now I had to count on. I couldn’t watch this though. I had to trust Edward. Even though we may have had problems in the past but right now my life and Abbie’s depended on him. I really shouldn’t watch. I refused to but I did any way. He looked like he was sucking the life out of her. Then again every leech looked like they were sucking the life out of an innocent frail girl. But right now I was desperate. My life was on the line. I felt more tears spill. I looked up at him and he was still attached to her neck. I had to get away. I couldn’t watch him doing this. I would be tempted to kill him. I never thought I would ever say this but I needed Edward Cullen. I got up and walked over to a near by tree and leaned against it. I can’t believe my Abbie’s chances were left up to a leech and there was nothing I could do about it.

**Abbie’s p.o.v. **

I feel like I’m floating; swimming in a dark pool. It was all darkness around me. I felt panic take over me. I felt closed it. Where was I and what was happening to me? I was starting to hyperventilate. Then the pain started. I screeched and howled but it was no use. No one was here to hear me. I felt like my veins were on fire. It was like Jack Daniel’s one hundred times intensified. I howled again. Then I heard it. It sounded like an angel to me. The pain caused me to howl out again but it wasn’t nearly as bad because the angel kept talking putting me to ease within moments I was struggling making out what he was saying. All I heard was his voice. If I were to spend forever in darkness and withering in pain I knew that hearing that voice again would make it more than worth it. The pain wasn’t nearly as bad right now. I sat down in the water and looked around. I saw nothing but darkness. Not even a little bit of light. Where was this voice coming from and how could I hear it? This was all scaring me. I would soon be with Jake though I hope. He always held me when upset. I felt pain ripple through me again. I lay down in the water and felt my body shake. Then I heard the voice again. A bigger pain ran through me when I realized the angel was crying. Why are you so upset dear angel? Nothing as perfect sounding as you should shed a single tear. What is the reason you are crying? Whatever it is it should be hung by its toes from the Eiffel tower. What a cruel thing to do. Who would want to make an angel cry like that? I defiantly wouldn’t. I laid there. Another shot of pain shot through me and I cried out. I could scream as loud as I wasn’t it wasn’t like any one could hear me. I was all alone minus my angel’s voice. His words came out more plainly. I heard every word this time.
“Edward she replaced Bella to me. You know this. If she’s gone I don’t know what would happen.” That’s when I realized. I knew that angel voice. It belonged to my Jake. I looked around again. Why was Jake crying? Where was Jake? How come he wasn’t with me? Why was I all alone if we were both dead? What was so tragic that would make my big strong wolf cry? Realization then dawned on me. He was crying because of me. He wasn’t dead. Dominic lied to me. No I had to wake up now. I couldn’t leave Jake without me. No wake up Abbie. I felt myself floating again. Was I dying? Was there any chance I can survive? I had to survive. Jake couldn’t live without me. Dammit Abbie wake up!

*Edward’s p.o.v.*

I don’t think I have enough strength to do this. Jacob trusted me with something I don’t think I can do. But if I did that to Abbie would I be able to live with myself? Could I deal with my family and Jacob after wards? I sighed. Seeing Jacob’s face reminded me of my own. If I was in his shoes I would want him to help me. No matter how much I despised him. I shook my head and sighed and crawled over her body. She was barely alive. I could see that without listening to her pulse. I had to act quickly. I really don’t have time to run to Carlisle. I leaned down and extended my fangs into her delicate flesh. I had to do this no matter how good her blood tasted. Her blood tasted bitter. I knew it was the poison that Dominic had placed in her. He must have wanted her for his mate. I mentally growled. How could he do this to poor Abbie? She would never harm a soul. Though she liked to toy with Emmett. That was entertaining to us all though. It didn’t take long for most of the poison to be drained out. I wasn’t prepared for how sweet her blood tasted in my mouth. I didn’t expect it to taste this good. I mean sure I have feasted on humans before but her blood had such a sweet taste to it, though not nearly as sweet as my Bella’s. I started to see images she had seen. I felt like I was invading her personal feelings. Just then a memory out of her mind came into mine. Her thoughts merged into mine. I felt what she was feeling at that moment. It was strange for me to feel her innermost thoughts and feelings so of course the images that replayed in mine bothered me for the most part. I saw Bella and myself come out walking hand in hand. Bella was radiant and her cheeks had their usual flush to them. Abbie walked out in a happy yet bored manner. It’s been forever since she rode in my Volvo. It was still very bothersome to me to see what she was seeing. I felt like I was her. I laughed to myself as she looked at her phone. She was obviously upset about the date. It was Sunday meaning she wouldn’t see Jacob until after school at least. She was thrilled about school being out however. Then I saw some very disturbing images. Jacob shirtless and in some raggedy jean cut offs. His body was all sweaty. I almost regurgitated in my mouth at the next image of Jake not fully clothed. She squealed at that thought. I saw her laughing much to my dismay. She loved to torment me. Though she was sorry.

“Sorry Edward I forgot.” I heard Bella’s beautiful laugh and myself groan. I watched her focus turn back on me. She studied me. I put my hands back on the wheel and stared back at the road. This caused her to smile. I mentally growled at her thought to do it again. I knew her thoughts immediately though and I glared at her through the review mirror. She held her hands up in truce. On the inside she was laughing at me.
“But you have to admit Jake is soooo sexy.” I rolled my eyes. She was dead wrong on that. Jacob didn’t appeal to me in the least bit. Bella on the other hand was perfect for me.
“Maybe in your opinion not in mine.” I chuckled as she growled.
“I love my Jacob more than you love your Bella.” She was so sure of that. Bella laughed and agreed with her. I have the hardest time siding against Bella in anything.
“I never thought I would argue against Edward’s love for me but I think she has a point they are imprints.” Abbie smiled cockily. She was thinking about Jake’s smile and how much she missed him. I let her thoughts take over mine and just listened to her. She always made me chuckle. I had seen him a couple hours ago. This whole imprint thing sucked. I missed him every hour I wasn’t with him and he was always on my mind. I would call him when I got in. I hoped he was home.

That’s when I realized I couldn’t do this to her. Besides what would I do for entertainment without her around? I pulled back from her body. I couldn’t take her life away especially not now when I had experienced her feelings and thoughts more now than before. I was satisfied with myself. I had done it. I had withstood blood lust and all while drinking human blood. I stood up and picked up Abbie. She was still frail in my arms but then who wasn’t? I watched her for a moment then I got on my cell phone and called Carlisle. She would be okay. I hadn’t taken too much I don’t think but only Carlisle can judge that. I walked over and tapped Jacob’s shoulder. He looked surprised to see me. I had done it. Now we only had to wait to make sure all was right and for Abbie’s sake I hoped so.
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Sorry guys I rewrote this chapter
because I was told it sucked I just couldnt get into writing it before now.
so thanks for rereading it
and let me know what u think


<3 Jace's imprint