Candy Coated Dreams

Meeting Edward and Alice

I started at the beginning of the table and then worked my way down. The first girl there was average but still adorable. Next to her was some guy I didn’t really pay attention because my gaze automatically went to the guy Bella sat next to. He was perfect. He had this beautiful reddish brown hair which was kept in this mix between natural and looking like it been styled. His eyes were this topaz looking color they were beautiful. I know you aren’t supposed to call a guy beautiful but he was unbelievable. His skin was a milky white color and he had the biggest smile on his beautiful flawless face. I started to feel a little self conscious though I mean I had freckles and I was pale on my own right but it should be against the law to be that gorgeous. A small pixie like girl bounced her way into my view sight.
“Hello I’m Alice you must be Abbie.” I nodded. The she hugged me. I thought it was weird I barely knew this girl and she was hugging me. Bella laughed at my expression. I didn’t find it very funny.
“Its okay that’s just Alice, come on sit down and I’ll introduce you to every one” I nodded then sat down. I heard the most angelic voice. It sounded like it had been dipped in honey and then dipped again for another good measure.
“There’s no need to be shy we don’t bite.” He grinned then stared at Alice. Her laugh was a musical one and it was very easy to get used to. Bella smiled as well. I felt like I was missing out on an inside joke.
“Well I’ll start at the beginning of the table that’s Angela and Ben. You know Alice and this is my boyfriend Edward.” I felt my cheeks heat up. Leave it to me to like the guy that’s taken. I stared down awkwardly and then Alice came and sat next to me and put her arms around my shoulder.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” I looked at her with a puzzled expression. “What are you wearing?” I looked down. I didn’t see anything wrong with my clothes. I looked up at her again with a confused expression.
“You are too cute with those looks but don’t you think it’s too cold for tank tops?” I shrugged that’s what hoodies were for right? I leaned down to scratch my leg and hit my head on the table. I swore then leaned up holding my head. I held my head for a moment then went to scratch my leg again. My rainbow toe socks caught Alice’s eyes.
“Well I wear tank tops all year around. So I don’t see anything wrong with it.” Alice laughed. I kept my gaze away from Edward’s because I knew if I looked at him again I would get lost in those beautiful gems he calls eyes.
“Oh really you know what this means? Cute socks by the way.” I shook my head. What did me liking tank tops have to do with anything? Bella shook her head followed by Edward’s laugh. His laugh was like a perfected musical piece. I shook my head again trying to remove it from my mind
“I feel so sorry for you.” She looked at me with sorrow eyes.
“Why do you feel sorry for me?” If she only knew all I had been through but I don’t plan on telling her anytime soon Alice interjected.
“Shopping!” She exclaimed. I looked at her weirdly until realization dawns on me.
“Oh no I have enough clothes. I still have to unpack my others at home.” A grin came on Alice’s face. “I could help.” I looked at her. This girl is weird but sweet. Should I invite her over? I shrugged.
“I’ll have to talk to my mom first.” She nodded then the rest of lunch went on normally.
My next class was Physical Science and the guy from my first class was in there and he smiled at me then came and introduced himself. I noticed Edward lightly chuckle from his seat. What was so funny?
“Hey I’m Mike you must be Abbie.” He smiled.
“How does every one know my name?” He chuckled.
“Well every one knows the new girl’s name plus I try to remember the prettiest girls in school’s names.” Was he attempting to flirt with me? Ew he was so not my type. Wow I just sounded like a … I didn’t get to finish my thoughts because Mike started talking again. “Would you like to sit with me? I mean my partner moved so my spot is open?” I looked over at Edward praying that he didn’t have a partner and then I seen Bella come back and sit down. I started to silently curse. I have no choice but to sit next to Mike. I turned my head quickly when I heard my name.
“Abagail Harter I need you to come to my desk a moment.” Oh come on it’s my first day but it did get me away from Mike. He was way to blonde for my type. I like guys with darker hair. I shrugged and walked up to the front of the class. I handed him my card then waited while he signed it.
“I would like you to do an introduction.” I cursed in my head again. Ugh here goes nothing.
“Hi my name is Abbie and I moved from Tennessee.” I stuttered horribly through that simple sentence. My face turned beet red. The teacher sighed then told me to go sit next to Mike. Great no avoiding that one. I went and sat down next to him and put my head down. Mike nudged me and gave me a smile.
“I think stuttering is cute.” I did my best not to roll my eyes which wasn’t an easy task and avoid gagging. I cleared my mind and concentrated on what Mr. De Vega was saying. His voice aggravated me too. When the bell rang I practically sprinted out of class. One more minute of Mike making small talk with me and I was going to blow his head off. I mean I have nothing against the guy but... I was judging again without knowing him. I sighed. The rest of the school day flew by without a hitch.
I went and sat on the school steps waiting on my mother to show up and Alice came up behind me.
“Boo,” I nearly jumped out of my skin.
“Oh my god you almost gave me a heart attack.” She laughed.
“Well two things first why are you sitting on the steps?” I sighed.
“I don’t have my own car yet so I’m waiting on my mom to pick me up.” Her mouth formed an ‘o’ shape.
“My next thing is we are going shopping in a couple days.” Was she demanding or asking? Edward walked by and replied, “Demanding.” I didn’t even notice I hadn’t said that out loud. My mom pulled up and honked so I said bye and ran to the car.
“How was your first day?” I smiled.
“Great actually mom,” she seemed to radiate happiness.
“Well I got that job down at the diner today.”
“Really that’s awesome.” She smiled and started to hum.
“So did you make any friends?” I thought about it for a second. I didn’t know if we were friends or not. We hadn’t specified. Alice is taking me shopping though so I guess she counts as a friend right?
“Well I talked to a few people but I have one definite friend her name is Alice she is taking me shopping on Friday.” My mom gave a worried glance at me.
“I don’t know if we have the money for that.” Then realization hit me. I shouldn’t have agreed to it. I stayed quiet most of the way there and then I remember Alice wanting to come over. I don’t know why she was being so friendly but it was nice.
“Alice wants to know if she can come over tomorrow.” My mother’s smile came back.
“That would be nice dear,” then she continued driving.
We pulled up in our driveway and I got out of the car and went and sat on the porch swing. I was thinking about my day and Edward. He is so off limits so I pushed my thoughts about him out of my head. My mother came out and smiled at me.
“Honey you have a phone call.” I shrugged. Who in the green hell was calling me? I walked in and picked up the receiver.
“Hey it’s Bella I was wondering if I could come over with Alice tomorrow.” I laughed.
“You didn’t have to ask yes you can come over as well.” It got quiet.
“Oh ok then I’ll see you tomorrow at school. I just felt bad because I didn’t even offer and you are my friend and all.” I smiled.
“Its ok Bella I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” After that I hung up. I went and got started on my homework. I finished pretty quickly and then helped my mom out with dinner. I did dishes then went and took a shower and got ready for bed. Today had been so eventful and it scared me to think about tomorrow I mean maybe it will calm down and not be as dramatic.
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this story isnt picking up like I was hoping so if i dont get more comments im deleting it which would be sad because i have a lot in store
featuring the guys from La Push